Does this pass the test of time? Is it really the kino it's made out to be?

Does this pass the test of time? Is it really the kino it's made out to be?

yeah it's good

I watched it for the first time recently. I enjoyed it. The cheesy effects don't hold up but that's about it.

never watched

the only effect that does not hold up is the stop-motion at the end, in part. That's about it.

sometimes it sells really well and then the stomach-mouth eating the doc's arms off happens and it's like "yeah that was crazy shit but it also looked like shit"

I saw it two years ago, It's great.

Yes. It's probably my favorite sci fi movie. John carpenter is my favorite director, I could watch 90% of all his movies over and over

The effects hold up pretty well, considering all the extreme shit they did.
Definitely passes the test of time.



It's surprisingly comfy considering it's an horror movie

One of my favourite movies and I only saw it a couple years ago. It's gonna be a yearly thing now

opening scene is one of the most suspenseful scenes i've ever seen despite almost nothing happening. hitchcock would be impressed. good film

>It's surprisingly comfy considering it's an horror movie
Comfy is just proximity to something harsh, but not being exposed it.
Anything with snow and cold and people getting shielded from it is comfy.

>be Canadian
>call it normal

I hate meems

This dogger still rates as one of the best actors since the early 80s.

what's he up to these days?

Not much

watched it some months ago feel it p good.

first time i watched it in automatic, i was like 15 or something tho.

Excellent movie, saw it for the first time a few days ago when some nice user streamed it. Some effects hold up better than others. I totally wasn't expecting pic related, very impressed

>all these people seeing it for the first time recently

i feel old

Hes dead tired

Childs was a The Thing