Question Time

I am here to answer your questions on Trump's "Path To Victory' in light of the new state polling.

There will be no VP answers until after the announcement. Apologies in advance.

Other urls found in this thread:

> Bernie’s endorsement
Confirmation bias. The American People already know that the system is rigged, and Donald Trump is the candidate of change. Seeing Sander’s endorse confirms to BOB voters there insecurities of not being important to the system. Goal is to paint Clinton in such a negative light that BOB voters refuse to support her... either stay at home, vote 3rd party, or vote for Trump.

>Loretta Lynch oversight
Confirmation bias. System is rigged. Clinton is more of the same, she’s a criminal, she won’t change anything.

>How can Trump turn The Electoral College in his favor?
> Which states are you actually going to compete?

The most realistic option is “Romney + FL/OH/PA”. That’s the minimum requirement for Trump to win, anything above that helps to build the mandate when he takes office.

You know

Are you answering questions from here? Or should we field fresh ones?

Well alrighty.

Did Manafort actually say "Tell the Speaker to cut the shit"?
Also tell us a little bit about the convention:

Will Marion Le Pen attend? Will Geert Wilders and Nigel Farage speak? What about Ted's involvement?
How did the Trump campaign deal with Bernie's endorsement, Loretta Lynch's oversight and the expectancy of the announcement for VP?

I suppose all those events actually help Trump.

Is Christie going to be the AG?

If not, will it be Giuliani?

How is Trump's campaign fighting back against the MSM constantly calling Trump a racist?

Link to the polls pls

>What change in strategy do you expect the Clinton camp to adopt as the election approaches, and how do you plan to deal with it?

Clinton is too well known and too universally hated to improve her own favorable numbers. Her only hope is to disqualify Trump. She will try to paint him as a racist, as incompetent, and above all else as dangerous. She will try to broaden her number of targets by lumping him in with unsavory figures.
Trump will respond in kind, while also having the advantage of being able to attack the entire establishment. Any failure of government in the past two decades can be attributed to Clinton because she was so heavily involved in politics during that time. Trump has a strong base of Pro-trump supporters augmented by anti-Hillary voters. Clinton is the opposite, her base comes from almost strictly anti-Trump supporters. Trump has the messaging and targeting advantages, Clinton has the structural and demographic advantages.

> Straight up: How do you guys expect to win over delegates?
It’s already happened. Delegates won’t be an issue at the convention. They have zero leverage. Trump is a greater threat to the RNC than the RNC is to Trump.

>-How's he gonna address the recent (Soros-catalyzed) racial divide in the US?
Name The Dividers

> Seriously, how do you intend to avoid the "Trump bullied a woman at the debates!" narrative?
Trump fully intends to bully Hillary Clinton. Voters already think he’s a bully, there’s no avoiding it. Why fight it? Bully her even harder, then use it as evidence and confirmation bias that she is too weak and too incompetent to be president during these dangerous times.

>How is Trump gonna handle the inevitable Riots @ RNC?

He is the Law and Order candidate. Confirmation bias. The coalition that he is building in “Romney +” fundamentally don’t like the people who are rioting and want someone who can bring it to an end.

>Do you have any instructions or tips for people that will be open carrying in defense of the God Emperor at the convention?

My personal advice is

Don’t. But if you are, be very very very careful and don’t put yourself in positions where you’ll have to do anything. If you have to use your weapon, it will forever change and potentially ruin your life.

>Will the debates be as big of a blowout as this board thinks?

Yes, but probably for different reasons than most think. Trump will win the personality/strength/competence battle, this is not an election about policies. Hillary Clinton’s methodical, measured approach is out of date in today’s American Politics.

>Are the record number of votes/voters in the primary for Donald Trump indicative of a wider predicted turnout, and can this prediction be confident enough in the worse scenario where HRC pulls Obama-level minority vote?

Very smart question. This cuts to the heart of the entire election.

In the states that Trump needs to win, he has greater enthusiasm than Clinton does. Even if Clinton has a slightly higher polling number, most of those voters hate her enough to not care about showing up on voting day. This is where the war will be won or lost. Can Trump make Clinton look bad enough (and himself competent enough) to prevent Hillary Hostages from showing up on election day.

Read this article. Hidden behind the headline is the real statistic that matters.

>The good news for Trump is that among just those voters “extremely” interested, he’s up by three (45-42 percent). That’s driven by the fact that more Republicans (43 percent) than Democrats (38 percent) say they are extremely interested in the presidential election.

THIS POLL SHOWS THAT TRUMP IS WINNING VIRGINIA among voters who are paying attention and intending on voting. As more people become more interested in the election (convention... and especially the debates) they’ll start opening up to Trump more. Base excitement matters more than anything else this election, and Clinton has virtually zero.

