MCU Antman vs TV/JUST Flash in a game of hide and seek...

MCU Antman vs TV/JUST Flash in a game of hide and seek. Antman cannot go subatomic and can only go as small as an actual ant. Who wins and why. Discuss.

cw flash can't do anything on his own. Every solo decision he's made has been a huge fucking mistake. Therefore ANTS wins by default

It's not a decision though, its just a game of hide and seek. I haven't watched Flash, is the TV version fast enough to check all the worlds hiding spots?

>searching for someone isn't a decision

the fuck are you talking about

>DECIDING where to search isn't a decision

Flash goes back in time to see where Antman hid and ends up making the Nazis win WW2.

Antman wins because he can just go ant size and hide in place Flash can't see or fit into and can use the fact that all food will be giant and use that to his advantage as he lives out his life in hiding

>is the TV version fast enough
depends on the script

I meant not some momentous plot decision which was what I figured he meant. I'm just trying to have fun here pal.

I think Ant-Man wins. Even at super speed you could forget to check some places.

Antman can just hide in Flash's ass, so I think he'd win.

>Antman wins because he can just go ant size and hide in place Flash can't see or fit into
Like what, inside an anthill? Inside the engine block of some car in a junkyard?

Flash would eventually just start taking a part everything in the world that could conceivably house him and then start digging open mountains probably.

His speed varies wildly depending on the episode, it's really frustrating that it isn't consistent desu.

What's his speed when you average out all his depicted feats?

Barry's got forensic analysis skills, so if Antman leaves any sort of trace Barry can find him. He can also determine the farthest possible distance Antman could travel in the time he took to hide.

How's Barry supposed to know where Antman was at the start of the game? Shits randomized probably, otherwise the game is over in a second because flash is there before Antman can run off to hide.

"What do I do, Cisco?"

Antman gets small, crawls up Flash's asshole

he wins

Cisco rigs up some bullshit to only scan for human body density in ant sized creatures and they find him within 4 minutes of the episode. The rest is Barry and Iris having drama, Joe being too protective of everyone, Caitlin's love interest dying and/or Caitlin becoming Killer Frost, and the Wells of the season doing something that helps someone realize something.

There, saved you 48 minutes.

Well of course Flash wins in that scenario, the real question is whether or not he bought Antman dinner first.


>Cisco rigs up some bullshit to only scan for human body density in ant sized creatures and they find him within 4 minutes of the episode

I was gonna say how Barry is too nice to cheat like that, but is TV Barry as nice as comics Barry?