Is hunting a sport?

Is hunting a sport?
Real question, seriously.

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If it is, it's an /asp/

>Walrus hunting the seal

Andy Reid has lost a lot of weight.

target shooting is not a sport. going out into the wild with nothing but a few cans of beans and a knife, building a bow and arrows from scratch, that's a sport.

It's pretty exciting when you hunt with say a bow, but when a bunch of white guys in their 50s go hunt a deer equipped better than most countries' armies it's pretty fucking dumb.

it can be, if it's done in a way where the animal stands a good chance to escape

otherwise, unless you are hunting for food and skins, it's just killing for fun and a waste

>not played by teams
>not played with a ball
>one success does not represent one point
Not a sport


but if you only got like a knife and some rope then yes, it's a pretty entertaining sport.

itt: morons

you aren't competing against the animal, you're competing against other hunters in order to bag the biggest/most impressive prey

>Is hunting a sport?

Hunter here, and I'd call it a "pastime".

yeah because you're too fat and slow to compete against an animal for anything.

Is a horse an athlete?

Killing things with fire-cuck sticks fucking pathetic, hunting lions with spears or taking meat from them is the man's game.

>divegrass is the standard for all sports
Retarded faggot

It's not a sport if only one side is aware they're playing.

>man's game
>spending a lot of money on a tool created by someone else to give you an unfair advantage
>stand far away and pull the trigger
You don't get points for buying plane tickets and then lying in wait. You're a pussy. Own it.

>if you score a touch down, you get 6 points, and then you can either kick the ball for 1 extra point of score another touchdown for just 2 points
>if you kick the ball into the goal you get 3 points
>if you lhe ball down in your own endzone the other team gets 2 points
>if you wear red jerseys and your cornerback manages to tackle the quarterback after the line of scrimmage but before the 50 yard line, your team gets the ball and 4 points
>if you steal the refs cap and run to the endzone, your team scores 2 points and the other team scores 1 point
>if you win the coin toss, you get 2 points
>if you win the coin toss but on overtime, you get 5 points

>la creatura reading comprehension

No, but fishing is

only rednecks and inbred country retards fish

So... why do you love fishing?

Is a car an athlete?

if it's an IROC Z28, it is

Reminder Canada's nice and friendly demeanor is just a ruse

They are cold hearted blood thirsty monsters

No. At best, it's used for survival. At worst, it's killing for no reason except to have a "trophy."

I like fishing and my neck is very pale. I throw my catches back, though.

why would anyone think chinks aren't inhumane to animals?

(you) deserve this

I want to club a baby seal to death too :(

How do these "people" sleep at night?

Because they are killing animals and not humans. Suck it up buttercup.

>humans aren't animals

I compete against cheetahs for the same prey. So you're half right.

Do you not wonder why just about every animal on the planet instinctively runs away from humans? The ones who weren't aware they were playing got murked by our ancestors a million years ago.

I doubt the side fighting for their life considers it "play," but a million years ago, animals didn't have to worry about getting sniped from over 100-yards away.

post hunting kino

Under cozy warm sealskin blankets.

I doubt professional athletes consider what they do "play" either.

How's the weather over there in San Francisco?

Killing animals with guns is for pussy faggots who are insecure in their manhood.

Bow hunting is more honorable because at least you don't just have to click a trigger.

Is it win or die? If not, it's play.

Merriam-Webster here getting to define words for himself.

with your mom :^)

What's better?

> Be happy wild animal, living a great life
> Killed by some fat racist with a weapon more powerful that anything existed for most of the Earth's history


> Be miserable animal with 1 sq ft of living space where you shit and eat
> Be mercy killed on a conveyor belt by nigger farm hands

Fucked either way

Literally "play" football, and baseball, and soccer. Most professional athletes love what they do.

No, a sport requires consent from all parties involved.

You're literally "posting" on a bulletin "board". Does that mean Sup Forums is made out of wood?