>How do you plan on dealing with the strong possibility of voter fraud especially in swing states?

There is evidence that Clinton quite literally stole the primary from Sanders by picking close battle states and picking the perfect times to pull out victories that would hamper his momentum.

Trump isn’t Sanders, he doesn’t believe that it is in the best interest of the country to make nice even if one candidate cheats, Trump won’t lay down while the American Voter gets frauded. Trump will fight fire with fire if necessary.

This is the last of the pre-posted questions I’ll answer. From here on out I’ll be responding to in-thread questions.

>How many swing states is the Trump campaign currently targeting for the fall? We all know that the campaign would just need "Romney + PA/FL/OH" , but are you also keeping fallbacks in mind?

Most of the targeted swing states have been released by the Trump campaign. “Romney +” is the main focus of the campaign, but Trump’s support in the Rust Belt and in the midwest allows for some greater flexibility. If Trump can win Iowa (where he’s ahead) and can win Nevada (where he suddenly has a lot more options than just “Romney +”

I’ll reply with many related pics of Victory Scenarios.

> Most Likely Victory Scenario
> “Romney +”

Trump has to hold on to all Romney win states and then secure victories in Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

> Iowa Options 1
> “Romney + IA/NV/OH/FL/NH”

If Clinton manages to get great turnout among minorities and unions stay loyal in Philly and Pittsburgh, she might hold onto PA. In that case, Trump can still win but he has to piece together a coalition of smaller states. Iowa, Nevada, and New Hampshire would have to break for Trump. This plausible because the multi-front campaign might allow for Clinton to swamp PA with resources but not smaller states.

>Iowa Options 2
> “Romney + IA/VA”

Trump can weather a PA loss if the greater interest that GOP voters have in VA leads to higher turnout in the conservative portions of western virginia and military strongholds of Tidewater. NOVA is an issue, but if minorities don’t turn out in the cities than Trump could win a state Clinton neglects while focusing on PA. Trump would just need to secure Ohio, Florida, and Iowa.

> Iowa Options 3
> Florida Loss Disaster

If a disaster occurs in Florida and Clinton takes it by spending lots of resources and time, Trump is still in a position to win. He’d need to win VA, PA, OH, IA, NV. The least likely scenario, however it shows the value of a rustbelt and midwestern coalition.

It also shows the future of the GOP. A party focused on Economic Nationalism can create a coalition of white working class voters who need to be protected from Globalists threats towards American manufacturing and farming. GOP candidates that can appeal to minority voters as well as nationalist voters are the future. They will be unbeatable on the national stage.

>Iowa Options 4
> NC Loss

It has long been assumed that a NC loss would be back breaking for Trump, but MSM polling shows what his campaign has known for a while. Trump’s midwest/rustbelt coalition can survive a NC loss by winning “Romney+” as well as Iowa and Nevada.

Why am I supposed to believe you're not just some fag doing this for attention?

>winning Nevada

Does this seem possible? I haven't seen much good news out of that place this election cycle.

I don't think it will matter though. I think he's got OH FL PA like you said

My state had a 359% increase in republican primary turnout. Are all those increases in primary turnout indicative of possible more voters overall on election day? Like Republicans who didn't go for the primarys or jaded democrats

For reference: The states he's currently winning

What should we make of Newt's claim that vetting is down to him and Pence on Hannity?

Is this intentional misdirection, or did Gunray just compromise your campaign's OpSec on national television?

If that option is too close to "VP" topic, perhaps answering a question of how OpSec is handled to prevent infiltrators and loose lips from ruining things? Does Manafort use "gentle persuasion"?

Florida loss after Orlando isn't even a remote possibility

I am, but it's fun to have fun, and we all are, as Romney +FL/PA/Pepe has shown.

There's so little talk about the possible VP choices for Hillary Clinton. Is your team looking at her possible choices and if you are are you running scenarios as to how to attack those VP picks

Will Trump travel to places like the south side of Chicago like some people like Dr. Carson have suggested?

Already discredited by Eric Trump on Hannity

Important question. It's important to break this down, as it's a loaded question which makes several assumptions.

> Is the MSM calling Trump a racist?
> Is it a fair charge?
It doesn't matter. They're doing it and a large number of voters believe it.

> Is it affecting his numbers?
It depends. A large number of those voters who believe it are going to vote Democrat no matter what, and a larger number of those voters are going to vote against Trump no matter what. The payoff for fighting a "racist" charge isn't as high as you might think

> Is it worth fighting back?
If Trump were to spend all day every day trying to prove he's not a racist, he would only feed back into the news cycle and perpetuate the story. The best option is to look past those charges while starving the media of confirmation bias of the charge. Don't say anything that can be construed as racist... or if you do make it as toothless as possible so you can turn it around and prove to voters that the media is biased.

