/v4/ + friends

fucking commies everywhere edition
svobodni under 1%, its over.

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is my dream coalition becomming true?

>ex-secret commie police and a total cunt that steals everything
>Japanese nazi
>Anarcho commies
>reasonable right wingers
>yellow commies.

I want civil war. I want to tie up ANO electorate and force them to watch as I flay alive and rape their children. Then I want to force them to eat their children carcasses. Then I want to pluck their eyes and shit into their empy eyesockets. Then I want to leave them slowly starve to death. Thne I want to salt this shitty country with nuclear waste and dioxines so nothing can live there ever again. Then I want so pour gasoline all over my body and lit myself on fire, cursing God with my last breath to ensure eternal damnation.


get a life

>come up with stupid ideas like "let's leave EU"
>expect more than 1%

Maybe this is what we deserve

Hello friends

What kind of friend are you?

I'm here.


are you marcel in disguise?

marcel is in jail after he stabbed people in mall.

Idk Marcel


henlo fren

What are jails in poland like?

Ahojky ladders

Happy birthday, anonku

henlo fren
how are you on this fine saturday afternoon?

hello fren


>17,89 % counted
>ANO 31,55 %
>SPD 11,60 %
This is Hell

henlo, yes
it's coding afternoon
vim is love

why is this so accurate

this is the power of democracy

It is not. West Slavs don't really like each other. Maybe we don't kill each other either, but still, there's a great deal of resenment and negative prejudices between us.

We just don't have much contact, Poland has always been engaged in Eastern European issues more, Czechs and Slovaks lived their own lifes. Our borders are stable and that's why it seems like there's no conflict between us.

democracy was a mistake

You are right, it is accurate

>there's a great deal of resenment

>0.75 % of votes counted
>nah it is going to be better
it is not goint better at all

Let's get closer in the backseat of your Rover, that I know you can't afford.

>StB rising
>KSČ falling
>city of ČSSD

>there's a great deal of resenment and negative prejudices between us.
There isn't. I love both Poland and Slovakia and so do most other Czechs. You guys are our only friends.

Manga has wicked cool arts tho
Also there is way more gore in it, unfortunately the plot is still quite mediocre but in terms of illustration's it's really top-notch.

stop raiding our agencies!


>there's a great deal of resenment and negative prejudices between us.
Do you ever go out or something?
Slovaks and us are literally one people and nobody here ever cares about Boland.

>85 seats for ANO


Hey boland want to nuke czechia?

Absolutely not. Democracy means that the country gets the government it deserves.

We just deserve to suffer.

Will Okamura bring anime to Czech lands? Not this shit tho.

Only thing Okamura will bring is the bants. But since he's an assburger hapa, they will be shit and unfunny bants.


>mfw it could have actually been him

>Svobodní climbed to 1.46%

Slow and steady lads

svobodníggers blown the fuck out

>Slovaks and us are literally one people


>nobody here ever cares about Boland.

That's an example of the resenments I was talking about. "We don't care about Poland, because it's an eastern European, almost Russian shithole, not like our truly Germanic, western European Bohemia"

>do most other Czechs

Most of Czechs dislike Poland for the same reason why Poles dislike Russia. Basically Czechs think, that Poland is a retarded, religious piece of poor shit, that occupies clay Czechs could make good use of (especially the sea).

I remember some polls showing that Czechs are one of the most liked people among Polacks.
Of course there are some occasional squabbles and a bunch of meme prejudices like the Polish tree merchant or Czech girls sucking dick for a dollar, but it's just banter for the most part.
It doesn't even come close to our clusterfuck of relations that we have in the East.
Jagiellionian dynasty was a mistake, we'd be better off if Jadwiga married that Habsburg prince like she wanted.

Yes, it seems our country prefers yelling and drooling over calmly presented arguments (even if they are often misleading and deceptive, as is standard in politics)

We aren't retarded anime tsunderes, stop assuming things because you're too retarded to understand international relations. We like you guys, end of story.

>That's an example of the resenments I was talking about. "We don't care about Poland, because it's an eastern European, almost Russian shithole,

The hell no. We care more about Poland than Austria, it is just we don't care about you so much as we do for Slovaks. After Germany you would be the next gf after we dump Slovak-chan

"Dosť zlé," reagoval pre SME Bartoš na prvé odhady, podľa ktorých by Tomio Okamura mohol skončiť vo voľbách na druhom mieste. "Taký český Kotleba," poznamenal a priznal, že na upokojenie si deň pred voľbami pustil film Avengers.

aaaaah whyyyy

>I remember some polls showing that Czechs are one of the most liked people among Polacks.

But it doesn't work like that the other way around.

Czechs think of Poles as of backward religious zealots that should be given back to Russia so they couldn't mess in Central Europe, because Central Europe should be enitrely German Mittleeuropa with Bohemia as the central and most important part.

>DOWN 09

>tfw I replied to Marcel
why am I so dumb

>let me tell you what other people think
You fishing for compliments from pepiks or something? See

Seems like they have good chance to beat the 5% limit then, seeing as they're strongest in Prague and were only ~3 just a while ago.

cute wife though.

he's getting sneakier

>tfw marcel never replies to my posts

user, take a look at your national broadcaster and tell me sincerely whether or not such an outlook is not warranted.

