Why does Sup Forums hate this so much?

Why does Sup Forums hate this so much?

I don't get it, is it literally only because she fucks Luke Cage? Because that's the only thing most of you have to say whenever this show is mentioned. Why is it so bad that they stayed true to her relationship from the comics? And Cage had feelings for, he wasn't just some tyrone trying to pump and dump her.

Can someone redpill me on why you hate interracial relationships so much? I guess i don't understand it, because i want to fuck women of many different races.

JJ seems like she would be open to fucking bad boys of all colors too.

Sup Forums hates women.

Sup Forums is full of women hating, rascist manchildren

You know, redditors.

I thought PurpleMan made this show very worthwhile.

Did her costume provoke rape in the comics?

>Because that's the only thing most of you have to say whenever this show is mentioned.

Plot goes nowhere, just a buch of random events put together, no flow, no goals set, nothing to expect as the natural progression of the story.

Purple man didn't do anything cool or interesting with his powers, even at low budget they could have done something interesting and different.

Lame visuals, nothing to look at, terrible fight scenes, no visual themes like using the color purple, purple lights, a scene with Jessica walking down a street while every single person out there is wearing purple clothing, as a symbolism of how anyone can be controlled by the Purple Man.

Unlikable lead that its not inlikable but fun to watch, just unlikable, boring, one note, didn't bought the PTSD thing

Damn, those visuals sound pretty awesome, i wish they had something like that. I thought the killgrave plot was pretty intense, and i didn't mind KR because i have a huge boner with her name on it.

I'm sorta new here, but I just didn't like the show that much. Kinda boring. I like Daredevil and Luke Cage better.

>she fucks Luke Cage

AHAHAHA of course she does

no i dropped it before that

good to see i made the right call

I liked it. I like all the Marvel shows, including Iron Fist.

They have flaws but I enjoy the wordbuilding and characters.

I liked it myself. I think what really sunk it was the horrible supporting cast, but everything else I enjoyed.

She does in the first episode unless you started watching it only to shut it off after a bit, you did not 'drop it'.

You're like those neckbeards who think it's cool to walk out of a movie they paid for early.

Recently watched this with my gf. She was the only reason I finished it, but by the 3/4 even she'd turned against it. This why Jessica Jones is shit:
>Main character is an unlikable bitch and the writers seem completely unaware of that, treating her constant bitchiness as some sort of interesting quirk
>The supporting cast are all either idiots or detestable assholes- but again, none of them are played up as such enough to be interesting
>Action scenes are boring, poorly shot, and very cheap looking, especially after all the top-shelf action in Daredevil
>Dialogue is regularly cringeworthy.
>Contrived plot stretches things out far beyond what's acceptable for this particular story
>Features the two most offensively stupidest "plans" that anyone has ever had in a work of fiction. This is not hyperbole.
>Kills off the best, most interesting villain the MCU has ever had, despite how easily they could've resolved that season without doing so
>Plot is regularly stilted and nonsensical because of the writers' obsession with creating transparent rape/rape survivor analogies
>Allegedly features a strong, independent woman, but she is almost constantly being victimized and literally never use her strength or wit to advance the plot at all, instead relying on contrivances and circumstance to save her, her friends, and give her the edge over a villain she could easily defeat if she got the drop on him
>Childish obsession with LITERALLY CONSTANT SEX, to drive home that Jessica Jones is a "mature" show
>Nitpick: The intro doesn't match the show at all

The worst part is that this whole scenario could've fucking 10/10. This show should've been a noir thriller with Jessica Jones and Purple Dick hunting each other throughout city. If she finds him first, she's gonna throw a taco stand through him. If he finds her, he's going to tell her to snap her own neck. It could've been smart and tense and interesting, but instead it turned out to be this pandering garbage written by idiots.

Is the comic worth reading if you liked Kilgrave in the show?

>Detective things are super weak
>The bad guy get caught 3 times, THREE TIMES.
>too fucking long, should have been 8 eps MAX
>What if we put a LOT of SEX, because you know JJ is a strong and independent woman.

I felt like the show had a lot of potential but the writers didn't know what to do with it, so the story went nowhere and the characters never really developed. I don't think Jessica Jones is bad, just disappointing when you compare it to the first season of Daredevil.

>that first episode where she insults a fat woman through a pair of binoculars for enjoying a burger

Wellat least she's happy you COW

I'm interested in this too

The Marvel Max series is KINO



>a literal train

degenerate jones pls go

But alas, my link is red and yours are not. What makes you think you belong here, faggot nigger kike whore trash retard?

