If one would assume/admit racial differences in intelligence...

If one would assume/admit racial differences in intelligence. If one would say that Whites are smarter on average than Blacks. What is there to say that some White nationalities are smarter than others. Like Germans being smarter than Bulgarians? Croats being smarter than Bosnians? OR perhaps, some bloodlines being smarter than others. Within a society?

>Sorry user, you come from a genetic line of manual laborers.
>You cannot compete with someone from a genetic line of doctors.

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Genetics determines intelligence between races. = Genetics determines intelligence within races

Yes. And?

Genetic discrimination on the individual level is pointless. Blacks have lower IQ than whites on average yes but there are indeed black geniuses and white idiots (just fewer of each because the curve is shifted). The point of acknowledging genetic differences is in dealing with populations, not individual cases.

We've known and accepted since forever that intelligence is genetic. What are you really asking?

Is it right to tell a kid that his genes will determine his chances of success? It is one thing if it is kids of different races. But take two White kids. Is it right to tell the one that his ancestors has made less scientific contributions. And his genetic line has a lower IQ on average. And therefore is less likely to succeed?

No need to fuss about it. When genetic manipulation becomes a common thing, we don't have to worry about our people left behind because of their genes. China is already researching this.

>there are indeed black geniuses
name one

Statistics say: Blacks have on average a lower IQ. But the worlds smartest person could be an African single mother.


speaking of probabilities, that's right
The child of 2 holders of a physics PhD (average IQ 135) is more likely to have a high IQ (and thus perform better in academia) than, say, a child with manual workers as parents, which probably hover around 100 IQ-wise. This is of course a simplification because we're only talking about average values.

Who cares if its right? It's patently obvious. Short people can't play basketball or most sports, and dumb people can't be scholastically achieved.

IQ is an indicator, that's all.

You can also improve your IQ through training.

There is no evidence the gap is caused by genetics.

>could be
there it is though, it is far more likely that the worlds smartest person is a male asian or ashkenazi jew (highest math. IQ / verbal IQ respectively and male means bigger standard deviation) than an african single mother, and with far more likely I mean several orders of magnitude.

Don't even bother. These idiots think IQ is something innate and static

>asked to post Black geniuses
>posts some random vidya game maker

There is also no evidence that the gap isn't caused by genetics, seeing as the IQ gap still prevails when you rule out environmental differences (rich black people scoring lower than poor whites). There is a reason why despite all affirmative action, there is still no substantial black population in the science-community, where high IQ is helpful.

you can improve it by a few points, but assuming inhomogeneous testing not beyond that mark.

minnesota transracial adoption study proves niggers are dumb by genes alone
you cannot permanently gain IQ, and not even temporarily more than a standard deviation

wtf i hate IQs now

>minnesota transracial adoption study proves
40 year old flawed study that has no genetic evidence. You can just assume you can control for all IVs, especially not in social experiments.

There's both evidence for and against. What is known for sure is that almost every test with different variables has still shown that certain races skew differently than others.



oh there it is again, calling everything that speaks against your opinion flawed - why bother discussing things when you aren't willing to change your stubborn opinion?

I'll give you a chance, post some peer reviewed sources that fully debunk the quoted studies and additional material that shows us that muh iq is all environmental

It's not flawed in the slightest and gives perfect genetic evidence by using monozygotic twin pairs. Are you insane? IQ is 70% genetic based on meta-analyses of nearly 15 million mono/dizygotic twin pairs used in dozens of longitudinal studies for decades. You can raise IQ meagerly through training, but you can't raise cognitive g which is more important.

Regardless, IQ is more flexible than people realize. I'm not attempting to shit on the notion of IQ being genetic, I'm just saying that, say, someone working a job in which they must often use logical problem solving skills will most likely have a higher IQ, but that some of this is also attributable to their environment.

And it doesn't change the fact that it is an indicator. There is no law that states that people with a higher IQ will do better in life than those with a lower IQ, but rather someone having a high IQ is an indicator for success.

Also, height correlates with IQ. That is obviously not to say that all tall people are intelligent, or that all short people are not intelligent, however, it is yet another indicator; a person of good height is more likely to have a high IQ.

>height correlates with IQ.
If I recall correctly, the correlation was approximately 0.15 with the most intelligent individuals from the data set being of average height

>african single mother world's smartest person
that would be a statistical anomaly, OP.
Unfortunately, we don't just populations by their exceptions.

When you are a fully grown adult it is almost completely static. Factors like sleep, nutrition and training to the test can have a huge negative to a small positive impact.