> Will an unanswered "racist" charge cost Trump the election?

No. If Trump doesn't give the media new ammo, the voters won't be riled up against Trump months from now. Swing voters won't care about him saying something racist five months ago. Not when they have fresh "Lyin' Criminal Hillary" stories every morning.

What is the plan during that months between the Convention and the First Debate?

He's within Four points of a MSM poll, not factoring in base excitement.

You'll never know and I'll never provide evidence.

Check my past statements. See if I've been wrong yet.

Absolutely. It's proof that Trump has large amounts of excited voters already... which is proof that his messaging excites. Once more people start following the race and start making up their mind, they'll turnout as well.

We all know that Trump hates the corrupt media and hates foreign control over our industries.

Does he have a plan to reclaim America's media from the Jews who control it?

What is President Trumps favourite meme? Will we see a speech that kids the "drumpf is a racist" meme in the near future ? How did he react to sanders endorsing Clinton ? I mean he fully sold out to her which is terrible.

What does internal polling show about his support amongst blacks, is it really around 26%?

I can't speak towards the VP selection because I am completely out of the loop. That might be part of the plan. I wouldn't have anyway of knowing.

VP info is strictly need to know.

Trump runs a tighter campaign than any I've seen before.


What's the significance of Trump's ground game? What is it? Will Trump have one soon?

I keep hearing about how Donald doesn't have one yet

Does the Trump campaign follow Scott Adams (based Dilbert guy)'s writings?


What can I do in California to help?

Does Trump plan on making any moves in CA, or holding anymore events here?

What's the Florida strategy especially when trying to attract the Florida Hispanics who are more republican than other parts of the country?

Absolutely, although regardless of the pick we won't let the race become an indictment on the VP choice. We want it to become an indictment on Clinton.

Thanks for this.

>tripfag gook virgin asking someone to dox themselves

The political danger is having a BLM movement make a spectacle of the show and having media broadcast images of unfavorable images of Trump reacting.

I'm not privy to future scheduling though, so maybe.

What are Trumps plan for Hillary after victory? Has he gotten that far? Would he be willing to prosecute them

Hrm. Fair enough.

What strategies will your campaign be doing for GOTV operations to attempt to avoid a repeat of Romney's 2012 GOTV failure? High-level answers are fine if OpSec is an issue.

Is Dr. Carson going to have a place in Trump's crew?

Would there even be a place for him? He is a brilliant neurosurgeon but in no way versed in politics

>Did Manafort actually say "Tell the Speaker to cut the shit"?
>Also tell us a little bit about the convention:
>Will Marion Le Pen attend? Will Geert Wilders and Nigel Farage speak? What about Ted's involvement?

> Creating confirmation bias of Hillary being weak and incompetent, which will be exploited at the debates.
> Calm the fears of voters who are afraid of Trump, so they stay home and don't turnout for Hillary


So this then?

>What does internal polling show about his support amongst blacks, is it really around 26%?

That's not the right question, the right question is "What does internal polling show about Hillary Clinton's support among blacks".

And I don't believe they are going to show up when it matters.

He said in a previous thread that Trump absolutely stood by the statement that she "has to go to prison". I'd say he's serious

Is it possible there will be any surprise convention endorsements from any #NeverTrump fags?

Any plan on playing off hillarys poor stamina, light media showings and health?

I hear murmurings that she's got multiple sclerosis

Have there been any formal plans for a night of long knives after Trump takes office?

Is Trump going to bring various charges (like treason and aiding/abetting terror groups) against Obama, along with Hillary, if he's President?

In addition, will this be clause for a RICO case and bring down all corrupt individuals involved, effectively causing a total revolution within government?

Scott Adams is a great communicator. He does a great job breaking down the race as it happens.

Would also like to know this. Will be a "purge" of sorts?

The ground campaign needs to be built from scratch. The RNC was blown out by Obama's campaign on the ground last election and they want to use all of the same tricks.

Campaign doesn't think the RNC is in the best position to provide ground support. It will be in full swing come election time. Remember, the election will be decided by a relatively small number of voters and counties.

Raise money. Run for office.

California isn't voting Republican

Whats Trump's stance on that cuck Paul Ryan? Will he actively support his challenger?

PLEASE go to black communities. "Make America Great For Everyone" is deeply powerful messaging.

Be honest, how badly was Trump panicking a month ago when the judge shit and Trump U hit the fan?

How does trump plan on using Trade arguments to win The Rust belt?

