Why did white people accept us to take Capitalism crew?

Why did white people accept us to take Capitalism crew?

and why did they admit us to use their law system, medicine, advanced social norm?

and why did they even fight for us to keep capitalism? to make us to have this good system... they even fought for us.

why did they do this? why were they so good people? were they gay in 20th centuary intriguied by asian boipucci?

why are they being so nice? fuck you white piggu why are you so nice. my boipucci isn't tasty stop being so nice fuck you

나 군대 안간다....... 니네들만 가는거야 :^)

어쩌라고 백인사회에 빌붙어사는 병신새꺄

순수하고 선한 백인사회 그만 더럽히고 헬조센으로 돌아와서 동양인 답게 살아라

it is the white man's god-given mission to civilize and enlighten the less fortunate races

싫어 이 조센징새끼야.

t. 좆센징 암세포 in Canada

They also brought you plastic surgery so your rat-faced women look presentable

>why did they admit us to use their law system
you use c*vil law like savages

Do you invent new symbols for brands and the likes?

nothing personel for Koreans, just because you had commies to the north they fight so hard for you.
Korea is lucky they didn't drop loads of bombs and poison on them like they did trying to "help" here


Like Michael Jackson nose.

How a natural Korean girl would look?


It is our heritage given to us by the Romans...who did the same to us and all of their neighboring nations.

If all of a group/empire etc.'s peoples/subjects are educated and strong than the empire as a whole is stronger.

This was Rome's philosophy towards the new peoples it conquered and assimilated.

The day all species of humans :) become elevated to civilized status is the day we finally conquest into space

Had it coming fucboi

Younare just jelly you dont even have a green card or canadian citizenship NIGGA.

>white people

He said white people you mutt

I'm one of the last few white people left in this country

If the Japs didn't oppress and modernize Korea as a huge colony and Korea was keeping in under the china, the whites didn't do those. Also, The Korean War probably did not happen and Japan becomes way more unstable instead.
I'm not sure they are so nice if they are better than us.

I believe you

We dropped a shit ton of bombs on North Korea.

I did laugh at that.