ITT: Civic Nationalism: A safespace from hateful Nazis and racists

Share your civic stories. Highlight the good things we all have as a result of a more multicultural and multiracial society.

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fuck off you inbred faggot.

I fucked a black chick once.

You'd think Americans would be the most civic people of all.

I hope you married her first, lad.

They make some good tacos down the road.

>Highlight the good things we all have as a result of a more multicultural and multiracial society.

There is literally nothing to highlight.

In my parts, it ain't too multicultural.
My entire life, I've met one black man, and he was straight from Africa, on some sorta work program.

We do NOT need alien races in France, or Norway, or any of our Western countries, period. Race exists and our cultures are rooted in our genetics.

Are you new here? I remember holding such opinions when I was younger but you just can't make decisions for entire people. The multiculturalism we have today is natural and cannot be stopped unless we commit atrocities, at which point we'd be no better than the terrorists you hate.

I bet he was nice. Only ever met good blacks in Norway, most were Somali though.

Isn't Britain pretty civic throughout history? You're like 5 different European races, and then you got your empire filled with all kinds of races.

Pretty much. Can get food from every corner of the world in my city.

Our country being a perfect example of ethnic purity, of course.

My sister is teaching german (for money, she is teacher and no "Bahnhofsklatscherin") to refugee children and children from other EU countrys that came to germany.
Shr told me about a kid from poland, almost a year her, cand speak a proper german, but is giving the "Dr. Göbbels" against the refugees in class.

Every race and culture will die off and one giant culture will be left, the global culture.

You really just make my point, as the U.S. is becoming more and more like a third-world nation as it becomes less and less white.

>I bet he was nice
He was a great guy.
It was back in middle school, and he was I think a psychologist, or something back in his hometown, and he worked as the school councilor for the year he was there.
He would play with all of us at recess, bringing his dog to school and letting us look after it.

Silly nigglet, muds can't be Norwegian. In b4 MUH MAGIC CLAY argument.

based. It's Goebels though



It is you who feel empowered to make decisions for an entire people. "Diversity" only ever means "fewer white people". "Diversity" is a code word for white genocide. It is unnatural and inarguably government-forced in the West. I'll bet you don't think Mexico needs more "diversity". Again, it is you who wish to force your religion on the rest of us.

>The multiculturalism we have today is natural and cannot be stopped

No it's not, it's being pushed by globalist elites that have their evil tentacles in the media and education to convince the native population that they deserve to import shit skins

you mean jews

>Isn't Britain pretty civic throughout history? You're like 5 different European races, and then you got your empire filled with all kinds of races.

Most native Britons common genetic ancestry is with the Basque people who settled here 10,000 years ago.

Normans, Romans, Anglo-Saxons had pretty much no effect on our genetics except in a few regions like Kent, York and Orkney Isles.

>Can get food from every corner of the world in my city.
No you faggot, you're getting your food from your city, not from anywhere else.

There is literally nothing to celebrate you massive cuck

Norway might claim to promote civic nationalism, but ethnocentric nationalism is what Norwegians in general practice and believe in. I don't understand why you pretend it to be otherwise. People who are not white on our national day are asked why they even participate because they are not true Norwegians and in general get questions like "when are you going home?" or "have you ever been in your homeland before?".

> Highlight the good things we all have as a result of a more multicultural and multiracial society
Yes, like what?

>Food and music
We can enjoy these things from abroad without needing peoples of those countries here in any great numbers.

Whenever a politician wants to praise multicultural diversity, its always with vague meaningless terms, never specifics. The non-existent benefits are eclipsed by the appalling surges in crime and communities driven apart as the peoples differences only make them distrust each other more, if not make it outright impossible to live together when it comes to shit like language and cultural/religious disagreement

This thread was for civic folk. Get out if you don't agree instead of making it like every other Sup Forums thread.

This board is for frank discussion and calling out horseshit. If you want an echo chamber, this isn't the place to find it.

>This board is for frank discussion and calling out horseshit

The irony.



Yay multiculturalism

Civic, not civilized.


Well, flag sales have gone through the roof.

Norway is a beautiful country, except New Mogadishu... I mean Oslo.


ok, but no niggers, arabs, kike, gooks, spics or spooks

they are all detrimental to our genepool

why do you want your family to be race-mixed out of existence?

One time I fucked a Leb girl and beat up her brother




I have different kinds of kids while other people only have one kind.

convincing bait 9/10

I used to be one but I've become convinced it's a failure of an idea.
Plus, muslims. Muslims don't belong anywhere because they just take it over. So it's an impossible idea.
The more homogeneous a place is the better it is overall. This is proven.

This leaves me with no where to really go as a halfbreed.
It's all getting worse anyway. Don't let America fall.
Time to leave.

>Normans, Romans, Anglo-Saxons had pretty much no effect on our genetics except in a few regions like Kent, York and Orkney Isles.

Yeah according to a botched study that didn't even make sense and that will be forgotten soon as they change every 5 years or so. They always swing back around to the English in particular being Angle/Saxon especially in the east and less so in the west.


I now have to be wary of being mugged. Multiculturalism is great.

this makes no sense at all. If they are pushing it so hard, whats the benefit of a world without whites? The theory that jews are pushing it does not make any sense either, they will also be affected in the end due to globalism. And if you mean jews = israel they already have gay pride, multiculture etc.

The goal is complete and literal enslavement of humanity -- This is what the Jewish supremacists, in cooperation with white communists, are working towards. Only white people have ever properly stood in their way, and so that is why the total genocide of white Gentiles has always been their most important goal. White people are, in general, too intelligent and freedom-loving to make good slaves, and a worldwide race of brown slaves (who will buy their shtty products and watch their shtty newscasts, and never care about being truly free again), ruled over by rabbis from Israel, is what the coming one-world government wants.

Also, creating more anti-Semitism throughout Europe is part of the Jewish elites' plan. Driving large numbers of Jews out of Europe and into Israel (forced Aliyah) is a main goal of the coming one-world government. A relatively few dead Jews, presumably at the hands of Muslims, is a small price that they are willing to pay in order to both destroy White Europe and strengthen Israel. Also note that by importing millions of Arab Muslims into Europe, the Jews' enemies become the personal enemies of white Europeans as well. It's all very diabolical.
