What do Japs think when they see U.S. Navy ships off their coasts?

Knowing they are here as friends and allies now instead of conquerors or bullies.


Pathetic 3rd world shitholes just find it as Japanese weak point but actually we can drive them out anytime if changed con...conspartion(the low) and basically I regard modern Asia is Japanese creation

Poeple in Okinawa gets pissed.

I imagine it's a comforting presence given China and North Korea's aggression.

>con...conspartion(the low)

I wouldn't really like having my cunt's forbidden to have a military and be completely dependant on another nation for my own cunts defense desu.

Japanese army is 4th strongest in this motherfcuking world

Japan needs re-militarization. Along with our shit in the immediate vicinity

That's what the meme charts says. Japan never even participated on shitty peacekeeping missions to keep their troops sharp, your exercises are with US only on controlled scenarios.

Your Navy might be good compared to your neighbors, but no way Japan would be able to defend themselves alone against China. Fuck even Norks manages to launch missiles above your island.

The defending army of Amaterasu can't be defeated by mongrels


Self Defence Forces, dear english teacher.

the fuck are you on about?

unironically this

t. Somebody who doesn't know anything about geopolitics except from memes.

Japan has troops in the ME and Africa on peacekeeping missions or anti-terrorism

hi Xi

What memes? Also what Japan did in Africa and ME wasn't even combat roles.

Most countries don't do combat roles, even most of USA is not combat role

I'm not talking about the military per se, i'm talking about what they did in those missions.

In afghanistan they got ambushed by the taliban and US troops had to take them out of there.

The Japs here seem pretty chill with us other than the ones outside of base limits creating vehicle blocks

I think after knowing what kind of revenge the Chinese want after WW2 they're glad to see the worlds biggest and most powerful navy protect them

seems like majority of people support US presence on japan's soil, some people protest against it though

That after soaking up so much development aid loans from Japan. Those butthurt monkeys.

Just saw this three days ago my rus friend

>people's liberation army navy

The Japs here seem pretty chill with us other than the ones outside of base limits creating vehicle blocks

Except Okinawans.

Rapist marines 'n shit.