Be honest. Did this shit actually ever scare you?

Be honest. Did this shit actually ever scare you?


No but that's because I only got round to watching it when I was 20. (Too spooky).

Tim Curry's voice really sells it

I preferred the book.

A little young for you isn't she Richie?

Nope. Probabčy because I haven't seen it 'till college. The Thing and The Exorcist 3, however, still scare me to this day.

I don't understand how people get scared from the thing. I love the movie but it never scares me.

Yes. I was 8 when it first aired and my mom was watching it. NOPE.

Yeah, when I was 4-5 until about 8-9 I was terrified of the shower drain.

Not at all, and I was 12. We turned it off half way off because it was so boring.

Yes it did. The new one looks shit though. Not scary at all.

8 as well when I first saw it. I used to run past storm drains for a bit.

Is it true there's an underage gangbang part?

Yea. Bev whored herself out so they could all 'bond' or whatever. Steven King also seemed to enjoy writing about Billy's girthy member.

Yes because it aired for some reason on cable when I was a kid.

My trauma brehs

Friend showed this to me when i was 9 and said that "its hilarious"

still get nightmares sometimes about pennywise chewing my halfdead carcass

There also a scene where one boy gives another a handjob/blowjob(forget which)

I found that atmosphere they were building where Pennywise, as some untouchable immaterial being can get them anywhere, any time pretty scary.
The silly spider monster ruined it.

This board is older than expected.

What went wrong?

Yeah well I was a kid when I first saw it. It's not like it mentally scarred me and made me forever scared of clowns or anything though.

his spinal cord was severed by muslims for resembling the prophet too closely.

Yeah when he said "IM DA JOKER BABY" I became terrified of shower drains

I was 10 when I watched it and it didn't scare me. I was 12 when I read the book and enjoyed it a lot more.

Yes as a kid until I was about 11 or 12 years old

I was already 14 when I watched it, and, while it didn't scare me, it sure made me feel uncomfortable.

That feel when in the new film, Bev is a feminist, Eddie is transgender, Billy only stutters around cute guys, & Richie uses humour to mask his lack of a stable gender identity.

I don't understand why you posted a /still looks ugly after plastic surgery/ jewface retard who can't act

If you watch it at 14, let alone at 21, is either boring or a nice fairy tale.

If you watch it at 8-10 it will scar you.

I was younger than a 5th grader when I saw IT. It was no different from an episode of Goosebumps. I was 9 when Jeepers Creepers came out. That movie gave me a few nightmares. That movie is underrated.

jesus wept

All meems aside, from a /lit/ standpoint, that's when they stopped acting as kids and began facing their fears like adults (ie. sex was their symbol of maturity)

That fucking score, dude, the god-tier sound engineering and pure isolation terror. Fuck that movie.

It was Bens huge hog, not Bills.

I really liked it, but didn't find it scary.

Well it was a made for tv cable movie so that makes sense.

i wonder if the losers club is gonna b a shit

You're a big guy


Watched it while home alone when I was around 11. Scared the shit outta me. Sat on the bed afterwards dying for a piss but too scared to go to the bathroom.

I sat there for 3 hours waiting for Dad to come home before I went for a piss.

Didn't watch it again til few years ago, wasn't even remotely scared by it.

It's shit watching it as an adult.

Movie never did. Reading the book though was much better. Still not exactly scary, but much more sinister and wtf.

did the new it movie ever come out? all those publicity stunts for nothing..people have already forgot about the killer clowns


>read book
>expect pennywise to be a horror monster after kids
>get curry acting like bozo the clown
oh yeah it was so scary! /s

I don't understand why you question such a thing in a place like this.

slav fag detected, no wonder you have shit taste

No, dolls spooked me but clowns didn't.

I hear he's getting better and doing more voice work, is it true?

This, found it more corny than anything. Especially the special effect spider clown

when i was a kid all i had to do was look at the cover of the vhs and that was the start of my nightmares. i had dreams and hallucinations of his claws and shit, not to mention it was the cause of my fear of clowns.

i watched it recently. it's hilarious.


I was 13 when I read the book and it only gave me a rock hard boner. There was more lewd than horror in that god damn book.

Quick reminder that the fat guy had the biggest dick and the black guy actually made her cum. Oh and they're all like eleven years old

>Big guy has the biggest dick


Yes, still does sometimes.

>have quite well fleshed out pre-pubescent characters with flaws and redeeming qualities
>have them defeat the super scary boss battle
>they don't remember the way out back to the surface
>"hey! Let's run a train on the only girl in our group. Maybe through the power of gangbang us other six guys might remember the way out."
>"Ok, teheee ;)"
>go into detail how each boys' dick feels throughout them taking turns on her

To this day Shitphen King trys to sell this Cocaine-induced pedophile dream he tiped out while being drunk on gin as some sort of metaphor where the kids left their innocence behind or shit

Bravo King. Bravo

Honestly, I would't be surprised if he did not remember putting it in the book until someone pointed it out to him. Which he then had to explain on the spot and stuck with it ever since.

No movie really scares me, not since I was 12 years old. Creeped out is about as close as I get. IT is legitimately creepy.

>tfw fully grown adult but still no sex

I used to avert my eyes when walking past the vhs-shelf at my friends home. I had a fear of clowns for years afterwards. I was 8 or 9. And it was in german, i understood nothing, still scared tho. Last year or so, I faced my old fears and watched parts of it again. Shit's hilarious. Can't believe how long I avoided that for no reason.

The book did when I was a tween.

I read the book
so yeah, big time

Even fictional Eleven year olds bang more than we do senpai

Yeah, a lot. Part 1 anyway. The moment the adults show up it all goes to hell.

By the time they show that stupid ass spider i was cured of my fear of IT.

Eh, I had a similar experience. Different movie, though.

This. watched it when i was 7 and still shit scared of clowns