What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Seriously, what did he actually mean?

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It doesn't matter if a plan actually works, what matters is that no one gets their feelings hurt or feels left out.

A President's job is more executive than legislative.

What did he mean by this?

>We flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than get his hands on a computer, or even a book

Thanks for that. But the president of YOUR country, just started shit talking police at a Memorial for 5 white cops shot by a black guy.

And actually said

>"It's not about finding policies that work. It's about forging consensus and fighting cynicism, and finding the will to make change."


Solutions don't matter, only feelings matter?

Someone should remind Obama that he can't literally make laws then

like when he opened the border because borders are "racist"

>it's not about finding policies that work

He didn't really say that did he?

it means disregard the facts, you will believe what we tell you, or else!

He means instead of sifting through proposed "policies" and finding the magical fit, we need to build something that works through teamwork, unity, and necessity.

The Supreme Court ruled (I forget when exactly, but fairly recently) that deportation was exclusively the right of the federal government. So blame them. Honestly, the Supreme Court is responsible for how much fucking much power has migrated from the state to the federal structure and thus from the law-makers to the president. I get that they were feeling all high and mighty by telling Americans that segregation was stupid and being pretty much supported by history, but now the environment they created is destructive as hell.



You're welcome.

Yeah, while I find the very idea that it could possibly not be about finding policy that works objectionable (EVERYTHING is about finding policy that works; pretty much by definition), by saying this he's clearly trying to play the "head of state" role of healer and unifier, attempting to speak to the common man (something Obama has always been very bad at).

It was a fine speech, but you found a nice sour line in it, I'll give you credit.

Holy fuck, this guy is a goddamn elder wizard tier manipulator. I can only imagine how fucking putty brained the people that still support him must be. I'm routinely amazed at how this guy managed to be even worse than bush in every way.

This is the only thing he said that matters.

If you're making change for the sake of change, and that solutions don't matter - only the validation of feelings - then why change anything at all?

It was a fucking awful speech. He was at a memorial service for 5 dead cops and started talking about how BLM are 'peaceful protesters', and pushing the same rubbish about how 'black people and white people experience the criminal justice system differently.'

He talked about how black mothers are scared cops are going to shoot their kids when they leave the house.

It was the most divisive and disrespectful speech I think any president has ever made at an event like this.

Dubya's speech was good. Obama's was factually incorrect race baiting that will only encourage more protests, more riots, more looting and more violence.

Oh right, I'm in Sup Forums. Fuck off. Grow some damn common sense.


>common sense
>just like 'common sense gun laws'
>Just like BLM saying that we should abolish the police force

Perhaps you might feel more comfortable at Tumblr where feelings are all that matter. Maybe Obama will pay a visit to you and validate your feelings.

That single sentence laid bare the left's position on EVERYTHING. It doesn't matter if it will work, as long as feelings are considered.

Glock cost: 547$
Laptop: 300$

Obama's lying through his teeth to push his agenda

first time ive seen australia talking serious

Is that an actual Occupy Democrats maymay? That just looks too lazy even by their standards, and was that really the best quote they could pull from that "memorial" speech the other day?

nevermind the fact that he's blaming legal and responsible gun owners for 16 year old gangbangers in chicago getting a gun from theys niggas which is then used to kill other 16 year old gangbangers

He means those that are too INSANE to be agree with and be a part of The Consensus must be dealt with before they get a hold of an assault weapon or transmit unlawful packet data.

He meant "Watch me tell this bold-faced lie in front of officers which know I'm full of shit. Don't mind the fact that not a single on of them applauded the sentence, they're just racists. We all know they're racists. We know. Americans know. Look, we all know."

It's not real. It's satire.

But it just highlights the entire Obama Presidency in one statement.

>It's not about solutions to problems
>It's about Hope and Change

>forging concensus
How can concensus be forged. Forging is an act of force. Concencus is mutual agreement. These two don't go together. And what exactly is the concensus? What are we talking about? It is obviously about racial tension, but what should we all be forced to 'agree' on?

That he should be King Nigger for life.

Instead of life being miserable for a few, we must make life miserable for everybody.

He's basically saying "feels >>> reals".

Like forging a signature.
Forging consensus, fake agreemenrs.