Being able to speak french proves social status in your country?

being able to speak french proves social status in your country?

Nowadays yeah...

it proves you're from congo

No, it is just a normal language here. People of every status speak it. Being well versed in Latin would be a language associated with the better educated upper classes.

they think you are from haiti

not really, but we're making progress

It used to.

People would think your a fag or something

kek this... it proves you're from haiti.

Why do everyone but Americans associate the French language with niggers?

because you shart in the mart

ancient greek is also associated with it?

What about in your country Japan?

It doesn't necessarily prove your social status. But often people are impressed when I tell them I speak french. There's so many misconceptions and stereotypes around france and the language too.

Using french without any arab words in it means you're an old racist

Ce qui n`est pas noble est francais.

Dis moi quelque chose en français.

no, but the chance you're a fudge packer or black increase dramatically

Yes, that sort of thing. It's old and associated with academia

Whenever someone tells me they speak any language besides the language associated with their ethnicity I assume they are bullshitting because most people I know who speak a foreign language at a pre-k level start claiming they can "speak" it.

merci beaucoup.

Because you're full of french speaking niggers coming from Africa.

I lived in New York myself. Each time I was taking a cab the driver started talking to me in french. Each time the same story : "Je suis venu pour l'argent mon ami, hahaha"

كلمات عشوائية ترجمتها جوجل

You're on a forum full of people from all over the world speaking your language pretty decently.

This foreign language allergy is an anglo thing.

We don't really though. We think of French speakers as White and cultured

Contrast that with Spanish. No one could imagine anyone speaking Spanish being high class.

Why would it

>This foreign language allergy is an anglo thing.
Well said.
It's kind of funny that for some people (especially americans it seems) being monolingual is a thing to take pride in.


hmmmmm ok

j'apprenais la langue quand j'étais petit, car mon grand-père était de france. j'oublie tous les mots et verbs mais je gère. j'aime parler français mais je connais personne qui peut parler français aussi donc je parle très rarement.

That's not very nice.

Because French is spoken by many old colonies of France.

I hate that kind of people. When I was a beginner in Korean I felt guilty having a shitty level while seeing videos of some nigger on youtube claiming they became "fluent" in 5months. This is such a common practice from every fucking language learning platform to bullshit like crazy and people follow it.

Seems like Anglo have a very polarised perception of French people.

Yes but bullshitting on your language level is universal.


My French teacher was from Haiti. French is a third-world language just like Spanish.

yo jablo espanol!

m-merci senpai

>almost 2018
>not speaking a baltic language

Good luck being left behind

>This foreign language allergy is an anglo thing.

I can confirm this. Anglos REALLY hate learning multiple languages. Not saying there isn't any that know 2 or more or enjoy being multilingual but it's kinda seen as a point of pride of being monolingual because you are more assimilated.

Like if being multilingual is the norm in most of the world then being monolingual is as way to differentiate from them.

It proves that you work in the tourism industry

Did she have a big ass?

Japanese girls are obsessed about french.

btw why are so many french said to be not good at speaking English despite the fact that English and French have quite in common?
when i started learning french, I came to understand Pascal`s Pensee in original french before long. why furansu?

Because the french have learning difficulties

nah you know she's got them nat geo titties

150 years ago it definitely did, now not so much


they are intellectually challenged?

The reason is that most of our cultural products were historically produced locally .
And french people don't like subtitles ( they're a bit anglo on this ) so everything is dubbed, even the most insignifiant movie.

But it has changed a lot recently. The new generation speaks good english. Look at Macron.

Language education is terrible here, that's really just it
School program for the languages doesn't evolve much by the years and we often end up "learning" the same things again
At the end of high-school I remember we were still learning how to tell what the weather is lol

Sadly yes

lol one time a french foreign exchange student at my school thought you could say "it makes beautiful today".

J`aime french who don`t feel shamed of their bad command of anglais.
be proud of your bad English like us.

French and English are not that close. French is way closer to Spanish than to English that's why French students are better at Spanish than at English. Also this is not true for the younger generations.
Also people say that French and English are similar but there are lots of traps to avoid for a French student learning English. Many words sound like the same but actually have different meanings, the pronunciation is very hard for us, the writing of many words in French is different from one letter in English which is confusing, the grammar isn't quite the same and so on...

Yes they are terrible but they are not particularly worst than the ones in Japan actually.

>French is way closer to Spanish than to English

On what planet is that true? The average French sentence and average Spanish sentence look nothing alike

Honestly, very few Americans learn foreign languages, let alone learn to speak it decently. Part of the problem rests on our education system, schools don't take languages seriously and anyone who majors in a language is seen as a failure. Our culture also views the entire world as english speaking, so we have difficult time comprehending that English isn't the global lingua franca.

lol what

no it`s quite similar.

So how did you learn to speak English so well ?

