Trump is a fucking idiot, and the only reason you support him is because he pisses off liberals. Thoughts?

Trump is a fucking idiot, and the only reason you support him is because he pisses off liberals. Thoughts?

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Issue is that they think everyone else is as cynical and power hungry as they are.

the military feels more supported when we have strong leadership.

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The sun also rises
I'd much rather have a stupid Saudi cocksucker like Bush, Trump, or Reagan than someone who's smart enough to do real damage to America in charge.

I may or may not support him, what's his stance on PennWe?

The left still hasn't figured this out lol. He's the best meme ever created.

Good enough for me. Left has just gone fucking crazy.

OP is a fucking idiot, and the only reason you support him is because he didn't make another porn thread. Thoughts?

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Trump is a shit tier meme. He's just SJW screeching but "HURHURH ORANGE MAN".

If it were ANY other Republican, the same fucking thing would happen. Trump is a shit meme and a shit politician who spends so much time sucking dick that his administration has amounted to fuckall despite having Republican majority in the House, Congress, and Senate.

If you keep sucking the cocks of the elites, they will not make you one of them faggot.

You had me there. Trumpshits can't think.

exactly. more than reason enough for me

who would want to join them? I just want to troll.

Resentment. Yep

But if I do their dirty work for them and actually deliver, surely I will be rewarded with membership?

>being stupid is good enough


I hope he gets impeached but its not going to happen becuz the rpublicans got the senate on lock. i like trump but i would love the shockvalue and it would cause a major fucking riot lmao

u gay.
trump big pp

Litterly this , and I'll be watching them cry as he gets re-elected and Biden gets to explain to Congress wtf he was doing. Oh you say Congress will never indict Biden? Wait until the warm red tide overtakes all those that out thier faith in this crap CNN and NBC are spoon feeding ...

So many keks

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might as well burst the dam now than later when it would really get all over you

>I'm litterly stupid

>who's smart enough to do real damage to America
Trump's stupidity is transcendent.
His own admistration's research concluded climate change is going to fuck up our economy. And he refuses to believe it.

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Your grandma wears combat boots?

Your momma is so fat, when she sits around the house, she sits aroooooound the house?


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Coming from a group who can't decide what their gender is. I would say the choice is simple.

don't forget "when yo momma had you the doctor slapped her"

No I'm for him because the idiocy the liberals support pisses me off.

you need to decide you're a huge faggot

>I'm for dumb because I don't like people telling me what to do

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The only conceivable reason to still be supporting him is hatred of minorities, He has proven himself completely inept at everything else.

When none of that happens you'll be grinding out WWYD threads all day in your mom's basement only taking breaks to ask Sup Forums what the little white bumps are on your pecker and should you be worried about them.

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>racism is a good reason to support someone

Supporting someone for the meme is one thing, but supporting someone who's bought and paid for by corporate america just shows how oblivious you are.

Vote Tulsi>Bernie>Yang if you actually want to turn things upside down. Doing the bidding of corporations for the meme is just stupid.

He's also the dumbass who thinks his room is airtight so he can spray CFCs in there.

I fucking wish it was. We'd have one less Boomer fuckhead who doesn't understand the world controlling it.

>Vote Russia>Sanders>Yang

This. We all must pay a price for their daddies beating/sexual abuse.

I wish someone would spray canned farts in his presence.

Republican RWinger here. Whenever I started to do something "too liberal' my daddy would whup me.

why doeshe care about money when he’s destroying the environment? the money is meaningless if we’re all dead

He probably smells like obese cheese and uncleaned diapers already.

Keep seething

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>the only reason you support him is because he pisses off liberals

You are incorrect. Also, when liberals dismiss Trump supporters as nothing but trolls or racists they shoot themselves in the foot. There is no swaying voters when you make no attempt to understand their concerns or why they actually voted they way that they did.

>trump logic?
Because he's not destroying the environment. He's saving it from liberals overregulating it which is really destroying it.

>he pisses off liberals
You have to admit, that's a pretty good reason

>hurhur stupid man in charge funny hurhur
There has been no coherent defense for Trump or his shit-tier Reaganomics that exist solely to make his own crotchspawn and his cronies richer other than >hurhur it stupid and funny.

And you can kindly go fuck yourselves. You're the Boko Haram of this country, and vote every treacherous piece of GOP shit into our system.

>liberals dismiss Trump supporters as nothing but trolls or racists
you give us little choice
1. You aren't rational
2. You do hate Mexicans and Muslims
3. You think taxes are bad and won't support any change in this country.

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so even if you get destroyed along with us, it was worth it

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yOu dOnT lIkE mExiCaNs. Proof? The wall isnt to keep Mexicans out, its to keep ILLEGALS OUT. Come here legally, I could give a rats ass, just dont come her illegally.


Gonna have to stop you there. Aside from the fact that I'm not a conservative, you are doing it again. You literally jumped right to baseless accusations and insults. This is why he won, you do understand that, right?

Um, I have to "prove" that you hate them?
Where are you speaking out against this administration's policies?
>I don't give a rat's ass.
That's kind of the problem

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>All that other shit is ignored as we have a wannabe autocrat who sucks the dicks of Putin and Kim Jong Un making a mockery of the USA

Pretty pathetic reason actually.

