User, why is your dick so dry?

>user, why is your dick so dry?
>My foreskin has been sold to make skin cream when I was a child. Now I put the cream on my dick to make it softer.

>Be American
>have consistently terrible wank because foreskin holds so many dick nerves

>Be American
>Has dick with no sensitivity
>Convinced himself it is better for some reason
>Will pay for chopping his kid's foresking
>Will buy back the foreskin as a day care cream

>be american penis
>get flayed

>Be American
>Die a little each time he sees a foreskin thread


you say that, but people who had it circumcised as a kid don't know the difference, so it just feels natural.

what's the problem with doing something that is the social norm?
Do you not cut your hair?
It's more natural to let it grow
Why cut it?
Oh wait, it's because you would look like a freak if you never cut it.

you don't understand why flay means

good post
but I die every time I use Sup Forums

squid is yummy
don't try to ruin it for me bitch

>mutilation is a social norm in america

do girls not have ear rings in Europe?
how is that any different?

the brainwashing is real

>how is that any different?

Definition of mutilate
>Inflict a violent and disfiguring injury on

Circumcision is not violent.
But the guy said it was still mutilation.

It does fit the criteria of disfiguring however.

Such as piercing, as in it is a non-violent act that creates a disfigurement onto somebody.

Thus how are they different?


it's "oh" not "ooh" you stupid frog leaf


Those holes in the ear 'regenerate' after one stops wearing ear-rings for some months. You are never, EVER, getting your foreskin back. You will always be forced to lube your toy down there with vaseline, your own spit or God knows what else.


>do girls not have ear rings in Europe?
>how is that any different? [to infant genital mutilation]

Because you can consent to piercings and tattoos, you cannot consent to new-born circumcision, if you really love chopping part of your genitals off, you should be free to do it. When you're able to give consent. And also ear-piercings are not really comparable in scope to male genital mutilation, as it is almost entirely irreversible


>this is the same as a girl getting earrings as a 10th birthday gift

>do girls not have ear rings in Europe?
>how is that any different?

I don't even have to lube yet i'm circumcised?

You people still don't understand

By definition getting a piercing is mutilation
Regardless of if it regenerates.

If you cut somebody in the face it is mutilation, but the skin will grow back.

there are apparently different kinds of circumcisions. Most Americans get a loose one that generally keeps most of the glands intact and allows masturbation. Won't stop the euro's from memeing with cherry picked pictures of people who got a fucked up one from some shit doctor.

Why do you torture the Americans, can't you see how sensitive this topic is to them?

I hope you realize how much of a propaganda piece that is.

that's not what I have though

kys jew

but i'm a baptist?

don't even understand how you wank without foreskin

You are completely ignoring the whole issue of consent. I do feel sorry for you, it must be difficult coming to terms with what was done to you, trying to cope with the fact by zealously defending the practice is quite understandable (some kind of Stockholm-syndrome I guess?), but I doubt it is healthy. I'm sure there are organizations and doctors that can help you.

>Hey Anna, wanna get another ear piercing?
>Sure thing!

>Hey Josh, wanna get more of your genitalia cut off dude?
>Hell yeah!

you don't understand user

I don't actually give a shit.
I'm just here to post goats

Oh well, then carry on good sir.

>what's the problem with doing something that is the social norm?

Maybe if you chop a finger next time you'll start a new norm.

>Maybe if you chop a finger next time you'll start a new norm.
Well it worked in the 1860's, 60,000 people cut off their legs or arm.. LOL!

But all frenchmen get cucked by cut Muslim bulls