As far as third world countries go, is Brazil the most blue-pill SJW'd?

As far as third world countries go, is Brazil the most blue-pill SJW'd?

>blue pilled
>the only Latin American country with real right wing


not really the left wing is in decadence, our generation is the most conservative since our grandparents
the most right wing politician of the country is a strong candidate for president

You never ever had leave your kitnet, user, so probably you never had visited any other Latin American country.

yes, our next generation is going to be conservative as fuck because they are annoyed with their cuck parents.

We are blue pilled because we are ignorant as fuck, and want to believe we, Brazilians, are relevant to the world.
Ignorance is a bliss, and we live in heaven.

We're definitely not SJW, but Cultural Marxism worked here better than everywhere else.

Brazil isn't even in the top 5 most proggressive, Costa Rica and Uruguay would be it.

>Right wing
>red pilled

Good goy.

t. upper middle class teenagers who grew up with a silver spoon

Bolsomeme has no chances of winning.

I always thought bolsomeme was more popular on public schools

why is he not holding the foregrip

>upper class
>not both upper class and poor class

not really I'm a labor lawyer, I deal with a lot of minimum wage people, most youngsters support him, he is tough on criminals and the poor one are who suffer the most

Bolsonaro is not even the good right wing, he is a liberal cuck that will sell this whole nation to his american overlords without hesitation, Our only real right wing politician was Eneas.

>yes, our next generation is going to be conservative as fuck because they are annoyed with their cuck parents.
Wtf does that even mean in a shithole like Brazil?

In Brazil
Conservative = loves USA and eats Mcdonalds
Liberal = dislikes USA and eats beans and rice

Hahaha ooohhhh boy you dont even know.

>this monkey again

>most people hate the country
>most people hate the military
>most people suck foreign(read: white) balls
>most people don't even know the own country's history, historical events, sites etc...
>most people aren't interest on learing it's country own story
>most people just take what commies that got beaten during Military govt says as truth

What? You're going to tell me that your immigrants are bad?

So the entire country is Liberal by your logic, since everyone eat rice and beans everyday.

Stop taking shit out of your ass.

If you dislike the USA and eats beans and rice then you're just average Brazilian.

Alright i'll bite.

Why do you think that?

Hehehehehuuuuuu boi
We're the same.

How is that Cultural Marxism?

Do you know what cultural marxism is?

>>most people suck foreign(read: white) balls
Kek, copying right wing rhetoric from the West is totally the solution, then!

Being lefty?

I really like Brazilians I've meet irl and online.
They are all so friendly, I hope your country finds a way to become better

Cultural marxism = anti culture pretty much.
Compare modern art to old art as an example.

Basically a huge work/brainwash to make people despise everything about ur cunt,

Sounds like every single right wing leader in Latin America's history,