A black person has a brain that is about 100 grams - about 1/4 of a pound - smaller than that of a White. (For a mulatto the difference in brain size compared to a White is about 1/8 of a pound.) Have you ever gone to McDonalds and eaten a Quarter Pounder? That is how much meat is missing from the brain of a black compared to a White person.

This. It should be used for making decisions involving immigration. For everyone that is already here there should be a level playground, and no more bitching about blacks underachieving because when equality is achieved there is no other way than them underachieving as they are not made to do better on a large scale.

Treat everyone individually, make decisions based on statistics and reason

facts don't become outdated; they aren't a fashion movement they're claims about the world that are true or false.

The point is that we as caucasians share a common core in our genetics
Different ethnicities have different "skills" that can be a resistance to cold or hot climate immunity to some poisonous plant or just physical strength

Comparing the "intelligence" of germans and bulgarian people is just stupid
Not just because that we have the superior educational system we evolved in a totally other direction

But anyways please read up about genetics after you understood what the difference between race and ethnicity is

A single study does not make a theory or fact. Establishing something as science takes several lines of evidence and scientific consensus.

He's probably just a dumb nigger. Sad and unwilling to face the facts about his dimwitted race.

>no evidence the gap is caused by genetics.
>evidence for and against
The experts on both sides of the argument are in agreement that intelligence as measured by IQ is about 75% heritable. Whether it's genetic isn't even up for debate, it's commonly accepted.

Objective scientific evidence: known significant differences between the major races include cranial capacity, average IQ, gestation time, maturation rate, hair texture, bodily musculature, twinning rates, facial structure, skeletal structure, skin tone, genetic predisposition to disease, tendency toward aggression, and the list goes on.

what kind of sweden question is this
do you ask wether a less intelligent person should not be confronted with the fact that he is not as intelligent as other people and therefore wont be as successful in academics for instance
but instead shield him from reality and never tell him



Will have to click on the DOI link as for some reason the actual Spinger Link site is classed as spam, apparently.

>The phenotypic correlation between height and g was 0.16 (SE 0.01)
>The genetic correlation between height and g was 0.28 (SE 0.09) with a bivariate heritability estimate of 0.71

As an aside, I fucking hate when people don't use the oxford referencing system. Harvard system is shit.


>still can't grasp the fact that the common iq of a white person, in europe, is about 110

Even if your ancestors have been retarded goat fucker you still can be the next hawking
Smart+smart ain't = genius
Just like two pretty persons wouldn't automatically make a beautiful child

You have no idea what you're talking about kiddo

I know. I mentioned that the links included tests that tried to account for nature differences and still showed that races skew similarly.

guys these charts hurt

should i just accept east asian cock in my mouth and ass? am i worthless? i don't know what to think anymore

maybe you should first note that these are distributions and that they don't affect you as an individual

>single study
the Minnesota Trans-Racial Adoption study set out under the researchers' belief that blacks were cognitively equal to whites, and that blacks would perform just as well as whites on IQ tests if the blacks were just able to have some of the white privilege that benefits all of the little white kids running around showing off with their high IQs and shit.
So the researchers placed little black and mulatto babies with wealthy, high IQ, white SWPL couples to be raised with all of the white privileges of decent schools and drug and crime-free suburban communities.
The results of the study astonished the researchers, who had set out to prove that systemic institutional racism and poverty were holding back the American negro. They learned that environment had very little impact on IQ, as long as the child received proper nutrition and wasn't exposed to toxins, like lead paint chips or asbestos poisoning. The ghetto black kids and the suburban black kids can grow up in completely different worlds but they'll regress back to the norm. This is true for all of the races. You can take the negro out of Africa but you can never take Africa out of the negroid.

That's actually pretty much how it is. There is some natural variance, and nurture does play a part, but usually a plumber will have working class children, while doctors have upper class children.

There probably are differences between European populations as well, but they are quite small, because Europeans are very similar. Some differences are actually easy to see. For instance you can quite easily tell the difference between a Finn and a Swede. Swedes are typically a bit taller and more muscular, they actually look more healthy.

But yeah, you really have a hard time competing white someone coming from a line of doctors, unless you happen to get lucky. Some times two idiots give birth to a genius, but more often they do not.

I should also point out that the original authors of the study got disillusioned and moved on to other things, however, the data from the study has never stopped being analyzed. Subsequent teams of researchers have all written extensively on this study and collected more data and published their findings, updating the original study.

Your country need Japanese seed moar.

adopt me ;_;