What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?
How did no jedi know he was darth insidious?

Bibble knew some Shit was up.
The others should have listened to him.

Also Mace Windu knew something was up with Sheev, but Yoda was all like, "No, don't take action til we know for sure She's is evil," and waits til all Jedi are dead.
Yeah, smart move, Yoda.
At least Obi-Wan was running around the galaxy figuring Shit out on his own.

Treason looks like that?!

The jedi had it too good for too long. The balance of the force means the endless struggle and death of Jedi at the hands of the Sith and vice versa.


>Darth Bootylicious the THICC


The Jedi were Democrats. Trump was a bumbling stupid version of Palpatine.

wtf i hate drumph now

sexless and emotionless?

If you cant answer that question then you are just really dumb and shouldnt be bothered the answer

umm can you keep the needless aggression to yourself?

*leans back*

Execute order thiccty thicc

Jedi's were ignorant and stopped actively searching for sith and just started meditating and shit. Insidious was also able to mask his dark force energy and pretend that he's a helpless bitch.

It also doesn't help that in cannon the temple is on top of Sith artifacts, which would overall increase anonymity.

umm it's just Jedi, are you even a fan?

Not enough to care about the spelling.

>I sense a plot to destroy the Jedi
>We must make preparations
>Jedi temple has no guards
>Didn't move any of the younglings to at least protect the next generation in case shit went down
>90% mortality rate on Jedi
So what preparations did they make exactly?

Because he wore a hood, dummy.


Not the artist's intent. Lucas clearly stated that the existence of Dark Side users is what imbalances the Force.

Also it's canon, not cannon.

Why did Lucas make it so painfully obvious that sheev was the bad guy? I like even if you watched episodes 1,2 and 3 first you would know before the first movie was over that sheev was the one pulling all the strings.

Are you threatening me master Jedi?

You know, I didn't immediately know Palpatine was the Emperor when I watched Episode I in 1999, even though I had seen the OT multiple times from 1995 on. The only thing I recognized was that this Sidious guy sure looked like the Emperor.

Also, the old voice actor from the ROTJ dub had long since died, further confusing 9-year-old me.

>The only thing I recognized was that this Sidious guy sure looked like the Emperor.

That wasn't enough for you? I mean obviously hindsight is 20/20 but still. I think even if I hadn't seen the originals first it would have been obvious

Also Jesus fuck why did he spoil the originals the other way by making it clear that like and Leigh were anakins kids. I feel like there is no good way to watch these movies.

If you watch from episode 1 you'll know a huge spoiler from episodes 4+. If you watch them in reverse order you'll know very early on exactly how the prequels will play out .

There's no mystery at all.

It's all so frustrating

Darths tend to wear masks.

Because Lucas probably couldn't think of a way to keep the audience guessing while also giving the character development, so he might have hoped for the audience to be more interested in how he became pale and sickly instead.

Prequel trilogy reboot with Hendricks as Sheev when?