Is Michigan in play?

Will Trump go nuclear on The Clinton Foundation?

Trump fully intends to clean up Washington when he arrives. Clinton is the dirtiest politician around.

That is good, hopefully you guys can deliver Virginia back to Trump from Cuckoldry

Rope, bullet, or needle?

Sort of related to VP, but what's your opinion on Newt from an insider viewpoint? Most of Sup Forums, including myself, doesn't like him.

> Reducing the power of "Trump is a racist" messaging, stop providing ammo.
> Reaching out to Hispanic religious institutions.
> Pushing Jobs to working families, pushing Security for older voters

>It will be in full swing come election time
Isn't it a little late for that?

18 year old first time voter in Florida.

South miami is heavy for trump except miami gardens and all(heavy black folk community)

Wondering what I can do as an individual to help out the campaign. I signed up to volunteer on the website but so far no response.

You mentioned earlier Phase two of Unity v Division. Trump addressing the democrats lack of plan and action on their part will fuck then over, duh.

My 2nd question is how does Trump plan on receiving some of the black vote?doesnt he only need 15% of the low votes to make a big enough dent in her plans?
(and not talking about the welfare class vote)

What is the Virginia Strategy? How are you guys planning to contain NOVA?

What's going on with this supreme court justice? I saw Trump's tweets earlier but like... yeah. What next?

The rallies are critical for building local movements. It's a great way to get lots of supporters in one area, get them fired up, and then contact them later to build something.

"Infiltrating" Unions in Rust Belt is key. Those voters only get pro-Dem messages from their union, every other aspect of their lives suggest they should vote GOP. Reaching out to key members of local unions and starting a revolt against Union Bosses who support a candidate who supports TPP will be a big benefit.

GOP establishment is going to have to reach out to their religious networks for Trump. In exchange, he is raising money for them. Quid Pro Qou.

Will the call center be open on Friday?

Is Trump in danger of vote rigging? Will he call out the muck in the DNC primary?

When Trump loses in an electoral landslide, will you be killing yourself with cyanide pills, a handgun, or just use the good, old-fashioned noose?

Are there any legit concerns for Trump & family's safety given Crooked Hillary's precedence for violence and intimidation against her rivals?

> Yes
> Convention speakers are being strategically released to the press. Trump is the best political marketer of all time, I won't undercut his process.

All I see are Trump signs all over NY. Some are homemade. I know it seems like this state will be perpetually cucked by voter fraud in places like Brooklyn, KJ, and NS, and it very well might be a lost cause, but does Trump plan on touring upstate? I'd love to see him at a place like SPAC or Bethel.


MSM is shielding her. She isn't healthy. She won't hold up to the rigors of 4 years of presidency.

I am going to Enjoy watching everyone slowly lose their minds as Trump acts completely normal for a few months

What would be an ideal timeframe for getting this collated report of our findings on the Clinton Foundation to you? I'm getting close to having it done (around 200 pg., maybe?), but I have a LOT of work and might be in Japan in the near future.

Is there a date you'd need it? And how should I send it to you?

Fair enough; man I love Manafort.

Here's a question I've been meaning to ask, we've had some posters claiming that they are Hillary PR staff, people that handle her Twitter, and they apparently hate her and try to sabotage her a little bit.

Would you think that's true? And if it is, are you being insidious and getting them?


Based on all of these maps it implies that Trump knows it's highly unlikely he'll win NY (this is obvious).

However, Trump still made several references about potentially taking the state and campaigning there.

Will it be a worthy cause to devote time and resources to? If Trump can win New York it's OVER for Hillary. How possible is this and what's Trump's opinion on winning NY?

So what are y'all gonna do about the super Religious Zealot party platform that was drafted? How will this not drive away independents and disenfranchised democrats from Trump

Absolutely not. Election time is when you need the ground campaign.

I'm autist level intelligence/perfectionism with Trump level charisma and work ethic. Have interned for White house, congress, large banks. and other dick-waving shit.

Honestly I want to help Trump burn it all down and rebuild it. Is there any way I can get in on something important? I'm currently activating my dormant french citizenship just to vote for FN, convincing friends, etc. I'm in VA, and there might be a chance we turn back red this year. My skills lie in writing and organization, but I'm good at everything.

Any scraps you could throw my way?

How accurate are the claims that 85% of Sanders voters will vote for the cunt?

Good you've seen those too!

Did you see the Trump sign in Chappaqua?


Any reason why?

Is the Trump campaign looking to help Nehlen, or are they just letting the cards fall where they may for Ryan's upcoming primary?

Based OP, can you tell me if Trump is an auto racing fan?

Serious question. How is Trump going to do deal with CIA?