There are entire threads on Sup Forums that i can't read because they're not written in english

>there are entire threads on Sup Forums that i can't read because they're not written in english
why is this allowed?!?!?

haha gelakkan dia

sådan er livet for en amerikaner

>tfw google translate isn't perfect yet

this upsets the amer*Can

learn a new lenguage

it isn't even a "americans are monolingual" thing.
even if i learned two more languages, i still couldn't understand most generals

ruuuuh eangleesh okei?

50-årig fik revet doren los og tildelt lussinger midt i kryds
En mand på 50 år blev tildelt lussinger og fik en los bildor efter trafikchikane

Af: Amanda H. Alberts
Sondag morgen fik en 50-årig mand tildelt slag i hovedet, imens hans bildor blev revet los midt i et vejkryds i Vejle.

To mænd havde chikaneret den 50-årige op ad Koldingvej, hvor de havde kæmpet om at komme forst. Men da bilerne nåede krydset ved Gronlandsvej, var noget galt, da de to mænd fra den anden bil hoppede ud og gik over til den 50-årige.

- De rev doren op på den 50-åriges bil og gav ham lussinger i ansigtet.

- Dernæst blev der begået hærværk på bilen, hvor doren nu hænger skævt i hængslerne, siger Henrik Dam, vagthavende ved Sydostjyllands Politi.

Detaljerne i hændelsesforlobet er han ikke helt klar over endnu, da politiet ikke har talt med de anklagede mænd.

- Vi har registreringsnummeret på bilen, så vi skal bare have taget kontakt til dem i dag eller i morgen, siger Henrik Dam.

På den måde har mændene en mulighed for at melde sig selv, inden politiet henter dem.

Бoжe мoй, дa вceм нacpaть.

Jajajajaja el americANO señores

>never learned the language
>can still read it

Aprenda um idioma. É fácil.


You're not missing anything

No sea puteque pinche gringo

Es difícil dar una respuesta exacta, creo que
debemos tomar la pregunta con cautela y
analizar los pormenores que pueden
parecernos intrascendentes pero que, a la
hora de tomar una decisión coherente,
pueden torcer la balanza.
Si nos guiamos por los conceptos de
interpretación que existían en la antiguedad,
deberíamos hacer un examen de conciencia y
ubicarnos como meros espectadores ante una
pregunta sin destinatario. Pero si en cambio,
analizamos tu pregunta desde la posición del
lineamiento ortodoxo del pensamiento
moderno, la respuesta tiene que ver, ya no
con la escencia de la interrogación sino con el
espíritu dialéctico de quien interroga.
En síntesis, la respuesta a tu pregunta, solo
puede entenderse desde lo pragmático,
asociando los niveles del intelecto que por si
solos, develan los secreto de la incógnita. Por
otra parte, cabe mencionar que para el análisis
empírico, no es necesario evaluar los
preceptos intrínsecos de la realidad,
observados desde la lógica y la metafísica.

most generals are blogposting and local memes, and even then when anyone wants to ask about their country they usually respond in English

stop writing backwards letters

BASED chile

Aprende un idioma.

Si de ce imi zici mie?

cosa vi oi fa, siddhu aristi autu alumancu la decenza di studià lu spagnolu, la linga chi in ungna casu arai di impara pa andà a dananzi a vint'anni a chista palti, ghjia una grossa fitta di thread in più li podaristi ligghji

e poi agghji pazenzia, voi americcani no seti pal casu di discendenza germanica? palchi no impari la linga di li to avi? :)

E non leggerli quei thread,americano di merda

>Bruno Emuez

A monezz

Obvious bait aside, the quality of generals are abysmal. I understand a few of them and the post quality at best is that of /cum/

>surprised he can read languages from his inbred northern yurop neighbors

absolute state of your intelligence

>no entiende el entorno filosófico dentro de los hilos latinos

/cum/ and /brit/ are unironically the worst threads here, and I often hang around /deutsch/ which is already hard to beat in terms of shitposting

It's cool, isn't it? I can read Spanish without having ever studied it. English native speakers will never understand this feel.

Amerikkkalaiset idiootit EI PYSTY lukemaan TÄTÄ.

Ja nie mogę. Co za głupek? Goes on Sup Forums, complains it's international. Le 56% face strikes again

>he hasn't heard of DeepL yet

this is Sup Forums, friend

if you want only orcish go to literally any other board

Hello, stupid American,
this text has been translated by DeepL from German into English. As you may see, the translation is flawless. Actually quite stupid of me to enter a German text here and then have it translated automatically, because I speak English anyway. Then why am I doing this? Maybe I just want to show you how good German software is. DeepL was developed by a German company from Cologne and beats Google, Bing and co by leaps and bounds. Artificial intelligence and neural networks will soon dominate our entire lives. Actually, they've been doing this for years. Pretty creepy.

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