Rated pg-13

>rated pg-13

It's genna be shit isn't it? Please convince me not to buy Friday tickets

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On one hand, Scarlett vocally supports the government funding of Planned Parenthood, an organization that spits on the Hyde Amendment.

On the other hand, this movie pisses off SJWs.

>no reviews the week of release
It'll be shit

Remember when you cared whether a movie looked good or interesting enough

I am going to see it for Batou. I like the actor who plays him. Seems like a cool guy during interviews.

Hopefully Scarjo is decent

>On the other hand, this movie pisses off SJWs.
How so?

Well you could go and see Free Fire and support based Ben and I also think that cosmic horror film with the triangles is being released Friday, so you've got other options for sure

>anime hints at identity as a theme
>American version makes it the main plot point

So boring.

Whit actress playing the Major

An user saw it earlier this week and said there isnt much violence. So if u think this is just a dull action movie then u are wrong. Of course it probably wont be as deep as the anime but I do wonder what they will spend a lot of the scenes talking about

>tfw its only playing in 3d near me

>Finding out about Major's backstory is boring

Also we get to see how Batou gets his cyborg eyes

Its rated pg-13. I know im not going to it now.
Thanks for the information.

>It's genna be shit isn't it?
crossing my fingers Rodrigue´s Alita is not genna be shit

Might be actually cool to see this one in 3D... ifk I hate 3D and last movie I saw was the Martian and it made everything look miniature.

Maybe this one would be good in 3D due to the holographic city? Who knows

They filmed some of the action scenes with blood squirts but took them out. We may get it for an unrated version.

Looks like they will be shooting cyborgs up as first 5 mins showed but changed it so no blood but yea we can hope for an unrated and extra blu ray content if this does well in cinema perhaps

By "whit," you mean "white," and by "white," you mean "Jewish."

>It's a Batou at club episode

Why are Nu males so obsessed about back stories? It doesn't really add anything to the story at all, the anime handled it really well

If they can edit it to be pg-13 then I dont have much hope for the plot. I wont even be pirating this unless word of mouth is incredible.

Because the 1995 movie actually has a dull story and a lot more could have been added to it.

You know this is true.

>trusting critics on a movie who only care about Marvel tier capeshit
It's true though. Critics only care about giving Disney and the MCU positive reviews so more go and see them

>all this effort and it'll probably bomb anyways
is this one of those money laundering flicks hollywood pumps out sometimes?

This reminds me a lot of that Blade Runner scene

I never mentioned critics. This is a capeshit movie. Its got superhumans (cyborgs) and a pg-13 rating.

>all this effort and it'll probably bomb anyways
They actually were pretty dedicated to making this

>practical sets
>practical cars
>Batou's eye's aren't CGI
Only thing I don't like from the previews is the slow motion. Looks too over used in places otherwise what real really make this good or not is the actual story I guess.

True, but back story won't patch that, Akira is better in every possible way anywho.

Imagine thinking like this.

The director's only decent piece of work is a music video. Everything else he's done has been shit.

Cyberpunk like this is dead. It really was a turn of the millennium thing. We need something new.

I forgot to add, practical cyborgs.

What about having sex with Kstew?

Hollywood seem to always fuck up Live action so I doubt it'd be good. Why
Can't the nips have a decent film industry that could atleast compete with British cinema?

I'm going to see it in IMAX, the cyberpunk element and special effects look like it'll be worth it

You could do that yourself with some skin colour play dough and some small lenses. Its literally nothing. CGI would have been harder.

>The director's only decent piece of work is a music video
Well I thought this scene felt like it was a music video

Also: Clint Mansell is doing the music

Website I work for says the embargo will be lifted in our country on Thursday

Got free tickets for a pre-premiere on IMAX tomorrow, will report on Sup Forums as soon as I'm home

Yeah, to me this signals that they didn't want bad reviews to drag down ticket sales.

No Nipples Confirmed
Months Ago

>CGI would have been harder.
You must be trolling right?

So you think Batou's practical eyes could have been done with some play dough? Holy shit user

Thank God they didn't go the Spiderman: Homecoming route and do CGI animated Batou eyes to copy the anime so sometimes his CGI eyes get bigger with excitement...

Thank God they didn't do that

>Got free tickets for a pre-premiere on IMAX tomorrow, will report on Sup Forums as soon as I'm home
I'm seeing it the day after tomorrow

>American version makes it the main plot point

No no, identity can mean different things in different contexts.

The anime's use of identity is philosophical.

The American use is LOL GOTTA FIND OUT MY PAST

>Got free tickets for a pre-premiere on IMAX tomorrow
How do I do that?

Enjoy your anime capeshit.

Why does he wear those eyes anyway? He could actually get a natural looking pair.

>he doesn't browse his facebook and notice ticket sales for special screenings around your area
know where to lurk

Me and my girlfriend entered a raffle and she ended up winning double tickets in my european shithole

the only issue I have is that they're too small

Is it being advertised ? I havnt seen a single advertisement for it.

>Why does he wear those eyes anyway?
I am guessing his eyes get fucked up after this bar fight or something?

Behind the scenes shows Batou at beginning of the film on a mission with Major with no cyborg eyes so it looks like they changed the story. Fair enough

I'm in Portugal user, this small website offered tickets to random people who entered their email. It's not like the production company is giving away Imax tickets

Anyone know if Batou's dog will make an appearance?



