Who would he leap into if the show was on today?

who would he leap into if the show was on today?

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>he quantum leaps into darth vader
>puts on the helmet and says "i'm the vader now"

Remember when he kept leaping back and forth to different parts of the JFK assassination? Wouldn't 9/11 fit right in?

Sam your not here to prevent the terrorist attacks. In fact, Ziggy says there's a 98.3% chance that you are here to help them happen... *dun dun duuuuun.... Screen fades to black Quantum Leap theme starts*

So he leaps in a Sup Forums poster?

Probably would be jumping onto a poor down trodden nigger who is constantly berated by the honkeys around him, who are portrayed as mindless racist country oafs

then of course he would jump back into Belzec and have to sabotage the giant underground elevator that led 1000 jews at a time to a 1,000,000 volt water pool. Which in the story he completely dismantles which is why its only mentioned in books and was never found

Joke leap in. He leaps in helming a futuristic starship during red alert. Vague Star Trek theme. When we get back the director yells "Cut!"

Mirror Captain Archer


treyvon to ensure obama got his 2nd term stopping ww3 from reviving the nazi party in an alternate timeline.

>jumps into DSP to help him beat ninja gaiden black and save his marriage

Damn. How could I forget....?

We seriously need a remake.

Like seriously seriously.

Bakula could and should still helm it. Dean Stockwell is... 81 years old yeesh.

Dean Stockwell as the Cylon Model 1 was superb, I just wouldn't be able to go back and see him as Al or whatever his name was

QL had it's lore too. Remember the crazy TV host that almost had time travel down? In the end he gets a letter from Sam Beckett as a kid and explains his time travel theory over the TV.

Or the X-files-esque Halloween episode where there had to have been a Ghost after all?

it was the devil, not a ghost

Why did they have to fuck up the dvd's music FUCK YOUR LICENSES I WILL QUANTUM YOUR ASS TO OVEN YOU FUCKING JEWS.
Great show tho.

There was a vampire episode too.

Was the episode that ended up being the finale treading into Twin Peaks territory?

Also... Sam Beckett never made it home...

Sunny, obviously

the last episode was sam jumping into a mining town that represented limbo and god showed up and told him he can go home if he wants to, but that more work remained to be done

Ziggy was a hot girl and the bad breath dude was Sam's divorce lawyer right?

Bravo Donald P. Belasario

probably some gender fluid SJW
thats all the show was is him jumpin into pple and forcing the viewers to listen to some shitty liberal preaching

Your mother, to abort you, doing so will save this thread from ever happening.