Wife and i are heading out on the boat today! You faggots jelly? Say yes and I post butthole pics

Wife and i are heading out on the boat today! You faggots jelly? Say yes and I post butthole pics.

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Yes, and tits too

Yes, and cock in mouth too

Is it a whaler?

Its gonna be his butthole

clearly a whale. or some type of large dolphin, maybe a beluga.


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blowhole more like
also yes

Keep going

While you're out there push that whale back to the ocean.

She looks fun. I'd fuck her ass and fill her with cum while those big tits swing back and forth. Does she swallow a lot of cum?

Gonna need a bigger saw

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She’s big but giant tits make it ok. Moar bikini?

More tits

Fuck your wife would keep jaws belly full for a year. Fucking whale gonna need a bigger boat that bitch looks like she could capsize that shitty small boat.

My girlffriend is thin. So, no...

Love her fat udders

Nope, he's right. I'm married and she's fat

I bet her vagina smells like cheap out of date fish food.

is this the day you release the whale back into the wild?

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Bro post more asshole or just go

Ew you fuck that?

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i'll say whatever you need me to if you got a couple of footy pics

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Your an idiot for thinking she cute and/or thinking op is yelling truth

Post pussy, noob.

Go on, set her free

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please return marine wildlife to its natural environment

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more fat titties please

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More nudes

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Boston whaler

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>You faggots jelly?
I think your wife ate all the jelly tbh

I honestly hope the both of you get into a high speed boating incident

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Fingers crossed

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Push that narwhale back in, it can’t breath out of water dude

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If I were you OP (and thank goodness I'm not) I would have gunned it while you had the chance and thrown her off the back. Looks like she floats pretty good so you should chum the water first and look for fins before doing it.

You faggots arent fucking saging
Op is getting what he wants
Im a fucking newfag and i know this

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Wtf does saging not work? Its on page 1 again!!

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