What is their relation like?

What is their relation like?

Some business and that is it I guess.

Just like my a Washington like relation between a nub his other asshole

t. A fix mind Hiter go guck yourself ducking alayers j

pure love
look this gaze
it makes all other loves pseudo

Something like gibs clay back.

Kurills belong to Japan

Japan belongs to America?

Like shit. They try to get our islands and we try to get their money and ditch them

Not so bad.

and Katya Lischina
and Katya Lischina
Katya belongs Japan


You stolen our islands.


Why do they care so much about some shitty islands?


But this is truth.
Dont act like left wing shit.

We just love Japan THIS much.

no they don't.
no they didn't.

start a war + lose a war = loss of territory

Yep might is right, I guess. But Japan was a criminal back then, so stealing from criminals is not that bad.

It's the huge EEZ that they carry

Fuck off stupid chink. If can't win then don't start wars

>might is right
No it's not. Might has a many meanings. Bacteria can kill an Elephant etc. So might is not so right.

Take a youuu lineage oendejob weed jere sub pendejobpincheb chinobpiriiiii

Deweeeee ñitooooos

>Bacteria can kill an Elephant etc.
So what?
>So might is not right
How the fuck did you come to that conclusion? Where is the logic? Please stop posting

when I was taking bath with Katya Lischina, I call her floating boobs in the water "Kril Island" and there was no border between our hearts

We had a treaty "not to invade each other"
Fuck off poor slav.



>Where is the logic?
Humans are pathetic if comparing to animals. Still manage to slaughter them to the extinction. Smart>might.

>start a war + lose a war = loss of territory

Russo-Japanese War
South sakhalin Island stolen by Japan.


we don't have any relation with untermenschen

We got it back you know and Japan ambitions find theirs end. Such a victory for Japan.



Justin was right.

It was truly victory for Japan.
Japan's victory surprised the world.

Japan our time predicts apocalypse or something like that there a money would be nothing. How about be friendly a little.

Nuked Japan surprised world more than that. Emperias was such a stupid idea.

We had a treaty with Hitler "not to invade each other" so what?


like gay.

It means
Japan was stronger than Russia.
USA was stronger than Japan.

>Want to get close to Russia for their energy and to drive wedge between them and China
>everything goes well for a while
>then Crimea happened
>We are slave nation of the US
>US tells Abe to sanction Russia mere moments after good diplomatic talks with Putin
>Relationship instantly ruined
>China is super happy
>Japan is suffering

Every problem starts with the USA.
Just like back then Plaza Accord

>Japan was stronger than Russia.
Ah yes nice invading Japan in 1918. To bad it was failed.

Nah Russia is a dead pathetic poor country. Pretty much Japan is better.

Yes, but we hate China more and as long as Russia is close to China due to necessity (two anti american countries), China has a secured backyard.

We wish to drive a wedge between Russia and China by having good relations with Russia. But then, we were forced by the US to sanction you after your Crimean annexation, even though we didnt want that.

Now, Russia and China are even closer, doing excercises in the Baltic Sea and Sea of Japan together and vetoing everything cooperatively in the UN.

We are a slave nation of the US and as long as this remains, we cannot win against China.

According to this thread our relation is pretty bad.

Because we don't care about your historical butthurt about the Chinese.
One day we'll sacrifice you to them in some grand bargain.
Just like we did to the Kurds.

If that happens, I want to exile to America. Can I have green card when I offer you my sister to fuck?

>your historical butthurt about the Chinese
Chinese historical butthurt about ours.

Their relations are somwhat tense due to the Kuril Islands dispute. Both countries have never signed a peace treaty since WW2 so practically they're still at war. Their relations have warmed up recently with Putin regularly meeting with Shinzo Abe to discuss the future of their relation. Japan has gifted Putin a pet dog called Yume, it's an Akita, as a thank for Russia's help after the earthquake/tsunami in 2011.
Anti-Russian sentiment still runs strong among Japanese nationalists and especially the older generations, however polls show that young Japanese have rather positive attitudes towards Russia. On the otherside, most Russians have a favorably view of Japan. So all in all it's a bit complicated but not too bad, Japan probably has better relations with Russia then with its other neighbors

Well, we are in their way.
China wants to rule the Pacific, but we are the first line of defense.

the difference between kurds and japan is that japan is a nation that can deploy nukes sufficient to vaporize china, america and russia anytime if necessary, so you'd better behave sensibly.


Yeah, but we are a one-bomb country ourselves.

When nuclear exchange happens, one million chinese might survive even after doomsday, but literally zero of us.

Nukes for us is just no worth it.
We are glass cannon.

Russia and China aren't really friends, no. At best a business partnership. Also anti-Americanism is mostly a thing of their governments and average people there are indifferent to the US or even kind of admire us.


what the fuck did i just read?

Although if I had to equate those mosquito bites to a geographical I would choose a chain of tiny volcanic islands too. The two islands you want are nipples and the rest are acne.

>one million chinese might survive even after doomsday
lol, and what difference does it make?
it means it has already ceased to exist as a nation that matters, and that's exactly what an all-out nuclear strike aims for.

Russia and China aren't really friends, no. At best a business partnership. Also anti-Americanism is mostly a thing of their governments and average people there are indifferent to the US or even kind of admire us.

There's a lot of rivalry between the two cunts in Asia and China hasn't entirely gotten over Russia's participation in the Century of Humiliation.

>this is what butthurt americans unironically believe

Aren't you that Russian diaspora whose parents own a restaurant or something?

>Russia mentioned
>butthurt Polak appears out of nowhere
Like fucking clockwork

Arent they literally in war?


>average people there even kind of admire us.

It's probably Ikibey.

Wow you're such a newfag, you've probably heard of Ikibey from others and think you know him. Ikigay's whole vocabulary consists of "subhuman" and "I am a Greek", his writing style is very distinctive

like nothing
russia don't have economy = no relations

send some money pls

Friendship between cunts is based around common shared interests. The problem is that Russia really doesn't have any common shared interests with the US in either geopolitical or economic terms that positive, productive ties can develop from.

Nigger you earn more in an hour than I earn on a week. How can we be friends, we got no common topics whatsoever because of the said wagy gap.

It's both economic and strategic interests. For example the Butthurt Belt are poor but have a common interest with us in containing you (their economic ties are mostly with Western Europe).

But not kill your Imperior!

an alliance with a dictatorship

>start a war + lose a war = loss of territory

Wow. You are truly Japanese dude 100%

Reading comprehension, my obvious english teacher. What the japanese guy said was that in the advent of a nuclear holocaust Japan ceases to exist. While the chinese are so numerous, that they could just rebuild again, even if Shanghai and Beijing get nuked.

I don't mind them

They don't care about us either.

Japanese live in their own vision of the world and don't really seem to care about outside world that much.

So what?

i dont know

why do always write gibberish non-sense