Guys im so fucking scared. this is my fourth time smoking weed this week for the first time in my life

guys im so fucking scared. this is my fourth time smoking weed this week for the first time in my life

everything right now nothing feels real. everytime i have been high have been in control is this the first time im actually stoned? my body i feel like im weightless and floating its terrifying my past 3-4 highs have been nothing like this. i feel like im in another world that you can only feel when high and im terrified

did i smoke too much or is this just what being stoned feels like i feel so off right now. my body is so tingly i feel like im not even in my body

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yep its that good

Jeez eat a sandwich or something

totally normal, dont worry
close your eyes and enjoy you nigger

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i cant eat anything man i feel like im in another universe and i keep spacing out and snapping back to

congrats on your first big boy high

enjoy it

its normal that you forget what you are doing every 2 seconds, had panic the first time too

if you know its normal you can enjoy that shit very good

greetings from the fucking netherlands

Yeah you're just ripped. That strong wave passes in like 30 mins and you'll hit a fucking awesome plateau if you dont dick it up by eating anything. Distract your brain for a short while with some quiet softer music (low volume) and something to fidget with.

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watching a video right now and it seems so fake its hard to explain things just dont feel real

That's normal don't worry

you shouldn't smoke weed anymore dude just saying

Seems that you overdosed it. But dont panic, I had this the same just a few weeks ago and after about 1 hour it will be less. Eat something or drink something with sugar or fruity, this will also help.

weed is fucked up, nobody should be smoking that shit in the first place

First off don't panic, it's going to wear off. Stay calm your perfectly okay. But consider that perhaps weed isn't for you. Honestly it isn't for everyone.

when im high and i things get squirrelly i just begin to notice my thoughts, and slowly bring attention to the breath. do this repeatedly until mind is more or less silent and you're calmer

i have a question then what is it supposed to feel like? before today id get high, id feel comfortable, hungry and kind of heavy. now i just feel weightless, seeing things in shutter and like im here but not here. im so confused honestly

Dude you are dying that's not how weed feels call an ambulance or go outside and scream for help hurry

1. How much did you smoke?
2. Method of ingestion/inhalation?
3. When's the last time you smoked before this?
4. Did you buy it from a reputable vendor? What strain is it?
5. Do you have any more left? Post pics

This is a dream, notice how hard it is to read the words?

Normally I just get a body load, the giggles and I can only describe it as 'lol dude wat'. I think you could just have over done it a bit. I once smoked far too much, nek minute I couldn't hold focus, seemed like my world was violently vibrating and I started with racing thoughts. Pretty wild, but i knew it'd wear off and I'd be okay. Honestly I think you might have just over done it a bit.

>Honestly I think you might have just over done it a bit

any amount of weed is too much


>its my 4th 1st time smoking weed

This is exactly how my brother died. RIP Mathew. I really hope OP gets the helps he needs.

Right? You smoke even a small marijuanananaa and your testicles shrink and hair grows in-between your fingers! Praise Jesus kids, can't hug Jesus with weed in your hands!!!!!111!1!!!!

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Does OP realize yet that this is all in his head and he's passed out in his room nearing death? I hope he wakes up.

its my fourth time smoking this week but this week is the first time i started smoking in my life

Bro, give it up. It won't kill you (by OD at least) but it's going to make you not care about life and give up. Before you know it you'll be working a dead-end job and still living at home and your only friends will be fellow losers. You get a better high at the gym and sex is 100 times better than weed and love is even 1000 better than that, just take this as a learned lesson and focus on making you right. Maybe take it up when you're 30 and tried at life, if by then it's not going, then smoke, but try at life at least. Trust me man, I'm almost 40 and still know potheads that live at home and haven't had a girlfriend over a decade, it's just sad.

Wait until you have far too much shrooms...

>Had a bag, must have being 1/2 an ounce in there, had the lot yum
>20 minutes? Later I could see the light spectrum breaking down and the room appear to fill with a lovely red/pink haze
>Fuck yeah boys light spectrum piano, awesome
>Outside has turned green and the birds outside have turned into triangles
>Got confused by my aux cable
>Suddenly how do I breath? Hmmmm
>Felt my mind leave my body and I was left behind the eyes of some stranger
>Pretty wild, I'd like off now

Pulled the loud handle and have a Diazi and some sugar. Wild man, they are only drugs eh? You'll be right mate.

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Throw on some tunes, make something disgusting that you’ll think is delicious (I usually go with nachos made with ruffles, tomato sayce, shredded cheese, and all the spices i can get my hands on) and enjoy the ride.

Here you go bro. Don't forget to thank me

Sounds like you just got too high bro. Just sip some water and ride it out, you'll be fine in 30-45mins. Try not to focus on your heart rate or anything that will increase your anxiety.

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kill yourself

ain't no such thing as 'too high' pussy boy!

Then you haven't smoked enough

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I had a guide for extracting from san pedro... dont remember which website it was from but there were also caps posted here. Want to know if anyone can post it for educational purposes

OP I hate to say this but you are dying right now. You haven’t heard the voices telling you you’re dying? Who the fuck smokes weed and doesn’t listen to the voices? Gitgud faggit OP.

Use grammar, dopey!

Unironically an undergrad psychologist here. You just smoked too much. You know the amygdala, that little bundle of cells deep inside your brain that controls your fear? Yeah, that thing is littered with receptors for cannabinoids (the stuff in weed). Weed makes most people feel anxious when they smoke too much, that's completely normal. It will pass, and you will suffer no long-term consequences. In the meantime, try to take your mind off the anxious thoughts by listening to music or do other things you usually enjoy. If that's too difficult, try this first It's called mindfulness and can do wonders if you stay at it for a couple of minutes.

And next time, either smoke less or consider quitting. Weed isn't for everyone, and frequent anxiety attacks is one reason.

More shroom/LSD stories please

Since this seems like the drug thread, I have a question. I'm gonna do coke for the first time tonight, am I gonna be good to drive home or am I crashing there/sleeping in my car?

Yo relax youll be fine. Try taking a nap