Alex Jones is Bill Hicks

>Alex Jones is Bill Hicks


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dropping all the evidence i have gathered

A lot of people look similar and have similar features. It's why when there's threads of nude girls, there's always one guy who says "I know her, she goes to my school."
There's lots of these comparison pictures with even more than 2 actors or actresses where they look very similar.

Everyone knows that Infowars is working for the Russians. The FBI confirmed it. Would Hicks really serve the Reds?

Stopped watching infowars when he apologize someone in his recent video. Now we know he can't beat them. Truly a controlled opposition.

I believe it

He knows the Feds are coming for his traitorous ass and now he's in full damage-control mode.

ears completely different

>eyes are clearly different shape

what did they mean by this?

>nose doesn't match
>eyes doesn't match
>cheeks doesn't match
>eyebrows doesnt match
>hair doesn't match
>forehead doesn't match

These are not the same person.


Fun fact: Alex Jones was in Freddy vs Jason

he was also in that animated keanu reeves movie who's name escapes me at the moment

>implying Alex Jones isn't the opposition

lmao you must be kidding

A Scanner Darkly?

a scanner darkly?

>what is plastic surgery?

Hmmm...that's not the information I've received.

yeah, he's plays a raving lunatic in it

I hope I'm not being cross examined

Nice fake news

Get fucked, Dmitri.

Bill Hicks was anti-establishment but *reasonable*. I don't think he ever said anything wrong that I can think of.

Alex Jones was anti-establishment but crazy over the top and a lot of his shtick is conjecture and wild assertions without proof. Different ways of doing things. Different talking points.

That being said, if Bill Hicks didn't die early, I bet he'd be a dead ringer for Alex Jones.

And on another note, Alex Jones HAS to regret his shilling for Trump at this point. Alex Jones has a strong libertarian bent that hated George W and Obama both.

He strongly premoted Trump as the anti-establishment option that's against American left and right.... and now it's kidney-punchingly obvious that Trump supports all that establishment shit that Trump hates, perhaps even more than his 2 predecessors. He's intensifying the drug war, the drone strikes, the middle eastern wars, imminent domain, his intended "replacement" of Obamacare was actually an intensification of it.

For the same libertarian leaning kooks to continue to love Alex Jones, he's going to have to renounce his endorsement of Trump (as most Libertarians have done when it became clear that ALL libertarian leaning campaign promises were blatant lies).

Trump's doing his best to shit all over the libertarian leaning conservative that voted for him, he doesn't realize it's his main support block because establishment left and right hate him..

If he continues to shit the bed, congress will be mostly democrats in 2 years, and he'll be removed in 4.

Cool infographic. Now do the one with Soros on the top and Obama, Trudeau, and Merkel on the receiving end :^)


Alex is tired of losing he wants America to win again. Understandable he would swing authoritarian to do so

Oh no, nothing like that. Just a few questions. What do you know about this uh...Kevin Booth guy? Any relationship to him at all? Also, were you a comedian in the late '80s to the early '90s and did Denis Leary steal your jokes?

He is a part of that Masonic cult of the dead cow thing

I'm not seeing anything about that but I just learned that Rey Mysterio was in that movie

isn't part of autism having a hard time with facial recognition? it could explain this whole "conspiracy"

You're confusing it with Waking Life, also by Linklater.

He is in both

Masonic dead cow thing?

fat dumb american = fat dumb american
nothing new here

Sacred cow and cdc which has Masonic imagery

sorry m8, these dubs were ment 4u

Heh off by one. Check this

obsessed much you eurocuck

Thanks, I think I've got pretty much all I needed to know.