Is there any better slapstick comedy Sup Forums?

Is there any better slapstick comedy Sup Forums?

Why aren't comedies any good nowadays?

What's your favourite scene?

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that scene is just a thing of beauty

It really is a laugh riot. I really enjoyed the Naked Gun films. Probably the best police comedies imho. Leslie Nielsen was great.

I've watched that the other day, it was like cheap overrated flick.

Leslie Nielsen carried every single film he'd been in. I mean honestly this guy could turn a shitty movie in at least somewhat acceptable

I think airplane is equal to it. Love both

Thats because he dominates every scene, and makes it watchable.

The series was better.
And all its episodes are on youtube in full

>Why aren't comedies any good nowadays?

Because no one is bothered to put the effort into writing out jokes or set ups. A lot of comedies now rely on actors improvising funny one liners instead of reading it off a script.

made by the same guys

better than the original, better than all the naked guns. Rewatched this recently it's fucking unbelievable how good it is. Every single thing is a joke with a punchline or physical gag. This is the top childhood movie I rewatched as an adult and found to be not just as good but better than my memory

>Is there any better slapstick comedy Sup Forums?

also Ace Ventura II is unbelievably funny, even better than the 1st.

I need to watch it again desu

The first movie that made me cry out of laughter

Part Deux is pretty fucking great too

There's probably hundreds of people who could do it but hollywood doesn't reward effort it rewards easy money.


I think they used up all the jokes

I watched it last week. Good thing they only made 6 episodes because every episode is literally the same and they recycle jokes too much. But it was a good watch,

>Why aren't comedies any good nowadays?

I enjoyed Angie Tribeca similar humor to naked gun

yeah, if it was like 3 seasons and 24 episodes each then the show would be such a drag

The fundamentals of caring, hands down best comedy in awhile, haven't laughed like that in eons.

Top Secret.
Val Kilmer is fucking hilarious in that movie.

>Why aren't comedies any good nowadays?
References have replaced jokes.

Are the sequels any good? I thought I might check them out

don't question why they were better, they just were for us

oh jesus lmao I love being old

yes the second one is very good,
the third not so much but by todays standards still pretty solid (i got some good laughs out of it)

i miss Leslie Nielsen so goddamn much

Absolute kino

Who makes a statue with a massive cock?

True. Read sometime about how hard it was for these guys to get Airplane! Made. It's a miracle we have any comedies this good.

One of my all time favourite movies.

did anyone watched this one?




Those people of antiquity loved they some stone cock

This, sadly.
Family Guy is proof of this.

Yeah and they always had small penises

No. Google Egypt penis statue
I will not post pic

A Touch of Cloth is basically a British homage to this style of humour

"breaking and entering, arson, assault with a concrete dildo...WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING UP THERE, FRANK??"

agree, i don't remember when i was laughing so hard from recent comedies

Oh shit I think I did