Why aren't you voting for her again?

Why aren't you voting for her again?

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Because minimum wage is for high schoolers, not a career

Shes queen of the harpies.

Those fast food kiosks have families to feed too you know.

Because I'm not a 70 IQ nigger who thinks McDonald's is a career opportunity.

Because Bill Whittle told me :^)


I wish I could live in a country in which being able to buy 20 packets of ramen per hour is 'starvation wage'.

Stop sharing these fucking millennial tumblr puppet tweets - they trigger the fuck out of me

>economy only makes shit jobs due to bad trade deals
>lets approve TPP and force McDonalds to pay $15 an hour

we need real jobs.... not making burger flipping part time a 30k a year career

>not getting rid of minimum wage completely

It's like they don't even understand capitalism.

And that is without gibs

Because she's an evil fucking cunt

>if youre watching
>pls pay attention to me

Trump never wonders if people are watching



And a no wage is not a starvation wage?

We need jobs, not a rise in minimum wage which will just lead to increased automation

What about cutting taxes?
Maybe stop letting in so many illegals so they don't depress wages?

Enjoy your replacements.

How the fuck is $7,25/hour a "starvation wage"? You can eat very well for like 10€ per day here, and in the U.S probably even better because food is cheaper there.

Holy fuck what people here would give for $7 an hour

Because I already make more than $15 an hour.

A north Korean defector once marveled at the fact that you can buy a month's worth of rice with one day's work at minimum wage here.

automation is the way of the future, why would you want to halt progress for peasants?

Lol i cant wait for the minumum wage to go up to see all the hipsters who work at local coffee ships and pizza jpints start bitching on twitter about losing their jobs.

Nigger pander. Robots don't need to be paid.

because as a liberal I am against war, sweatshops, and corporate power.

liberals cannot morally vote for HRC.

>for 20 dollars you can buy 5 pounds of rice and 5 pounds of beans
>that is enough for over 2 weeks after cooking
Yea fuck off hillary

>$15/hr has the same impact in New York and Bumfuck Nowhere, Iowa, trust me!

Why does no one grill her on this? How the fuck is a federal one-size-fits-all policy even remotely feasible?

Guess you can eat, but you'd have to eat in a cardboard box.

because I want a candidate who caters to hard working America again. Sick of a welfare president the past 8 years.
One that caters to niggers and criminals over professionals and blue collars.

>cut taxes
>business keeps the profit
>doesn't expand because why the fuck would he
>workers still slaving away

Fucking Epic.

is it that hard to understand that an employer cannot pay you more than what you actually produce ?
how the fuck can you pay someone 15$/h when you don't even produce that out of his work ?

raising the minimum wage will achieve tow thing
- less people working
- businesses struggling even more

Today i spent 800 dinars (~7 dollars). And bought everything i needed for today.
And thats starvation money? What kind of retard woukd starve with $36+ $ a day?

Does this mean since I'm making 25 an hour that I should get bumped to 33 hour now? Oh no that's right I'll be just barely above a burger flippers wage fucking liberals.

Because more money =/= more buying power

Enjoy your inflation

She is pandering and that's it. Once her globalist argument goes full force it will 180.

An actual liberal argument I saw a few times against brexit was wage going up is bad. Gotta compete on that global market!

Fuck them, they get what they deserve for destroying Rhodesia.


Did you count rent and other monthly costs?

>raise minimum wage
>unemployment increases
>more unskilled people on welfare
>more votes for the democrats

This is definitely something no federal gov should get involved in. Let the states make up their own policies, people can freely move/leave said said if they don't like the wages which is how a free market works.

Top down planning/centralized economic policy is communist nonsense

And this will be his response. And he will blow her absolutely out of the water.

Hand in the minimum wage Dahnald !

I already make more than minimum wage.

I live in rural PA and there is not a single small business within 100 miles of me that could survive a minimum wage hike that yuge

She's lied about everything else.
What makes you think this is the one time she's honest?