>muh cuckshit
I generally liked JJ, there were just some pretty bad parts. The luke cage actor is a pretty bad luke cage. The story with the usb stick was all kinds of weird. The last few episodes after they locked up Kilgrave were just bad in my opinion.

My main issue is that it had like 3 episodes of the character doing what she does best (her PIing is fun) and then there is way too much focus on the main story, which is too convoluted.

Because I can't stand the lead actress revolting deformed smug face.

I never read the comics, but i read up on killgrave he's pretty interesring. He goes way back to like the first 5 issues of daredevil back in the 60s originating as just one of those campy D-listers but he later made his way into the spotlight when JJ entered the picture and he became a creepy rapist.

Because the lead character is a flawed asshole and Sup Forums can't deal with a female protagonist unless they are without flaws, but not so flawless that they become perfect Mary Sue's though. You need to find the balance.

Also because her story was basically one of a rape survivor, and if there's anything Sup Forums can't stand, it's "feminist" shit like that because REEEEEE NOT ALL MEN

The series goes on too long, and the end kind of meanders about. It's not a 10/10 stellar series, but it's enjoyable enough. It's at least trying to do something different with the whole superhero genre with the MC being a broken person who is legitimately fucking shit scared of the villain in question.


See:not a flawed asshole
a poorly written flawed asshole
everything you described in the show is a problem because its shit not just because its there

Everytime somebody tries to sell us putride shit as "good" he takes more time talking about how Sup Forums is that or Sup Forums is this instead of talking about the, you know, actual series
How strange

>muh fedora
You get called out twice, and still think you're on reddit?

>OP asks why Sup Forums hates it
>wonders why I responded with why Sup Forums hates it

You fucking specimen.

>I don't get it, is it literally only because she fucks Luke Cage?

If that was the only thing I would have loved the shit out of this show

Unfortunately Luke Cage breaks up with her and that pissed me off

If Jessica fucks a white guy next season I'm dropping this shit.

Because every character other than Luke Cage sucks. Despite the fact Jessica and had the potential to be way more likable.

The villains power could have been utilised so much better than just being a weird rapist/stalker. It always annoyed me that in a world where Thor is visiting etc., a man with the the most insane power yet is wasted on being a villain so shit an alcoholic retard stops him.

Rosario Dawson's character adds nothing.

It's like 5 episodes too long.

>can't crosslink
>in-depth knowledge of reddit boards
You have to go back

Well with his power he could take over nations or whatever, but it just sort of seemed that he was comfortable enough with taking peoples shit, living an opulent life and fucking any women he liked.

His problem was his creepy obsession with Jessica, but even then that was only because she had powers and that appeared to basically be his fetish.

I mean he clearly had contingencies in place, but it kind of seems like he'd never been compromised before.

It's not like he was some infallible super genius chessmaster who had thought of all the angles. He's just a selfish asshole. A selfish asshole with incredible power. Jessica beating him never seemed unrealistic to me.

Yeah, i don't understand how the netflix MCU takes place in manhattan and we only get tiny little references to the avengers. Don't get me wrong, i really don't want to see Cap and Iron Man helping Daredevil out, but NYC being the Avengers' main hub, one would think you would see Iron Man flying around the city making the news all the time. When Kingpin broke out of the swat van and had all those cops massacred, wouldn't tony come sweep it up real quick? All that action is right in his front yard.


This, its fucking stupid to have the nurse going allong with LC. Daredevil and her had better chemistry, its just to create tensions between DD and LC on Defenders or later. Lame.

2nd half of luke cage is like "lmfao what?"

iron fist is so damn corny. probably comes in last in the marvel show heirarchy. DD season 1 has yet to be topped.

The hand can bring back kilgrave i hope they do

>Why does Sup Forums hate this so much?

Because capeshit is cancer

the 2001 comic series is very worth reading, although only the last 5 or 6 issues deal with Purple Man, and they're goat.

I never saw the show, but thought they cast too hot an actress.The comic JJ looked very plain

Like spiderman isnt swinging around and see fucking ninjas fighting DD or the punshier shooting off a million rounds. Luke cage taking a down a gun filled building. Iron fist, idk what hes done? The fighting in china town? Only on ep 8.

the stretched 4 comics out into like what 13 episodes?

too much filler, poorly paced.

would have been fine if it was only 4-6 episodes

I enjoyed it. It was different for a change, though Jessica Jones would be much more well recieved now as opposed to after Daredevil. Between DD, LC, and IF; JJ is like a moderately cool drink of water in a desert. Kudos to Killgrave, best antagonist so far if you don't count Kingpin or The Punisher.

>Why does Sup Forums hate this so much?
>Sup Forums is one person
It's my favorite of the 4 series. I thought Ritter did a good job with the character and it had the best villain and tone