Next year, women will control 4 of the 6 largest economies in the world

>next year, women will control 4 of the 6 largest economies in the world

Did we fuck up, Sup Forums?

"Isaiah 3:12 Youths oppress my people, women rule over them. My people, your guides lead you astray; they turn you from the path"

It's the end of the world as we know anyway. Just enjoy the ride until it all comes crashing down. It's too big for us to fix.


>marine le pen
Not a chwnce


Not a chance... Oh wait

>implying women arent better negotiators than men

>implying women aren't inferior in every way to men

Brexit happening was very much a statistical possibility.

Le Pen winning is not. At all. You idiot.

I don't think you know what "statistics" mean.

>A fucking leaf
>Anglo education

Into the trash you go, Jeanpierre the Cuck.

women are attractive


That's a good thing, they will make western society collapse faster.

>presidents control economies
sorry about your chromosomes

Holy autism
Who fucking made this?

Leave based milfy Marine Le Pen out of this

I still have hope, remember Maggie

Best PM we ever had was a woman.

Nobody "controls the economy".

>tfw the one woman who wouldn't be a complete SJW-cuck is the only one who won't get elected
just fuck my country up famsalam

Good, this will finally put a stop to the "Women could do a better job than men if they had the chance" meme. The world's gonna come tumbling down anyway, so they might as well take the fall for it.

Considering the fact that they managed to get rights to vote, law protection and get into power despite men knowing 100% how bad planners they are, yes they are good at negotiations, but only because men are horny dogs that only thing with their lower heads.


we got fucked up with a woman as president
they pander too much
