

>Be careful what you wish for, Britain.


David Cameron is such a fucking coward.

I cant think of a more childish move than resigning just because the people you serve voted in a way that you disagree with.


>stop liking what I dont like: the Prime Minister

How are people not calling him out for what a little faggot hes being?

why she talks like a savage

what will happen now for uk? and the EU?

Feels so warm inside...

Why would you continue to run a Goverment that has to carry out a direct act of policy you openly disagree with?

He stepped down as his position was unsustainable and for the good of the greater country. It's admirable.

that insufferable twat in the background yelling at Nigel good god

nigel is a racist !

So is this bitch a nationalist or globalist?

she was a bremainer if that answers your question

Are you retarded? A politician should be a servant of the people and his agenda was staying in the EU. The people voted against this, they voted against his wishes. Hence, Cameron no longer represents his people. He is responsible for even creating a situation where the people want to leave.

he has been saying for years that if Brexit won, he would step down.

A full blown spastic who thinks Shariah Law is good for Britain, remainer and wants a Trudeau tier cabinet.
Labour have been calling for a snap election which is completely fucking pointless anyway because of the choices

>Theresa May for reasons above
>Labour have Angela Eagle taking over, a woman who would get lost in a phonebox
>Assuming Labour split and Corbyn continues on in a separate party, I'm sure I don't need to mention what's wrong with Jeremy "Commie" Corbyn
>LibDems have Tim "JFMSU" Farron
>Farageless UKIP

The only thing that would be GOAT is if

>Hold a snap election because of the other parties being in turmoil and think May will win easily because of it
>Are Nige rejoins UKIP as leader
>UKIP win by a landslide

They probably already considered this though and that's the reason their won't be a snap election. Either way it's going to end in tears because no one voted for Theresa May and after the absolute farce of Gordon Brown (the last unelected PM) this whole thing will blow up in their face.

Just leave America you fucking spic.

What song is playing?

sad violin song

this speech is pretty tacky

Next is Frexit. Meme it and make it true.

Whi #TeamMarion here ?

Tea for UK, keep the chocolate.


You and I, head-to-head again. Germany can go full caliphate, I don't give a shit. I know you'll be there.

Why is it that we never get this degree of stupidity in, say, Trump General threads.
The mods really should stop pandering to the over-excited little chav 14-year-olds that are 'Brit/pol'. Just delete, say, fourteen out of every fifteen of their little ethnocentric ejaculations.

"Oxford-educated pro-EU globalist resigns and is replaced by...Oxford-educated pro-EU globalist"....OH GOD IT'S HAPPENING?

Nothing is happening, you naive, over-excited little prick. You're just shaming Sup Forums by making us look like people who honestly don't even NOTICE when we are being fucked up the ass.

June 23rd was an exhilarating night. It could have been the beginning of a significant battle in a war which, in any case, even on the best prognosis, could only be won by decades of sustained struggle.

But as things stand at the moment, this battle was lost. The generals - even Farage, shame on him - abandoned the field just at the point when some kind of victory was in our grasp. In the two weeks since, the other side has regrouped in a way that effectively renders meaningless any ground we may have gained.

The 'leave' vote on June 23rd has effectively been turned, in just two weeks, into a vote to 'go back to Brussels and ask if our moment of uppitiness can be forgiven and forgotten and we can be allowed to stay if we stop making the sort of impudent demands for special concessions that Cameron made.'

And if there hasn't been major civil unrest already, then there is less and less chance there will be as May lets the months and years roll by that will gradually erase the people's memory of what they voted for.

That's not a 'habbening', you over-eager little chav. That's the predictable failure of anything really happening at all.

fuck you faggot were trying to save you

get out with ur polandball trash

You cucks have a woman for PM now? You fucking cucked faggots.

enjoy hillary in a few months

She will activate article 50 this autumn though




>Anglo scum
ok Jamal

You have a nigger for president. Elected twice.


So is brexit not gonna happen?

wait what, she gonna ban anime? I just got into that shit.

It will still happen 99%

'You reap what you SEW....' lol

'You're all going back....' because a woman has become PM who allowed immigration to RISE massively during her tenure at the Home Office.

'It is admirable that Cameron resigned from a government that has to carry out a policy he openly disagreed with' make way for a woman who disagreed with this policy even more openly (and whom we are nonetheless expected to believe will carry it out.

Would you guys object if I nominated /Britpol/ threads collectively for Sup Forums's Golden 14-Year-Old Tryhard Award for the dumbest most cringeworthy thread on the board?


Depends on who gets in charge of the negotiations. The main issue is that what the terms are.

Wer's glaubt, wird selig, as we say here in France

Oh wow I never noticed there were girls in that scene the first time I watched it.

And really that's all that matters.

She's replaceable. She has one job to do.

Who is this? Is this a good thing?

>Literally the UK's Hillary Clinton


Who /considering an hero/ here?

>tfw never watched anime in my life
>tfw NEET
>tfw there will be no Karen to brighten up my day

New pic of the British PM


As an NHS worker this feeling of entitlement triggers me

Called it. As awesome as winning the Brexit referendum was the left echo will be so fucking bad.

It is all over.