Are you kidding?

We can actually understand about 40% of the language without even starting to study.

Yes, all riches kinda already know English. Knowing French (or a third language) is a differentiate from the others

I don't really know how it's a bit weird. Most geeks are good at English usually. I got worst since I started to talk to Asians tho. But now I have translation lectures so I'm improving again.

>The new generation speaks good english. Look at Macron.
the new generation of upper class yuppies in good neighbourhoods ? yes they do speak english now, the rest of the country still doesn't

so, speaking english is like a status in your country? how ironic it is

how's your country?

i'd rather speak english than arab, i'm ok with learning english t b h they are our brothers

No need to speak french to sound like a fag when you're american

What does Arab has to do with this ? I'm so fucking tired of every discussion on France going back to the Arab topic this is a fucking obsession.
Yes they suck, yes there are many problems with them but no we are being invaded or doomed so can we not mention them for once ? Ffs

no i get what you mean and i agree but in this one case it's relevant because i would say the french language is evolving in two different parallel directions at the same time, one is a slang with arab loanwords and the other is formal speech with english loanwords

does academie francais not correct it?


Here it's the language of the aristocracy... and poor peoples.

it isnt true, the truth is french lies some where between english and spanish, with a few more steps closer to spanish.

-t. hispanic who studies spanish and french and is fluent in english

It will be a miracle if they do anything

your country is being devided due to cultural linguistic differences, which side do you belong to, walon or framan?

it does but sometimes it doesn't work because people don't like it
for example some are successful they recommend on their official website to translate "lol" to "mdr" which has been pretty successful
but they say to translate "e-mail" to "courriel" and nobody says courriel because it sounds dumb

I don't think that the use of some Arab words in the language really causes a threat of deformation of the language right now. People who use it are usually quite aware that they are not speaking French . They use these words as a way to show off their affection to their non existent culture of Arab. Unlike English that is a real threat to the French language where many English words are commonly used even without knowing that they are English.

Also L'academy française is busy to fight feminists and their usage of the double plural right now.

I'm wallon (Walloon in English), but i live in Brabant wallon province, some i'm not poor.

idk that mdr is an artificial word made by them...
feminists are trying to change fem noun or something?

Its a status of passive gay, i'm not joking

in Québec «courriel» is accepted and commonly used


>feminists are trying to change fem noun or something?
Yea and it's making the far-right mad.

they didn't invent it but they recommend saying mdr
i know they made some successful translations i heard a guy on the radio give examples once but i don't remember

kek i'm not surprised, you do use other anglicisms though

How...? Knowing the whole world used to respect us, our culture and language is depressing af

In the plural form if you are describing feminine and masculine objects the rule wants that the masculine take over but the feminists want us to specify for example if you are talking about students, males and females you say : Les étudiants. But they want us to write Les etudiants•es or smtg like that.

It makes everybody mad, except feminists and far left.

>kek i'm not surprised, you do use other anglicisms though

The amount of anglicisms used is inversely proportionate to the level of education people have.

Because 95% of people here doesnt know any language, only russian, so they will hate you if you will flaunt your language skills. That mentally degraded conscious, fuck it.

I prefer german, french sounds horrible

>our culture and language is depressing af

yeah i heard of this, it's because the noble people were using beef because it was closer to boeuf in french but poor people would use meat, not sure it's really related to educational level tho, not anymore.

Nah, the fact foreigner can't respect us anymore

That's your opinion, hey

>But they want us to write Les etudiants•es or smtg like that.

Les SJWs font ça ici aussi.

C'est justement eux qui veulent mettre ça en place.

Je sais pas si tu as compris ce que je voulais dire. Je disais que c'est surtout les pauvres, les non-éduqués et les plébéiens qui insèrent des mots en anglais partout. C'est un vrai cancer.

votre avis m'a aidee tres bien. merci.
je vais make every effort etudier francais a la avenir.

oui oui j'avais compris, je suis pas le même user à qui tu as répondu mais ton intervention pertinente m'a fait pousser des ailes et m'a incité a participer à ce passionant sujet.
>seriously french is so much more pleasent to write than english tbqh famalan

not really, they force it down our throats for eight years straight so it's somewhat expected you're able to speak it
In my case they failed miserably though

Nah, non-Parisians are chill af. Also, look at the G7:
>US: Trump
>UK: Brexit
>Canada: muh Bombardier
>Japan: demographics + RocketMang
>Italy: Banks failing
>Germany: refugees
>France: ???

Ganbatte kudasai!
Nihon suki desu ka!

oui! fraternite avec toi

French is for fags here; German for slackers; Finnish, Italian, Spanish, Chinese etc. are for nerds and weirdos; English is for normies.

but why learning french if they are gay instead of greek ?

>despite the fact that English and French have quite in common
from a japanese pov? yeah probably