German police launch first nationwide hate speech raids


>Authorities have conducted the first ever nationwide raids on people suspected of spreading hate speech on the internet.

In the early hours of Wednesday morning, officers in all but two of the 16 German states moved in on properties connected to suspects in hate speech investigations.

Roughly 60 people across the country are believed to have taken part in a private Facebook group in which various German laws were broken, including praising of the Nazis.

Other urls found in this thread:

>At the centre of the operations was the Federal Office of Criminal Investigations (BKA), which stated that their aim was to “decisively confront” the strong growth in verbal radicalism which is appearing on the internet.”

>Since December 2015, the BKA has been coordinating a police unit which combines state and federal police in a project called “Tackling Hate Posting”.

>The unit was set up after Bavarian police observed regular “hate posts” being published on a secret Facebook page between July and November 2015.

>According to the BKA, the posts often praised the Nazi era, included anti-Semitic content or other illegal far-right opinions.

>illegal far-right opinions.


Come on, Kurwa, you should know better just by reading the article.

If you go on kikebook, and spew forth degenerate "neo-nazi" stuff, obviously the police will get involved sooner or later.

Interestingly enough, the laws which were partly introduced to be used against "Hate Preachers" of islamic descent, are now used against their counterpart.

>“Today’s raids make one thing clear. German police are committed to tackling hate speech and provocation on the internet,” BKA chief Holger Münch said in a statement.

>“Hate speech can not be allowed to poison the public debate. Attacks on refugee homes are often the result of a radicalization which begins on the internet.”

>illegal opinions
You can't make this shit up

C'mon, don't be so naive. They were never gonna actually be used on muslims.

Sup Forums is the last save haven for german anons

>Come on, Kurwa, you should know better just by reading the article.

I don't know if your opinion is legal Hans.

they deserved it desu

not sure what you're laughing about, you just had a visit from my King Nigger and your politicians and people welcomed him with open arms.

I hope your women enjoy your new black troops

>>illegal opinions
>You can't make this shit up
the ride has just stared. the law the built this bullshit upon pretty much states that any speech that "enrages the people" is illegal. thats what i call a broad definition.

>illegal far-right opinions
Germany is now basicaly soviet union 2.0 with more shitskins

>They were never gonna actually be used on muslims.

Right. They get a slap on the wrist, get put "on observation", and still preach the same shit in private.

Euros pls come home to USA

You really gotta hand it to the Germans, they never half-ass anything. Millions more will have to die for Germany to snap out of it. Truly dedicated people.

>Euros pls come home to USA

your 1st amendment is just a meme

If you post on kikebook using your real name and tell someone to kill themselves or that they deserve to be raped, shot, or something like that, the victim can press charges on you for harassment in the US as well.

>racist imbeciles feeling the heat
>get fined for breaking the law with their garbage

Feels good.

facebook will literally hand your information to the state if your even suspected of hatespeech

pic related, its happening

nigger faggot kike fuck off the holocaust never happened

you're a traitor to Germany and so is Merkel


>refugees running around raping your children
>arrest people for freedom of speech

nice priorities germany!

If you're a German it's pretty clear your government is nothing more than a puppet state to genocide you.

Make it easier ;(

>Sup Forums is the number 1 distributor of illegal opinions
>ban assault memes

The thing is, that what you just wrote is considered hate speech. Illegal right wing opinion


the problem is any cancer spreads and creates metastases, you rather be careful and secure your borders

Auf wiedersehen!



only costs like $5 a month

Your system is controlled by the banks and it wants to genocide you.

Your move, German.

We had a good run

This is even more bullshit because Islamic extremists can walk on the street preaching hate and waving ISIS flags without getting arrested.

But having a racist opinion will get your house raided.

Nice Numbers, i'll go to mexico and hop the border.

>leaf in his stupidity tries boiling it down to an exclusive or question

Ah, and who doesn't remember the German ficki ficki summer of 2016 which Sup Forums foresaw, but never happened. Or the quadrizigillion refugees which were promised but never came.

You're one of those racist imbeciles, I assume?

kek, the german gubmint sets their priorities right.
Instead keeping mudshits in check and make them stop killing and raping germans they are on a super important mission to clean the world from some opinions.

C-can we come? We could move all those sandniggers, niggers and libcucks to Germany after Trump is selected.

Policing thought crime and speech.
German culture at it's finest.

Good bye you poor German bastards!


How many were affiliated with PEGIDA, Identitare Bewegung or any other movement?

Well, it is made up. The BKA press release specifically talks about StgB §80 and §130 and not of 'opinions', nor do any non-retarded outlets speak of 'opinions'.

Since they can't stop the rape or the violence, they try to stop the people complaining about it.
Bravo, gestapo.

It's only if they actually kill themselves or try (End of in the hospital) that you can get in actual trouble. Although we don't have free speech we don't get raided by the police just niggers and sjw's will get mad.

Its Gods punishment for what they have done to us. France and the UK is also slowly dying, for betraying us. This also proves that we're Gods choosen nation, and catholism is the only right direction. Just look at scandinavia. If God is with us then who is against us?

Being so bullshit against its people, I wonder if you could bullshit back at the government.

Be all pro-Hitler and nazi on the web, then wait for the party-van to arrive.
During interrogation, claim to know nothing about what they say Hitler and Nazism was. Say that you read online that Hitler was a famous 30's musician and that "nazis" were people who the nickname of people who followed him and his music.