>founded by a (((white guy)))

>Why aren't you voting for her again?
1. She's anti-White.
2. She's a Feminist.
3. She's a Liberal.
4. She's a Democrat.
5. She's a Woman.
6. Voting is worthless and does nothing.

Now, despite all those reasons I just listed, why don't you, or any other Hillary supporter explain to me why I should vote for her.

No rent I have a house and water and electricity bills are about 200$ if you keep all the electricity users on and water is cheap no mater what you do. So if 10 days of work make me 360$ go figure. Serbia is cheap.

because women are more honest than men

Even in Canada this is a provincial issue.

The fedwrap government only sets the minimum wage for a few federally regulated fields like banks and railroads.

This is definitely a territorial level responsibility, not federal.



What the fuck?

Nigger, you dont know what this means.

$7,25/hour times 40 is fucking $290 A WEEK.

A minimum wage brazilian does not make that in a MONTH.

That is 1.160 a MONTH. Which is 892,66 MORE than what a brazilian would make.

And families can manage to eat just fine with over 4 children.

So how the fuck did you come to this conclusion?

>$7.25 is a starvation wage
No it fucking isn't. Learn how to budget.

Because we don't want to be cucks? (pic related)

because she sold weapons to saudia arabia for a donation to the clinton foundation

because she's the democrats' mitt romney, says anything to please the crowd then just does whatever

She and Bill deserve to be tortured until their bodies shut off from shock

shits more expensive here than in brazil

Let her, if she raises minimum wage, your burgers will cost more, and inflation is gonna go up, until 15 dollars is today's 7,5.

Also they want inflation to keep the dollar less valued than the euro and more yuan like to keep business out of Europe.

The father away from you niggerjewfaggots you get, the higher the rents.

It's economics.

Because she is a proven liar. You can't trust a thing she says.

>that's why we're raising the minimum wage to $15/hr

there is a such thing as too much, liberals

>I can easily survive on 7.25/hr
Bull shit your either lying or live in a state with such low cost of living (read: backwater hick town)

And you have to be able to survive and SAVE. If you can survive but your putting more than 75% of your check towards it and you barely get to save any of it. You are not living you're a self propelled stomach.

Say whatever you want about the minimum wage or the stupidity behind raising it. But don't piss on our legs and say its rain.

Why does the left think it's okay to put a gun to a business's head and make them pay a certain amount?

because i haven't worked a minimum wage job in 10 years

>raise minimum wage
>all the replaceable mcbots get's fired because they are not profitable anymore
raise it to 30 dollars and we'll have a fully functioning AI by 2030

The minimum wage should be abolished.

Nobody is saying it's a pleasant wage, but it isn't "starvation" especially when you consider how fucking cheap food is in this country. Get a roommate, move to a shitty apartment, don't eat out, budget yourself, and you can survive.

Ramen is 18 cents a pack dude, wtf wage are you working for?

>import third worlders
>raise the wage so they dont have a "starvation wage"
>instead of just letting kids and ebt niggers do it who are native to the country

Because I used to be able to work 50 hours a week but liberal "worker empowerment" has made it so now employers only hire people for 30 hours or less per week to avoid obamas health care requirements, which Hillary supports.

So now overtime is out of the question and you can only be full time hours if you stay with an employer for several years.

Literally hates freedom

>Get a roommate, move to a shitty apartment, don't eat out, budget yourself, and you can survive.
What a sad state this country is in that you think this should be a requirement.
The baby boomers weren't packed into 1000$ 4 bedroom apartments with 8 roommates. This isn't the America our parents or parents parents were raised in.

I make $50/hr without even being educated.
Why should I care?

7.25 dollars/h means they are part of the 0.000001 richest % poeple in the history of humanity, they are not starving

Then explain to me why do brazilians go to the USA to buy shit?

We are taxated to nothing.

Shit is less expensive in the USA than it is here.

We pay 5 dollars a gallon of fuel, you pay 4.

