What would happen if I, a white european would move to the US of A?

What would happen if I, a white european would move to the US of A?

marry a nonwh*te

The color white and the white race are two related but different things, you cannot use them interchangeably

You would likely be consumed by feral shartburgers looking to increase their heritage %

Within one generation they would look like pic rel.

Who would do such a thing?

Damn this is a really forced unfunny meme, at least spurdo was sort of funny. This just reeks of butthurt.

Your butthurt is reeking.



My feelings are really hurt, I promise.

I know.

excellent post




No way...

They're being post ironic you wouldn't understand

... Nothing? Why, what do you think would happen?


Why would you want to be anglo? I thought white americans were mostly germanic


pick one

Fucking hell



these memes suck. I'm pretty white, prob whiter than anyone in this thread. euroshits jealous cause they don't have the guns and good ass food.

memes are poorly drawn to. jesus

Dumb leaf poster