>A mother and daughter in Seoul, South Korea suddenly see a giant monster materialize from nowhere and walk through the city.

>25 years later, unemployed socialite Gloria is told to leave the New York apartment she shares with her boyfriend Tim, who can no longer tolerate her flighty lifestyle. Gloria is shocked.

>Gloria returns to her small hometown of Mainhead, New Hampshire and takes up a makeshift residence in an empty, unrented family house. Gloria later runs into her old acquaintance Oscar, whom she hasn’t seen since high school, and goes with him to the family bar he now runs in town.

>Gloria meets Oscar’s friends Garth and Joel and spends the night drinking and talking with all three of them. Gloria takes an interest in Joel. On her way home after dawn, Gloria trudges across a nearby playground while lugging an air mattress.

>Gloria wakes to news that a giant monster suddenly materialized in Seoul. She calls Tim, though their conversation does not move toward reconciliation.

>Back at the bar, Gloria watches news reports and discusses the monster attack with Oscar, Joel, and Garth. Gloria again stumbles home in the morning and follows the same pathway through the park’s playground. Gloria pauses to call Tim once more and their conversation ends coldly again. Gloria tosses her phone in frustration.

>Oscar visits Gloria the following day to deliver a TV. Gloria learns that the Seoul monster appeared and then disappeared at the exact same time of day as its previous materialization. Oscar shows Gloria footage of the monster’s first appearance from 25 years earlier. Gloria then reviews video of the most recent attack and notices the monster making the exact same motions she made while on the phone in the park. Gloria eventually concludes that at 8:05, the monster in Seoul will appear and perform the actions she does in Mainhead’s park.

>Gloria begins working at Oscar’s bar. Oscar takes an interest in Gloria as their group continues spending time together.

>Gloria takes Oscar, Garth, and Joel to the park at 8:05. While the men watch a live feed of Seoul on a cellphone, Gloria begins dancing in the playground. The men see the monster copying Gloria’s moves and realize she controls the creature. A helicopter attacks the monster and Gloria feels a sharp pain. Gloria loses her balance and falls, as does the Seoul creature.

>Gloria wakes to news the next day that a giant robot appeared across from the monster at the same time. Oscar and Gloria realize that Oscar controls the robot. The two of them trace the connection to childhood when they walked to school near a construction site where the playground is now, though they don’t deduce how or why they control the creature and robot.

>Oscar has a Korean grocer translate a message for Gloria. The next time the monster appears, Gloria has it write an apology on the beach with a promise that it will not attack again.

>Gloria spends the night at Joel’s place. The next morning, she wakes to news that the giant robot returned to Seoul. Gloria and Joel race to the park where Garth watches Oscar laughingly threaten to topple buildings while drunk. Gloria angrily confronts Oscar and slaps him. Crowds all over the world are heard cheering as the monster fights the robot. Humiliated, Oscar finally backs down.

>Oscar’s rude behavior continues as his animosity toward Gloria grows. Drunk, Oscar returns to the park. Gloria furiously follows and the two of them fight as the monster and robot do the same in Seoul. When the fight is over, Gloria throws her key to the bar and vows she is finished with Oscar. Oscar threatens to destroy an entire Seoul neighborhood if Gloria quits. Gloria realizes she has to do what Oscar demands to protect Seoul. She then flashes back to a childhood memory when her science fair project of a Korean diorama blew into a tree where the park stands now.

>Joel visits Gloria and tries apologizing for Oscar. Gloria goes to see Oscar and he personally apologizes for his behavior. However, Oscar repeats his blackmail threat that forces Gloria to continue working at his bar.

>Tim comes to town. He and Gloria have an awkward interaction over possibly reconnecting before Gloria takes Tim to meet Oscar. Tim and Oscar engage in a contentious conversation that culminates in Oscar intentionally setting part of his bar on fire with a Mexican firecracker to make a point to Gloria. Tim tries leaving with Gloria, but Oscar’s insinuation about what he will do forces Gloria to stay.

>Gloria comes home to find Oscar waiting for her. Oscar continues to subtly threaten Gloria about returning to New York with Tim.

>Gloria flashes back to childhood again and remembers Oscar helping to retrieve the Seoul diorama that blew away. However, Gloria follows after him and secretly spies Oscar stomping her model as his toy robot falls to the ground. Oscar leaves the scene. A wind blows and blood trickles down Gloria’s forehead. A plastic monster from her backpack also falls on the ground.

>Gloria tells Oscar that he hates himself and that he has also hated her since they were young. Gloria calls Tim and indicates that she is going to the airport to leave with him.

>Oscar moves to go to the park. Gloria fights him, but Oscar breaks away. The two of them race to the playground and resume fighting. Oscar beats Gloria as her monster falls to the ground in Seoul. Oscar threatens to rampage through Seoul every morning that Gloria is not in Mainhead with him.

>Tim returns to New York. Gloria secretly flies to Seoul.

>When Oscar discovers Gloria is gone, he returns to the playground as promised. As Oscar makes the robot appear on the other side of the world at 8:05, Gloria stands in Seoul, making her monster appear in Mainhead. Before Oscar can run away in shock, Gloria’s monster grabs Oscar and throws him into the distance. The robot does the same as Oscar in Seoul.

>Joel watches the events on TV and smiles, realizing what Gloria did. Meanwhile, Gloria enters a Seoul bar and asks the waitress if she would like to hear an amazing story.

Looks pretty funny to me

I don't see what reading a long-ass greentext synopsis will prove

Just giving Sup Forums the inside scoop from a screening.

I think it's one of those movies that will probably suck, but if it doesn't it'll probably be great.

What I really hate is the people hyping this movie.




Alien already did this story.

But Ripley wasn't written as a woman

>"Anne Hataway is going to be a Kaiju"
>unzips dick
>she doesn't ever grow in the movie
Guess I have to wait for Disney


I know that feel breh

Disney is making a barefoot giantess loli movie.
I would have preferred Anne, but I'll take what I can get

you guys need help

>Japan makes monster movie with female lead
>she pilots a giant robot to fight Godzilla
>America makes monster movie with female lead
>some fucking romantic dramedy with fucking jason sudekis

one loses iq points just from watching this joke of a trailer let alone the whole movie. this is just atrocious and embarrassing

"instant classic" is a contradiction.

you don't understand the word "instant"

I havent seen anyone say anything about feminism in this movie. Maybe if you stayed off shitholes like tumblr and twitter (and Sup Forums...)

Glad this was spoiled for me. Fuck this movie.

Wow, that's pretty dark for a Jason Sudeikis character, and also HUR DHUR MEN ARE EVIL AND CONTROLLING.

Fuck this movie I guess


The movie's central conflict comes from the fact she gets blackmailed because of it you retarded niggers

The director is a gigantic cuck meninist or whatever they're called.

with our cox?
yeah, we do.

>Every men is a wrongdoer in this movie
Fuck it

That's a bit darker than I expected

Looks like it will be fun tho

hehe stupid goyim