Ramen noodles, you pay 13 cents we pay 1.5 dollars.

We pay around 360$ for rent of a one bedroom house of 29 square meters.

You pay 450$ to 49 square meters and that is only because it is a studio, not a house.
Because americans somehow think that minimun wage should grant them luxury.

>work at McDonalds
You'd have to be retarded to manage that.

Oh okay, so you agree with me now?

You're not supposed to live off of minimum wage anyway; I made over minimum wage in fucking high school. Get it together.

correct, the babyboomers fucked us, they lived above their means, and we got stuck with the bill

here's a tip, retard. go to a shitty, low-cost supermarket:

20lb bag of rice ($15-20)
20lb bag of beans ($10-20)
bananas (20c each)
canned tomatoes ($1-3 each)
frozen mixed vegetables - peas, lima beans, corn, carrots, etc ($1-5)
cans of sardines ($1)

ya, you're not gonna live like a king, but you'll be strong, healthy and probably drop a few pounds in the process.

>be hillary
>raise minimum wage to $15
>prices go up in a year or two
>"$15 minimum wage is isnt enough"

>why the fuck would a business expand

yep. we all agree on that. it is the fault of the federal reserve and inflation that the standard of living keeps dropping (don't confuse technology with standard of living).

everything keeps getting more expensive and wages don't keep pace. that is fact. simple as that. raising the min wage is stupid, though. the fed reserve needs to be audited and abolished.

gold-backed currency and we'd all be able to live much better, more predictable and happier lives.

Would you rather be socialist? It wasnt baby boomers who did this shit. It was the need to beat the fucking soviet union.

What is even the reason behind this 'baby boomer' shit leftist meme?

You forgot the Costco rotisserie chicken for $5, but otherwise you're right.

I dont want my dollar burger to be a 5 dollar burger.

Vegetables??? Living within your means???

This is America nobody does that.

>>doesn't expand because why the fuck would he

It isn't. But saying so is racist. Somehow. I haven't figured out how, but it is. Because it disagrees with the left.

A $15 an hour minimum wage would absolutely ruin the economy of the south and most of the midwest. And by extension, the rest of the US since the richer areas usually don't have agricultural and commodity goods production.

When did Donald Trump say he was cutting the minimum wage?

The minimum wage was a mistake.
It removed several important aspects in a job negotiation, one of those being the ability to NEGOTIATE YOUR PAY.

The minimum wage is slowly becoming a maximum wage, it is literally socialism. When McDonalds workers start earning $15 an hour, so will doctors, teachers, nurses, scientists, technicians, designers. They will all get equal pay, equal value. And it will trash the economy.

There's a reason why you can't walk into an interview and talk about pay, because pay has already been set. You can't move jobs or compete for candidates because no matter where they go, they will get the same money for the same hours doing the same work.

Remove this MAXIMUM wage, and industry will be competitive again.

If that's starvation wage, why are all the people working at fast food places so damn fat?

So people who can't get better jobs, just needs to keep 2-3 full time jobs?

I'm making $14/h + vacation doing random grunt work at a factory, just as mentally challenging as flipping burgers. Today I was chopping glue off a glue mixer. Oh, and $14 is the least I can make legally, after turning 18.

>keep the profit and watch it be taxated away
>dont expand and become poor within months

This is how i know that you have never had any cash stored for anything other than buying a car.

not with the price of goods here, see:

These commie bants, kek


Mortgage for a trailer is like $200ish a month. Food isn't that expensive if you cook. Kids aren't that expensive if you don't treat them like an accessory. You don't need name brand shit just get stuff from walmart. Although spurge on a good gas efficient car.

With TRUMP min wage fags would pay 0% federal. Or that's what he promises.

I mean, you say that, but you've never lived on minimum wage in America. It does really suck. That said, the fact that it sucks has motivated me to do what's necessary for cushier work at higher hourly pay.

But they understand it and want to avoid it