be Mexican

> be Mexican
> be conservative
> mexico has been under liberal rule for a while now
> come to US
> all mexicans vote democrat
> mfw my entire culture is built against me
> mfw people can't learn to stop voting liberal
Why can't mexicans learn that mexico is a shithole because of liberals?

Because your silence.

actually no. mexico is a shit hole because of globalist and corporatist interests

just move to Texas. Don't all the Tejanos vote more conservatively?

I feel your pain.

Me 2, hombre.

PAN all the way.


|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_


My boyfriend is Mexican.

I am I'm texas, pretty much all mexican houstonians are liberal, Dallas is more conservative. All the Mexicans in houston are thugs who have lost any trace of Mexican they had in them.

No, it's really shit because it's like a banana republic. People get promised "progress" toward some nebulous (yet bright) future and politicians scam left and right while never getting caught or punished.

America is heading down this road too. Shame I fucking came here just in time.

We're both right

get the fuck out

Kill yourself please


Son of legal immigrant here.

We have to speak up, we have to make the other beans realize that the hajis are a serious threat. Using my browness, I make liberals have mental implosions by calling then out on their bullshit and being an all around shitlord.

Their tears are so so sweet

> comes here legally
> scores 1400 out of 2400 on Sat in 7th grade
> has arab girlfriend
> is not liberal
> parents own small business
> money flows from Mexico
> still told to get out
This is why it's so easy to paint a bad narrative of you guys.

Yeah, it's pretty crazy.

Even my dad, who was an illegal immigrant is voting red because democrats are out of control.

>1400 out of 2400 on SAT in 7th grade

that's literally something to not be proud of.

7th grade was my first year in US, I needed 1500 to make it into duke tip. Average for Americans in 7th grade was 950.

Dude I live in Commiefornia it's way worse here. I'm mexican and everyone here cries about racism and other shit, but live exactly like they would in Mexico. Why the fuck even come to America if they aren't going to integrate. Our culture is set up to make us fail man.

Low IQ

no. i will be voting for every democrat i see on my ballot this november. not because i like democrats or agree with any of their policy positions. I just really hate Trump and the republicans.

Just fit in with the Texicans, a lot of which are conservative.

Liberal? There's goverment every time I flush the toilet

Why is Mexico so liberal anyway? Aren't most pretty strict catholics? Even with the current year false Pope from ArgLeftistTina he's still preaching no birth control and anti abortion. What's the deal with these lefty fags getting elected then.

Also, many Mexi-Muricans support Trump they just hide their power levels because it's equivalent to applying to be a police officer in a black neighborhood everybody will hate you. Wait for the election and all of them will cast Trump votes in private.


I mix up liberal an libertarian

Anyway there's no difference between parties here in Mexico, all of them offer gibsmedat and it's fucking us up

The people of Mexico may be Catholic, but the government is very anti-Catholic and always makes decisions against Catholicism.

Mexicans aren't real catholics. Mexican Catholicism is kinda like Christianized Paganism.

Not blaming the corruption and cartles for the shitty state your country is in okayyy

Big government
Big corruption

>Christianized Paganism
Not the amalgamated religion that Christianity is at it's 'purest'. Maybe because Christianity is so new that we know how fucked up it's authenticity is. It didn't come from 'the ages'. We know the names of those who were involved in the romanization of it.

To me the whole Christian show is Pharasee Paganism of one sort or another.

There's no real left and much less a right in Mexico, just a bunch of populists
Some will preach rightist values, some will preach leftist values, most will adhere to centrist policies and all of them will do gibsme policies because everyone thinks the only thing the government does is welfare, and they like it
The state has always been against religions, they are a stand against their power and hegemony, specially since they made stands against the government after the revolution
The military once was the same, but the main party was able to keep them out of politics by not interfering with them, and giving them enough resources
This is quite true, in Mexico Catholicism has always been bastardized, and traditions are bastardized every year a bit more
The government fucked up when it became an easily corruptible single party entity, and fucked up more when it crashed the economy and sold out to foreign interests and the IMF to recover
Corruption is a byproduct of the government, which is a byproduct of Mexican history, and cartels are a byproduct of globalism and corruption
The government has been quite corrupt since the 50's, the cartels have existed since the liberalization of Mexico after the IMF mandated opening the markets and the CIA favored the cartel to finance the Honduran revolution in the 80's
Also cartel violence wasn't relevant until the war on drugs intensified massively in 2008, thanks to US cooperation, even the cartel intimidation tactics are due to the training some older units received in foreign countries

Mexican parties are all the same, theyre corrupt and dont do anything that woukd benefit the people, Mexico needs a fascist.

He did good until NAFTA

>Mexico story has been nothing but continuous series of wars either against the goverment or the people itself
We know nothing but war don't we

he's the literally why there are so many illegals in

only the elite of mexico supports him.

i hate trump but i hope he makes mexico pay for the wall.