Why is Argentina mostly white, while their neighbors are more diverse?

Why is Argentina mostly white, while their neighbors are more diverse?

Because of NAZIS


Argentina isn't white. Some cities are mostly white, some are mostly mixed. Pure indigenous people are very rare
Argentina is more diverse than other countries in the region in this sense. These countries are pure indigenous n shit.

They didn't had slavery like we did, so they didn't got milions of sub saharan niggers.
That's it.
Eventho there's a lot of whiteys there, most argies have amerindian traces

As Martín Gavilán says, this erroneous perception is because you might not gone very far from Buenos Aires City (and by “not very far” I mean “not even to the non-touristical areas of Buenos Aires”).

But, yes, there is a certain “whitish” homogeneity due to several associated motives:

Colonial Argentina, as the rest of Latinamerica, was populated by male Spaniards, a little number of families or single women came here (in opposition to the British colonies), so they mated with natives and blacks and racial “purity” is not as absolute as in the USA.
There this curious picture from colonial times listing the differente “castes” or matings that shows that the racial categories were much different and much common than in the British colonies

buenos aires, entre rios and la pamapa are white due to the european migration

la pampa*


Amerindian blood dilutes very well, especially with Italians who already have some weird features.

It's kinda like Russians who have many non-whites who people think are white.

how did they get amerindian blood? did italian immigrants fuck indians? didn't the spanish kill all amerindians in 1500's?

European immigration and native genocide.
>Amerindian blood dilutes very well
No, it doesn't, just look at Mexico.

They fucked the Mestizos and Castizos already living in Argentina.

a lot of russians are mixed with asians and tatars etc. these tatars and chechens are light skinned but i am not sure if they are white.

Memes aside, there's plenty historical reasons for this. First being that when we were colonized many indigenous people were killed and Virreinatos were formed, basically spanish people permanently settled here. Some mixing happened as well so population was mainly whites and mestizos, but specially spaniards. There's also the fact that all slaves brought here were to be sold to other countries, and since a small number was wealthy enough back then, few remained in the country as servants. During some plague or something most rich people moved to Recoleta and left all black people behind, and thus they formed the town of Montserrat and stayed there. During the whole Sarmiento/Mitre era, we received an incredibly high influx of european immigrants, half returned to their countries but most stayed and got jobs here, mainly helping in farms. Then in WW2 we had another big wave of germans and italians, pretty much every white person you ask here has grandparents that came directly from Europe.
Most others mestizos started coming between the 80-10s, specially during our last government, seeing as we had no border control whatsoever and many came just to cash in on welfare, or because our past president deliberately brought them over and paid them in exchange for a vote.

So yeah, today we're mostly mixed but you can actually see what a big influence all these factors were. I live in the "north zone", above the capital, and the only brown people I ever see are those who live in villas, everyone else is white as heck.



Argentina and Italy both produce great porn. Coincidence? Not a chance.

The people you see on television != the average Argentinian.

In the country of Argentina, Spanish is spoken, and consequently the people of Argentina are not white. Not speaking Spanish as a primary language is a necessary prerequisite to whiteness.

i understand about castizos
>many indigenous people were killed
thats what i thought
> spanish people permanently settled
>fast forward
>italians, germans
>fast forward

so, everyone is spanish, most indians are dead, then italians came. so argentina is white plus bolivians. this is basically it? .

these are two TV stars

Pretty much, yes. There aren't many that directly descend from those first spanish that I know of, the majority all come from people escaping from Europe back then. The only indigenous remaining all live in the northern provinces (and have pretty shitty lives) but their communities are too mixed with other countries' indigenous as well. And lastly brown people came from neighbouring countries and started mixing with people already here, and since the majority were poor, they reproduced more and more.

All in all, it's safer to say we don't really have a true identity. My granpas are german and croatian, grandmas are chilean and spanish, bf's are italian and spanish, etc. We're a big cluster fuck of different nationalities that ended up here.