Why is Lip so awful?

Why is Lip so awful?

midway of season 3. Lip is based. but to be fair, they're all pretty fucking awful

he was great bu they made his character shit

show has gone on for too long

Karen was probably the worst one on the show.

I hope he has a future in film/tv

but she was 10/10 qt

because they started repeating charcter motivations and goals.
So he fells like shit since he repeats the same shit for 3 season.

her character arc did fall to shit though
i wish she did turn into one of those girls who did daddy/daughter porn

I feel that Frank getting completely off free from all charges was a tad unrealistic.

all the characters suck now. Fiona is seriously everything I hate.

There is not one likable character on this show. They are all fucking awful.

Except Kev



>a show flanderizing its characters getting criticized must be Sup Forums

>Fiona is everything I hate

>Probably because she's not a blonde housewife

>Probably because she's not a blonde housewife

Now this is some fucking projection

I like Fiona. She can take care of herself and knows to put family first, but she's addicted to bad boys and poverty. I'd marry her, but she wouldn't marry me because of reasons posted before.

well she admitted he was high off of painkillers cause of his hand injury. And she basically took advantage of him.

Simmer down with that complex, mate.

this post is so dumb it has to have been made by a woman

Hard to not be addicted to bad boys when you grow up with them all around you.

Plus rich/upper middle class people are boring as fuck. I know because I'm the latter.

>inb4 someone mentions

>w-well goku was rich in the show but he's a bad boy!!!

Jimmy is a bad boy but he's also a manchild.

I liked fiona up until the recent seasons
>admirably gives up her youth to raise her siblings
>makes sure they go to school, keeps a house over their head, and keeps their drug addled abusive parents out
All this was likeable, but then the later seasons roll around
>nearly loses the house
>carl saves them and the family with his gang money which fiona happily takes despite condemning him for said gang
>then proceeds to mortgage the house to buy a fuckin laundromat to turn into some ridiculous sounding "disco laundromat" or whatever
>at a time when home washer/dryers are more affordable and prevalent than ever and when everyone is telling to not fuckin buy this failing business
>saved by sheer stupidity luck/plot armour
Ok she had a shit hand dealt to her but she just turns into a selfish cunt and risks things she doesn't have to risk simply because she wants to

Her love stories just make me hate her more
>abloo ablooo ablooo i've cheated on every decent man i met, married a guy i knew for a day, cheated on him, sold his family's heirloom ring, nearly married a heroin addict then freaked out when he went back to heroin
>it's obviously men's fault
>better get a shit tattoo and became a total whore

she's predictable in her unpredictability
she'll fuck you over if you're her husband... you just have to have a back up plan you know is inevitable, but she'll get mad that you did that.


>knows to put family first
What show are you watching? Surely not the one she let her baby brother OD on crack. Or the one where she mortgaged a house that her other brother bought for everyone to live in so she could pursue her own dreams? Or her chasing off any guy who wanted to buy things for the house to make everyone's life easier because although she's a slut, she's not a slut who uses her sluttiness for helping her family?

Frank is the best character on the show.

do you live with kids? i dont allow drugs in the house but they get into everything
and also shes addicted to poverty like i said

Should just let your children/siblings just do the drugs and have a nice high.

I don't understand how can anyone unironically watch this show. Every character is horrible, it's the shittiest combination of sitcom and drama and the editing is mind-bogglingly bad.

you're not gonna catch everything your kids do especially if you're a single parent... she should have never left drugs in the house, but she didn't let him od, she thought it was okay leaving drugs (in the house) on a table where the kid could reach it. deb and carl would know not to touch it

mama ti je awful kujo

I just watched the first episode and came to find a Shamless thread. I'm interested in the characters but I found some of the dialogue and plot elements cliche at best and cringe at worst. Should I keep going or am I wasting my time?

watch until season 4
5 is utter shit
6-7 are watchable but like 5/10

>Everytime you criticize something it must be because you're a Sup Forumstard

Can this meme die already?