>tfw I feel like the only one who thinks ScarJo looks hot with the black wig

Also dubs

The film. Are they advertising the film in Portugal? They are not advertising it in Ireland.

That was actually Oshii's dog. He has it in every movie.

>Teleports inside your mind
It's a Kuze wants to help refugees into Tokyo but is labelled the villain episode

Kuzefags pls



Honestly this may be the first 4k bluray I buy. I don't like ScarJo's face buy everything else is visually stunning.

>giving a shit about abortion

When did the religious right start browsing Sup Forums?

I dunno why they didn't have the tachikomas. those things would sell on a movie poster.

yeah ok, cyberpunk with no violence, just kill me now. Cyborgs can lose legs and shit, how do you not capitalize on that? learn from Deadpool, morons.

>1 minute into the house and he gives you this look


Why does a cyborg have a cold nose?

An Oscar for most gorgeous looking film?

I care about people forcing me to pay for it and then lying to my face about it.

>Why does a cyborg have a cold nose?
She used to be human. She has a human brain while everything else is cyborg.

She is Robocop

visually it looks pretty neat but lets be honest, it's probably gonna be a generic shit show. If it's anything like Dredd, that would be amazing. ScarJo is a bad actress though... and I'm very familiar with the source material. they'll fuck it up, I know it. they always do.

The original was rated R because of language and nudity.
No, pg-13 doesn't mean it doesn't have violence.
Innocence wasn't R and it's violence was equivalent to that of 1995 GiTS.
No, Shirowites, nudity isn't essential to this movie. Sexuality is simply one of his things.

It won't even be the most critical acclaimed in the series. Innocence got nominated for a Palme d'Or.

>No, pg-13 doesn't mean it doesn't have violence.
remember the Dark Knight? that was violent for a PG 13 movie. no blood but still lot of deaths


They can do some flashbacks to other cases if they want but they really should do that.

Oh. Yeah, they are. On TV and billboards

>not knowing Major offered taking everyone to the strip club in GiTS
>On her

Akira was beautifully animated garbage. Way to fuck up an adaption by jamming shit into a movie and not bothering to include the rest

If this is mildly successful, they will definitely pump out a sequel. Anyone know anything about the budget? I'm imagining something like 200 million. I can see it breaking even.

>If this is mildly successful, they will definitely pump out a sequel.

That's my point. Fags are crying about its rating assuming it won't have violence.

Akira is a shitty adaptation but a great movie on its own

>Cortana disappears near the end and Master Chief doesn't know if he will ever see her again
Did 343 get inspired by Innocence to make Halo 4 - 5?

Nuh-uh m80. I didn't even like Innocence. I'd rather pay to see some Oshii live-action CGI shitfest.


>wasting time on the backstory when there are more interesting existential questions to consider
>turning the major into some conspiracy when 2501 and the puppet master is a more interesting conspiracy already
>characterizing through a backstory instead of how the character reacts to their environment

She got put in a prosthetic when she was young, that's all it really needs to be. Leaving it vague is more effective in making the viewer question her humanity anyway.

>I didn't even like Innocence.
It was better than the 1995 movie. In fact Arise is better than the 1995 movie. Had a far better story and I was way more invested in it.

Please pay money to see this so we can get an Innocence + Arise sequel.

I am sure the American version will keep showing backstories and flashbacks so this will be great.

Originally, they were standard issue for the SF group he was in before he worked for Section 9.

>implying they won't do a sequel with Batou as an old man played by Ron Perlman
You know it could happen and it will be one of the best things ever

>>wasting time on the backstory when there are more interesting existential questions to consider

The thing is: this was already covered in the same fashion in Arise. Movie's just patchwork with some visual glow for the easily impressed.

Writers lack imagination and are obsessed with tying knots, making scenes "more efficient", else other writers will tell them how shitty their writing is and "why did you add this, it has no purpose, it confuses the normies, make it an action scene instead" or "This shit wasn't written all caps on the screen, the normies won't see it in their semi-comatose state"




I'd like to put a ghost in her shell if you know what I mean

Please, Hollywood, fuck my face! Harder, more actors, more a e s t h e t i c s!

Ron Perlman is a NWO globalist pupped faggot

>not going during a weekday morning showing

its like you don't want a nearly empty theater

he's also a batter Batou than the cunt they picked.

Weekday showings usually have at least one couple that talks throughout the entire thing because they're too scared to do that shit in a packed theater.

I really want to see this but fuck the ticket prices.

What the flying fuck, it's 10 euro for Imax where I live and 6 for a regular ticket. Helsinki is expensive, shit. Time to move there assuming your minimum wage is huge,

Yeah. Disregarding 2nd GiG's explanation, I think SAC's way of portraying Motoko's past was beautiful. It was in one of the 10 first episodes, the one about illegal tranplants. The beginning of the episode is a child that is drawing something while "Where does the ocean go" plays, and then we cut to Motoko's reflection on the glass, looking at her. Then it goes on to her talking with some nurse friend she has, they stablish the plot of the episode and it is revealed than the girl had her heart transplanted and evaded cyberization because of that. Motoko glances again at the girl and there's one shot of her hand opening and closing in a very mechanical manner (I think her wristwatch is in the shot, but I don't remember).

In barely three minutes we know through cinematography everything that needs to be known about Motoko's past. That shows Kamiyama's skill and passion about its subject, that Arise didn't really get. I think same will go to this film.