Why's it in such fashion to dick ride people who're actively using you for their own benefit? Trump supporters are essentially corporate cucks.

shithead you pulled the "durr their not all raycists and nazis" crap
>I'm not conservative
fuck off

Liberals are fucking idiots.
>*Fixed that for you, faggot.

>This is why he won,
I thought he won because people were stupid enough to vote for him.

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Originally,,,yes. I could almost understand why some people voted for him. Three years later, he has accomplished nothing, leaving nothing but the racism and the trolling.

I'm glad to see that people aren't as fucking retarded as they were in 2016.

Trump was a mistake and he's made America into a corporate cocksock

So you're for dumb because you want to blindly follow what people tell you to do. So much better.

idgaf if he's a genius or just an egomaniac serving conservative interests to represent his supporters, either way our nation is better for his having served

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If trump is an idiot then the left and Democrats must be retarded if they can't take him down

Most of our illegals are visa overstays, which according to a 2016 report Canadians committed twice as much as Mexicans.
So where is the fire and fury against our Canadian interlopers?

you elected one lol

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you are scholar and a gentleman sir.

>I don't like people telling me what to do
Try telling your boss that sometime big guy

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We are taking him down. We've got Pelosi on board now.

He is an idiot, and is still better and smarter than most of the democratic leadership. Lets throw a few more AR15s with .50 cal bullets out there for fear mongering

Sup Forums should change its name to ReddiTumblr

Shareblue out in full force.

>shithead you pulled the "durr their not all raycists and nazis" crap

That's because they are not all racists and nazis.

You'd be surprised to learn that he actually have a very good record of keeping election promises compared to other presidents. Whether or not you or I agree with the promises to begin with is another story.

They're mostly white so it doesn't count.

>still better and smarter

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>they are not all racists and nazis.
They support both user.

so the Trump administration is racist, glad we're on the same page.

spotted the liberal cuck

>he actually have a very good record of keeping election promises compared to other presidents
when it's shit no other President would touch, it's not a victory. It just means he knows how to spite his predecessor.

There is literally nothing wrong with being liberal.

>keeping election promises

>draining the Swamp
>Repeal and Replace Obamacare
>investigate Hillary Clinton

Those are the three most important. Dropped the ball on that, didn't he?


Maybe, but the claim that he has accomplished nothing is actually untrue.

If that's what you would like to believe. It will only galvanize the opposition though.

Option 1)
Urban black unemployment is as high as 40% in some cities. Until this is reduced and we break the cycle of black generational welfare we should stop allowing in people who directly compete for both jobs and benefits. In other words, close the doors until we can improve the lives of people already here and natural born citizens.

option 2
Open the doors for everybody who can manage to cross our borders. The blacks are fine as they are because we can still rely on them to vote democrat.

Who hates minorities?

inb4 blame Democrats

>The Wall
>North Korea
>The economy (stable course big woop)
>Coal miners
>Clinton Investigation
>Drain the swamp

The only thing Trump has ever done is deepthroat oligarchs and fuck over the common people for their benefit.

pissing off liberals is just more of a fringe benefit.

>It will only galvanize the opposition though.
I think there's a million other reasons why people vote read beyond liberals not being nice to them.
And really, why should we? You abuse power whenever possible and have a fundamentally false reality you will fight to the grave over.

Nice rebuttal, are you fucking 12 or what? Make an arguement or shut the fuck up, corporate cuck.

Then shouldn't you be asking: Why are liberals so hated?

*vote red

>but the claim that he has accomplished nothing is actually untrue
He didn't repeal the ACA
he won't get the Wall built
oh and is adding 2 trillion to the deficit for his tax cuts and increased govt spending an "accomplishment" too?

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>Republicans lowering corporate taxes for their friends and family.
>Republicans funding Al Qaeda, the Taliban, etc...
>Republicans building the military industrial complex
>Republicans denying climate science so their Enron stock doesn't tank.

Trump is your boss.He just got Hunter to go to a Ukrainian prison.

Yes to some, others are debatable. But in terms of raw numbers he has actually accomplished many. Again, not that they're things many here (or maybe in the country) would agree with.

Which would technically be a viable answer. He did try to repeal Obamacare but was stopped, same with the wall and other promises. Which is a good thing as it shows the system works fairly well: a President cannot simply become a king once elected. He can still face still opposition from those who voted against him.

Definitely, but you continue to lose supporters and alienate people who you simply wave them all off as deplorables.


There's that word again.

>If that's what you would like to believe.
No I don't "like" to believe it.
If you support Trump, you support racism and white nationalism, user. Liberals and Progressives are not going to back down on this just because it's so astonishing to you.

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Yeah, let's keep all the dirty minorities out. It's for the betterment of the blacks.

Pull the other one.

>Which would technically be a viable answer.
user, you are utterly incapable of taking responsibility for your side's bad behavior.

It's ridiculously difficult to get a visa here. The waiting line can be as long as 60 years for some and at least TEN for most. The Trump administration cut the number of ppl we allow in each year from 60,000 to 30,000 and is planning on even bigger cuts. The ''legal'' way isn't an option for most people.

What did he do again? None of his campaign promises?

Also, people are saying 'you' because you're clearly sticking up for Trump, ergo you're a Trump supporter.
If you didn't support Trump, you wouldn't support Trump. Therefore, if you support Trump and defend him in arguments, you are by definition a Trump supporter.