11/dumb racist fuck

Hope police klingelt bald auch an deiner Tür :^)

>Interestingly enough, the laws which were partly introduced to be used against "Hate Preachers" of islamic descent, are now used against their counterpart.

Of course they were. Only a compelte tool would have thought they wouldn't end up used like this. It's like the fucking snooper's charter over here. Sure. 'terrorism' they say. Until they decide that hate speech is in the same category as terrorism and use the years metadata they have on every UK web connection to prosecute dissidents.

>Persecuting people because they post Adolf Hitler in a PRIVATE GROUP
>Making a big fuzz about it

This is the epitome of German trolling.
No creativity, no wit.

map is bulshit.
Whores simply go abroad to abort their children asses.
But its a good thing as only left feminazi do abortion.

I would gladly give my taxes to pay for their abortions and euthanasia.

>StgB §80 and §130
could you explain the content of these paragraphs? I doubt I am the only one with limited knowledge of german laws.

(((German))) trolling

But still we dont paint our soil with baby blood.

For those of you not aware this woman was a former "language reporter" to the east German government. Makes since she would be good at fucking over free speech.

thats, like, maybe your opinion#

it is, however, the opinon of the law enforcement, that some speech is hatespeech and is therfore illegal. if was law enforcement and felt like your shittalk about $130 enables racism and hate, i could bust your ass right now

the idea of free speech is to let people whos opinion you despise speek freely


>StgB §80
preparing a war of aggression

>StgB §130
hate crime/speech

How many people have been charged over new year's eve in cologne?

How many of you have lost hope in Germany and now just want to see it burn into the ground?

Sorry, I meant to say §86. One is about illegal Nazi symbols and paraphilia, the other about incitement to hatred.

Why is Lithuania so all over the place?



The history repeats itself

Can't say or i will go to jail.

Sup Forums is not illegal in Germany

Don't give them ideas mate.

>leaving a fucked up country for an even more fucked up country

maybe gestapo don't know about it yet

>Posting nazi symbols
BKA is informed. Fukken kack nadsi :DDD

>nadsi :DDD
I really really like this meme!

>tfw dad's side of the family is from Germany
I weep for you, krauts.

Gestapo FF (Ficki-ficki)

Full of muslims that enforce sharia in Germany and takes anyone in custody that is against multi-kulti.

At it`s final phase they will begin the eradication of Christians (and jews) on a mass scale.

It will be known as the Infidel solution.

Come at me BKA. I hope you're prepared for an horrible memetic warfare.

Police here aren't raiding houses because of illegal opinions. America's plenty fucked, but at least plenty of people here are openly against this kind of thought policing.

Trump wouldn't be polling at 40% otherwise.

Those Numbers make me hard. GJ Helmut!

So how does police hearing looks like after that kind of raid?

>Sir, have you ever expressed any illegal far-right opinion on the internet?

>In its press release, the BKA said that the operation carried out this week aims to combat a "strong rise in verbal radicalism."

>verbal radicalism

got his promotion.

lol thanks op. I like to tell my old, racist grandpa about this stuff. He immigrated from Germany and news like this always makes him cry.

the good times are over. Germany and Europe are ruined forever

Yep, dangerous verbal radicals m8.

Sheeittt just imagine all those brave muslims have to endure all those hurtful words while raping our women.


I guess your freedom of speech has its boundaries, too. Only that you apparently need some cops murdered first before you stop calling threats 'opinions'.

Boi what the fuck are you talking about? You literally ELECTED king nigger. Not to mention white people will be a minority by 2050, unlike in poland. Your women already enjoy black troops with open arms.




Can you Krauts use a VPN and shitpost on jewbook?

Yeah, but those guys support left wing parties, so they're totally innocent!

But really, when the pendulum swings the other way, I will be laughing and hollering as the lefties and their lapdogs are subjected to the same faith. And they will turn to their fellow citizens, and ask "but weren't you in favour of free speech when WE were trying to ban it?"

And we'll tell them to fuck off. Every day I grow more sure: Marxism is a dangerous memetic scourge that must be wiped out. And so is Islamism. Both are totalitarian movements, and both ought to be treated the way they treat others: By putting the jackboot of oppression in their necks.

good to know that all polish cunts just go to ukraine to get their abortion

State TV moderator about to get axed for criticizing the hate speech thing:

>Polizei, Politiker und Initiativen kämpfen gegen Hetze im Netz. Ein ZDF-Reporter macht sich in einem Beitrag darüber lustig. Der wird jetzt Thema im Fernsehrat.

>illegal far-right opinions.
Welcome to Germany

>America builds wall to keep invaders out

>Europe builds a wall to keep Europeans from escaping their genocide.

thoughts are free. that's all.

But only if you keep them to yourself.

i actually dont mind these dumb nazis getting busted.
nevertheless its a waste of time and resources.

Well shit first it's the nazis, then the conservatives, then you.

That's why they are calling thoughts.
Or are you able to use telepathy?

I can't even banter. This is genuinely disturbing.

>i actually dont mind these dumb nazis getting busted.

1930s: "I actually don't mind these dumb Communists being sent to Dachau."

>secret facebook page
>it's a literal diary to keep thoughts, but on the internet, and we can't have that