Paid BLM "brake checks"

Good time to invest in a dash cam.

Don't know how it works there, but here, if you rear end a car for whatever reason, its your fault. So how about you guys learn to drive, don't be tailgating retards and leave enough room to let the car in front of you enough room to safely stop.

Don't get me wrong, deliberately causing accidents is shit tier behavior, but its shit tier behavior you can protect yourself from if you have enough maturity to drive defensively.

Not if someone cuts you off, then slams on their brakes. It can happen very quickly, and regardless of how vigilant/skilled a driver may be, such a tactic could lead to an unavoidable accident.

This is why you use a dashcam.

Nope. If there's no witnesses then they're probably going to assume you're at fault, but if you have a dash cam to prove they cut you off and slammed their breaks on, they're completely liable. Hell, it's actually criminal reckless driving in addition to whatever civil suits you get. And if they can even casually prove that it was intentionally, you're looking at attempted murder.

How common are dashcams in the USA?

Becoming much more common as they continue to get cheaper. A quality unit can be had for less than $80 nowadays. Pretty cheap insurance.

think I'll just hit up /o/ and see which ones they'd recommend...

Most professional drivers don't even have them, much less regular commuters


On the trucks?

I can't recommend one enough, it feels useless for most of the time but the one day you need the footage and remember that you have it, you'll actually feel good when you would have otherwise felt helpless.

We have "local" friends with this sort of experience, what do you do rusbro

Subhumans damage other peoples cars

yea, it's like that in leafville. If you rear end somebody, you are considered at fault for not leaving enough room (clearly bullshit)

But if you want to give your dog a blowjob, that is completely legal.

>rides ass
Funny. Ive never once ridden ass in all my life. And guess what. Im a literal faggot

Kiwi please stop If you have a dash cam that shows they deliberately this they're liable Don't defend a bunch of niggers

Hearty chuckle.

Time to buy a big white truck.

Anyone have an actual source for this?

Good time to have a gun too.