I know it's still us, though.

I don't know much about politics in the U.K. but from your laws and policies, it seems like all of your politicians are lefty cucks, even your right wingers.

You can't even own a locking knife f.f.s.

That is NOT the main issue, you ignorant Yank fuck.
The main issue - really the ONLY issue - is one so simple that even a child like you should be able to understand it, namely:
The idea that Cameron, May and co - and yes, Juncker and Merkel too, although they are being all Bre'er Rabbit about it and acting like they WANT Britain to throw them into the briar patch of the break-up of the EU - are busy insinuating into all-too-porous little minds like yours is that not triggering Article 50 will put Britain in "a better negotiating position". It shouldn't be triggered because then Britain will be able to retort to any offer made by Brussels: "Give us only that much and we'll leave; but give us more than that and we'll say."
Great negotiating advantage, no? Makes sense, right?
Well, maybe it does but THAT'S NOT THE POINT. The point and the essential fact is that, much as they WISH they did, the British negotiating team in Brussels DOES NOT LEGITIMATELY HAVE THE OPTION OF SAYING 'WE'LL STAY' - WHATEVER the fuck may be offered to us in order to get us to do so.

But that is exactly what May - and Cameron, who was clearly all along in cahoots with her - WANT you to think the British people's vote MEANT. They want to convince that when we voted 'leave', what we MEANT was 'talk really loud about leaving and see what it gets us and if it gets us nothing then stop and beg to stay'.

So SHUT THE FUCK UP about 'terms and negotiations'. THAT is exactly what the globalist traitors WANT this to be about.

Uh oh. Theresa May is on the move to Buckingham Palace.

Nice quotes, reddit. You have to go back.

We're considered the most right-wing country in Western Europe.

>tfw never watched anime in my life
>tfw NEET

Watch it my friend, not like you have anything better to do. Meanwhile I'm slaving away 12 hours a day on two jobs 6/7 days and living of off espresso shots and pot noodles.

If I worked 12 hours a day or two jobs I think I would start smoking again.

I work only 8 hours at my comfy desk and sometimes I get the urge.

So you're saying I should let Germany or Russia invade and run over the UK in Hearts of Iron IV

She's the opposite of Hillary Clinton in most ways

Is Theresa May good or bad?

I'm conflicted here

I was lucky enough to have a step-father who put the burned cigarettes into my arms when I was young to dissuade me from smoking ever in my life.

Yes she is going to be activating article 50 by August. Calm down, leaving is a shoe in and looking ahead is more important in trying to solidify an already done deal.

You do look like an ashtray though to be fair.

>rolling up in german cars

i think we all know where your alliance lie ms. may


I will user, just for you ;_;

Didn't Cameron already ban porn?

That was fun to read in a stereotypical French accent.

wiggle wiggle wiggle

Only facesitting and female ejaculation.

Made me laugh

He and the Lib Dems reduced a lot Theresa's measures against porn. You can still opt into it not getting blocked, for how much longer is unknown.

Seriously, what are you even doing here?
You sound like the kind of pitiable Redditor who believes that Black Lives Matter and the police forces of the USA need to 'get around a table and sort things out'.

Fucking 1984 becoming a reality, I think the only option is to become a spook for some sort of self freedom.

It's all fucking cancer desu, I hate to be so fucking cynical at 20 but whatever.

Not with dead pigs.

I doubt if you are capable of reading anything in a 'stereotypical French accent', kid, since you are incapable of recognizing that I am clearly not French.
It always amuses me that, in a world in which one of the central political issues we face is that of the new, nigh-universal mobility between nations and continents, the little constituency of junior-high-school kids that post on Sup Forums always imagine that everyone is like them and isn't allowed to stray more than a few hundred yards from home because Mommy has to tuck them in when Daddy sends them upstairs to bed at 9 o'clock.

Was she the one that said Britain would benefit from Sharia?

Who is Theresa and why should I care

>Hearts of Iron IV
cucked game.

Imagine a woman who read "Nineteen Eighty Four" by George Orwell and decided to use it as a manuscript for the ideal society.

So she can call for a second EU referendum if she could right?

She's some kind of globalist SJW hyper-authoritarian that's going to treat the country as a substitute for having children and im scared, but at least she acknowledges that working class white boys have it bad.

Don't be shocked if you see a lot less UK flags soon

Whats likely is we'll end up in the EEA or some horse shit like that

>hurr durr I'm Teresa and I understand and connect with everyone pls don't riot we listen to u pls PLS DONT RIOT PLS PLS

See? This is the kind of bullshit that makes you sound like a frog. Did you not smoke or enjoy a baguette yet today? Because your text reads like an irritated surrender monkey.

lol is that a demo in the backround?

>great national change

Weak speech desu.

Bye bye user.

Entire speech was about fee fees.

Did she just get booed?




Angela Merkel
Theresa May
Hitery Clinton

Its over folks, we fucked up. We fucking lost gg no re I'm fucking out.

Can someone just fucking shoot her please?


Yankee here.
How's Theresa May as a politician?

Keep strong britbro.
Lolirefugees are always welcomed here.

We had literally no choice in this. There wasn't a vote or anything