Youre contry

youre contry
are you allergic to milk

Chemical weapon literally

the chad milk consumer

the virgin nigeria

australia. no


I'm surprised Hispanics in America aren't closer the values in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean where most of them come from.

Hell nah. I know some people who are and don't understand how they live.

Russia, no.

kek what a shit map
i literally never know a person who can't drink milk

it's only about cow's milk.
Now milk is made artificially so that it does not cause allergies. Have you ever drank milk just made from a cow?

Niger confirmed for white

Not even close!



pls buy our camel milk

That map is a meme tho, most lactose intolerance maps do look different

I personally have no problems with milk but some people in my family that do. But when I drink too much whole milk sometimes I get heartburn, I very sensitive to fatty foods.

>splitting up ethnicities AGAIN

Want to know how I can tell an American made this?

Indo-European master race

>90% white
87% white

you don't need your split up

milk intolerance isn't allergic you stupid monkey

we are 3rd world country we can only afford to have fresh cow milk

Why is Niger so white?

no way in hell so many people here are allergic to milk
ive never met a single person who cant drink it in my life

it's not Chad, it's Niger

No, not really. I was diagnosed with lactose intolerance as a child but honestly as far as I can remember I've had no problem with milk.

Hey, take it easy, have a glass of milk

Our real rate is 35% OP


Depends on which part of the country a person is from. North Indians are not allergic to milk and it is a main part of their diet. While many South Indians are allergic to milk and Dairy products are rarely used in South Indian cuisine.

TÜRKey is an anti white country

>is white

2. No, I am not and .

19th century mememap. good job OP
>are you allergic to milk
no and nobody in my family or neighborhood is

I first knew that lactose intolerance was a thing by american series and you are telling me more than 80% of people here have it?


no, the map is telling you the researchers only take in account "originary people" for the "Americas" except USA in which they gracefully separated the population into racial blocks