My pussy stinks hehe

>my pussy stinks hehe
>drinking cum is so gross

this is so disgusting what the fuck

couldn't even finish it

what is Amy's problem?

Other urls found in this thread:

>dude i'm a whore lmao

She's a nasty skank

Not everyone has the same sense of humor as you.

But she is objectively not funny

>what is Amy's problem?
Her vagina smells bad and she consumes ejaculate more often than she'd like to

It wasn't even jokes

She was just rambling about her smelly cunt while all the women in the audience cackled

yes but didn't you know altright virgins brought her ratings down

it's all their fault

I think the user you responded to is on you're side. You just don't read good.

Inb4 get over it meme

Same as any female comedian. They've never had to develop a sense of humor to attract the attention of the opposite sex and so their level of wit and ability to make people laugh is stuck at the same level as that of an 12 year old.

Cum tastes good though. What is she gay?

>Dude sex lmao
>Dude I'm drunk lmao
>Dude weed lmao
>Dude I'm fat lmao
Literally a female Seth Rogan.

>drinking cum is so gross
Why spread lies?

It was marginally funny.

>dude i'm a whore lmao
>Cum is gross
It seems she is bad at being comedian AND a whore.

she ran out of stolen jokes from Patrice oneal, burr etc, This was a long time coming.

The world hates you, faggot.

>But don't call me a whore

Self-deprecating jokes are the worst.

Maybe she's funny in the way you have a friend who says funny things and always has a clever comment when the situation arises. She's probably really funny. But that doesn't mean it'll translate to stand up comedy.

If she ever was funny, I think she's become a real world flanderized character who's just turning a major trait into her entire being.

is it acceptable for me to come out and say that I find Melissa funny now?

Im convinced the "women aren't funny" meme is limited to a subset of white women. Allie Wong's special was the best one up until the Chappelle's specials

>Dolph Ziggler fucked this
>she was the one who left him

Why, Dolph? Just, why?

But those same racist alt right virgins loved Chappelle.

Really? Her special was do painfully unfunny I had to stop many times and revisit. Took me a week to get through it.

Chappelle quit because they took him 100% serious since he had jokes that were accessible to white people even though a lot of the earlier stuff was the exact same shit every black comic on comicview was doing when it came to race.

She's better than Amy Schumer, that's for sure

I've shown it to multiple people and the only person that didnt like it was the same Chinese guy who hates FotB because it reminded him too much of his homelife

There's literally nothing wrong with semen. Fucking women.

It's not just the jokes

It's the way she says the jokes

I hate her joke telling voice


Kristen Schall is actually pretty good to
Has good fresh material, good delivery

It's nice when female comedians aren't "Muh pussy! Hue hue hue"

My favorite kristen schall joke is when she's talking about really attractive people in the 1800's

She does too many applause breaks

Most stand-up shows on Netflix have one star ratings. She's at the same level as Jack Whitehall, which seems about right.

it was an unironic recreation of sweet dee's stand-up routine in "the gang broke dee"

Does Schumer do sound effects in this?

>applause breaks

the faces she makes and her "physical comedy" is just as bad as all the whore material

Ignoring all of her content, her delivery is really bad. A major part of stand up comedy is how you tell the jokes and she's really bad at that.


agreeded, I saw some of her earlier stuff and at least chuckled. "Funny People" aren't inherently good at Stand-up comedy.