>We care more

Sure, just like we "care" about Russia more than about any other country. But it doesn't mean that we like them.

I know Czechs very well. They have a superiority complex towards Poles and they dislike Poles, because they think Poland is one of the reasons why Czechs are not considered truly western Europeans in western Europe. A lot of people in the west mistake Czechs for Poles or just associate Czechs with Poles (therefore - with toilet cleaners and cheap construction workers) because it's all "Eastern Europe" for them.

Basically - Czechs don't want to be called eastern Europe, because Poland is eastern Europe and Czechs don't want to be associated with Poland, as Poland is backward, poor and russified.

>"We don't care about Poland, because it's an eastern European, almost Russian shithole, not like our truly Germanic, western European Bohemia"
Not really t b h, I don't care about Poland, but I met exactly 2 Poles in my life and they were both great lads so my opinion on Poles is positive.
It is embarrassing, but I don't regret voting for them.

The hell man. Realize that lots of czechs go to your stores buying food. If we felt superior we wouldn't do that.

Only the votes antiBabish™ can save them now

If a Czech couple goes to London and they start speaking Czech, most of people think that they speak Polish. And if a Czech is asked whether he's Polish, he gets very, very butthurt, because it's a shame to be Polish, especially in the UK, where it means that you're a gastarbaiter. He wouldn't be that butthurt, if he was called Croat or Portuguese, for instance.

stop giving marcel attention

but it is fun!

>Czech couple goes to London
well, that's not happening for me

Will Cajzlgrad save us?

>Czech couple goes to London
Not after some cunt murdered our businessman in "self defense"

>Realize that lots of czechs go to your stores buying food.

That's what you're butthurt as well. Your media always shows Polish food as poisonous, because nothing good could ever come from this backward Pooland.

Czechs don't want to have Poland as a neighbor, because it's just too big, but also too poor and too retarded. Poland makes Central Europe unstable, because it doesn't want to obey Germans and live well just like Czechs want, but Poles invite American troops instead, so Germany doesn't like Central Europe anymore and it has an impact on Czechia too. Also, Poland sends shitty food to Czechia, so Czech agriculture is on the edge of bankrupcy.

There is no redemption this day, only consolation for the purgatory to follow.

Perhaps it will be a valuable experience, later.

marcel is the ultimate blogposter
hiroshimoot should make marcel his own board, we could go on in peace without him, he'd have his little shoutbox, and people who like to interact with him could interact with him

That's wrong, you fag. We buy food in Poland because you're keeping the good pieces for yourselves and sell them at home while sending junk abroad.

Nice. After this election, Slovakia will be an island of stability and reason in the region.

wtf I hate polan now

>implying Babis will not turn into our Fico, with the new president becoming our Kiska

I have to admit, that I understand why Czechs dislike us, because I would also dislike Poland if I were Czech. Czechia is superior to Poland at everything, they're richer, more developed, more European, their cities are more beautiful etc., that's the same feeling we have towards Russia or Ukraine. That's why you shouldn't try to hide it, it's normal, that you don't like a big, retarded neighbor that can only poop in your garden.

I had good polish food in polski sklep in england.

more like the sjw shithole nobody wants to visit

>island of stability and reason in the region
>still has fico as premier and 70 seats in the parliament
>still has nazis in the parliament
>mečiar is still free
>lexa is still free
reason my bleedin' arse

Pepo, hand me the gun.

>We buy food in Poland because you're keeping the good pieces for yourselves and sell them at home while sending junk abroad.

Of course we don't, first of all, it's not "Poland", but some companies that produce food here, why would they keep best food for poor Poles, but send rotten leftovers to rich Czechs? It's always the other way around - richer people get better products, Polish enterpreneurs don't care about Poles, just about money.

Food in Poland is cheaper, because our currency is worth very little (due to our political instability), but quality of goods sold here is even worse.

Hahaha, ikr. Take some African males to show how stable your :-)

I get you man
what an awful movie

Already taking 100 from italy to show how EU we are to Brussel :))))

Reminder that minister of Justice from ANO is a gungrabbing libtard

Thinking about it, if someone would 2x(ass)-in-ate Babish, ANO wouldn't be that bad, would it?

>gungrabbing libtard

Cool. Will they get complimentary Slovakian women assigned? It would be racist to not do that!

oh wow, and just now you got some cool new gun law what a shame :-)

Ami go home.

I think Czechia and Slovakia could reunite now, I understand that the collapse of Czechoslovakia was inevitable in the early 90s, when Slovakia was seriously lagging behind Czechia, but now it caught up with the western brother, so now they could be equal partners in a common country. Also, Czechoslovakia would be a serious regional power, it's especially important, as Romania is growing and becomes too relevant, but it doesn't want to join V4, but sabotages our efforts to keep Europe white.

no need for that, slovak women are already thirsty enough for a chocolate myth.

>muh guns
fap before you post

who is there also, we know about Babis but who else is there and most importantly anymore slovaks? (know about mayor of prague)

Haha, glad to hear that. That's why you're full EU ;-)

>when Slovakia was seriously lagging behind Czechia
it wasn't because of that
there is nothing wrong with dating blacks

You first, Ivan

Can't fucking wait for 85% of socialists and cryptocommunists to be in charge.