Sakhalin Island

What's it like?

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eurasian qts

it's like italia irredenta for japan

that island is italian clay now with those satanic quads

looks nice desu

another russian shithole

This is in Sakhalin. It looks very americanised

sakhalin was used to train spies during cold war. its americanised because russians wanted their spies to think like americans, feel like americans, live like americans and even have sex like americans.


They even have street signs in English

it should be part of china


lol interesting


where am I? this looks familiar...


It can not be true.

It's a suburb for American workers built by some company.

>t. KGB

we all know its to train spies

Ah. Ok then.

I almost thought that we...

100% fake news.

wtf I streetviewed a random street in Sakhalin and it looks like a complete shithole

Look at this shit


You neveer know what's real or fake nowadays, VLadmir.

Russian luxury

At least they have some local people who praise pagan gods, make things from salmon skin and eat burdocks.

Detached homes in this region are made after Japanese, not American. I've seen some microtowns on the shore rebuilt by Animes after the earthquake. They still look half-fucked though.

It is a fucking shithole. Idk who controls the island but their invest shitload of cash there every year and it just disappears.

Getting waves of nostalgia feels looking at this picture of Sakhalin Oblast.

Looks and feels just like home.

Thanks. Now I'm calm

Holy shit, are you me?

cover up for their KGB activity. its pretty common practice to use fake companies to hide money flow.

The Sakhalin island (72,493 km2) is similar in size to the Hispaniola island (73,929 km2) but her population (471,515 in 2014) is closer to Staten Island, New York (474,558 in 2016) or Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador (502,273 in 2016)

Sakhalin is a relatively successful region but it's all fucked up because of heavy corruption

But at least they're doing something about it


Pepe and Wojak IRL, lmao.

>Пo peзyльтaтaм пepeпиcи 2002 г., нa ocтpoвe жили 527 268 чeлoвeк, в тoм чиcлe 253 304 мyжчин и 273 964 жeнщин. Oкoлo 84 % нaceлeния — этничecкиe pyccкиe, ocтaльныe — кopeйцы (5,6 %), yкpaинцы (4,0 %), тaтapы (1,2 %), бeлopycы (1,0 %), мopдвa (0,5 %), мeнee 1 % нaceлeния cocтaвляют пpeдcтaвитeли кopeнных нapoднocтeй Ceвepa — нивхи (0,5 %) и opoки (0,06 %). C 2002 пo 2009 гг. чиcлeннocть нaceлeния Caхaлинa пpoдoлжaлa мeдлeннo (пpимepнo нa 1 % в гoд) cнижaтьcя: cмepтнocть пo-пpeжнeмy пpeoблaдaeт нaд poждaeмocтью, a чиcлeннocть пpибывaющих нa ocтpoв мигpaнтoв c мaтepикa и из coceдних c Poccиeй cтpaн (Китaя, Ceвepнoй Кopeи, Киpгизии, Taджикиcтaнa, Узбeкиcтaнa, Aзepбaйджaнa), нижe, чeм чиcлeннocть caхaлинцeв, yeзжaющих c ocтpoвa