Has this board made anyone else incredibly angry at the world? And an angrier person in general?

Has this board made anyone else incredibly angry at the world? And an angrier person in general?

I think it's time for me take a fucking vacation from this place.

No. Sup Forums makes me happy and so does Kek. Praise him.

Yes, definitely. I see an abundance of the Online Disinhibition Effect here as well. Keep in mind most people who post anonymously would never say things IRL that they do on the Internet so there is a lot of trolls and disgusting material here. Real life is far different from the Internet and it it good to take a break.

More so complacent. You can't control the outcomes of the events, you might as well just live your life in the best way you see fit. Everything else is irrelevant

Not especially so. I've been an ANGRY WHITE MALE for years. It has iron pilled me about females though.

*it is good

It just made me realize Joyce was right, and will always be.
>History is the nightmare from which I am trying to awake.
Now I'm just depressed and want to be left alone.

Post hoc ergo propter hoc

you were already angry

cling to your memes you fucking autist

Yep. I'm disgusted by you fags. Bitch and complain yet never do anything ever only attack each other and accuse each other of shilling constantly over meaningless shit.

Mfw I found out I can actually have a reasonable conversation with leftards and femenists because more of ten than not IRL since political and regular discussion IRL is less of an autistic shitfest than Sup Forums

OP has a point: I had no opinion abput blacks murdering cops while crying about victimhood, or Muslims systematically raping young English girls, but then I saw this picture of an amphibian and boy was I angry.

>Has this board made anyone else incredibly angry at the world?

It's just a bunch of memes

You are denying yourself most the good shit aussiboi. Stay jealous.

I used to go out, socialise, screw sluts, take drugs, go clubbing and was an alcoholic.

After Sup Forums I got off the drink and drugs, stopped the degenerate clubbing and fucking whores and began improving myself.

Now i lift twice a day, box three times a week, read any right wing and classical literature I can get my hands on, go to church and I'm applying for a firearms licence. Weird. Also decorated my house with Rhodesian flags, etc.


they shouldn't let you have a weapon
all you need to do is keep doing hitler jigs on the sidewalk in full nazi uniform and everyone will get the idea and realize your "power level" is over 9000

Yeah, it's called being a realist.

Where can you go?

Ever since coming to Sup Forums ive been a mega asshole to everyone around me, and idgaf

>Yes, I especially can't fucking stand kikebook with people that I actually like spewing muh black lives matter fucking bullshit

I ain't even white senpai, get me off this ride

>angry at the world
No, I don't need Sup Forums to tell me that the world is a shitty place, and a small group of elites control everything.

>angrier person
No, just disappointing at all of the meaningless in-fighting in Sup Forums
