Do you recognize Catalonia as an independent republic?

Do you recognize Catalonia as an independent republic?

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Fuck Sp*in

No fuck scatlonia

No, I don't think they should be recognized. That said, I blame the Spanish national government for this mess, it was needless pissing contest over denying Catalonia more devolved powers for years that lead up to this. If Spain were a proper Federal state like Canada during the Quebec stuff this would have gone much better.

My sovreign 100% referendum house says no.

i mean, i like self-determination, but i can't understand what kind of benefit they would get by seceding

Fuck catalonia

Yes. Fuck Spain.


Do they have any oil or important metals

the benefit of not being part of a shithole like sp*in

>i mean, i like self-determination
m*gallanico spotted

I'd say largely language benefits. Spain isn't oppressing Catalan, but it's not equal to Castilian by any means and often that is the best way to kill a language off. Basically Castilian is made into the "best language" for most aspects of life and Catalonia has no way to make Catalan worth learning.

Here's the thing
Yes, the Spanish gov overreacted, BUT the Catalonian government baited him into it on purpose.
They went into this knowing the end result would be direct rule from Madrid and probably some casualties, but they did it anyway as a ploy to get support for independence over 50% when it had only been in the high 40's before.

Fuck western society

>She was asking for it, look what she was wearing!
That's shit logic, the way Catalonia acted would be easily counter acted by most reasonable national governments. Catalonia baited for a shit national government, it's Spain's responsibility to not BE a shit national government.

>Do you recognize Catalonia as an independent republic?
No i don't because i am not a Russian funded troll spreading propaganda that is targeting and creating divisions amongst the enemies of the EU.

Ask yourself....Who will benefit the most from a weak and divided EU?Not the countries inside it, that's for sure.

And the stupid Spanish peasants from the region of Catalonia are playing right into the hands of foreign puppeteers.

No I don't.

Of course, but it's kinda shitty on the part of the Catalan gov to get people hurt to further their political agenda

No, and the sooner the Spanish king personally goes to Catalonia and takes out all disgusting traitors the better.

t. Sephardi


Yes, the more chaos the better

Will an independence hurt or strengthen the EU?

If anyone in this thread is Dutch and says no they are a hypocrite

It doesn't matter what happens, the EU will be damaged either way


The assholes of the EU are glad.

The weaker are the countries, the easier to run them and force them to accept stupid laws.

free okinawa
free palestine
free chapo guzman
free best korea
pay repatriations

>free okinawa
Ryukyu will rise again

Yes, of course. We cannot let the Spaniard grow strong.

Yes I recognize western europe as a balkanizing wasteland

Yes - and Basque Country next.

I support the right to self-determination but think the independence vote and declaration were both very questionable. That being said:
1) Not voting is still participating.
2) Spain can go fuck itself for the way they've treated Catalonia.

Free Singapura from ch*nk

No, asia is against

inb4 he's a Malay

mah British nigga.

>2) Spain can go fuck itself for the way they've treated Catalonia.

lol no

Is separatism a mental illness?

As I explained, I believe in self-determination. A prerequisite of this is the ability to express such a will, which in a democracy is done through voting. Something which the Spanish government has actively been working against.

Tell us, you separated yourself from Norway, Iceland and Denmark.

We didn't separate as much to be free but rather so that we could be in charge instead. Only sort of worked.


3 mountains best day ever

Hurt and no it makes it more difficult if theres 100 EU states. Catalonia is pro EU but after they turn their back on Spanish brutality like this I just dont know.

Why did catalonia get btfo?


Yes, why wouldn't I?

Why do Cuba, Nicaragua, Salvador, Venezuela and Uruguay still troll Spain?

Don't know about El Salvador, but everyone else is a commie

Status Quo is God. Supporting the independence of 20% of Spain's economical output would anger the other 80% tbqh

>richest, most cultured part of the country wants nothing to do with the rest of Spain

It's the Basque Country and Navarra per capita.

Also, Scatalonians are commies who welcome refugees. Their region is already full of Maghrebis and Gypsies, but they want niggers now.

It would strengthen Germany.

>French education

More like they separated our heads from our bodies

huh, I stand corrected
are they also offended by the secondary status of their language or are they too few for the government to care?

Ofc. This happening is like a Christmas gift for Russia.

Of course the Spanish government has literally been a shitshow for years. Why should Catalonia have to support the whole Spanish economy? I am from America imagine is California or New York we're literally the only States putting any money into the US economy. They would secede too.

Full integration of Macau into the Mainland when?

basque independence when?

Anything that upsets yuro and burger interests is good

Phone text to speech sucks desu

No. Frisia is ours. Fuck off and let Texas go.

Yes. Catalunyans are European, along with Basques and Galicians. Sp*nisharts are African

Watching a thing about this on France 24, panel seems to support Madrid.

>he believes in democracy
>he probably thinks his country is democratic

Top kek. Democracy doesn't exist, it's all smoke and mirrors to make the plebs think they matter. The moment the plebs go off track, authoritarianism happens and always will happen.

I have to take the British government line, so no.

No, fuck Sc*talans

Your country is an oligarchy like any Western country. If your country was democratic, you wouldn't be full of foreigners because I think most Swedish people are against it.

yes if america does

based denmark and kiwi

I don't care if they will be independent or not.
It should be decided by themselves.

I hate spain so yes

I don't care about spics in general so I don't care

they made it past 8 seconds?

>muh Russia m-m-muh unified EU!

>free chapo guzman
fuck off

Fuck asspain, they made Mexico


Fuck Spain for spreading there disgusting language

>Chink spic saying he hates other spics

Yes of course. I hope Scotland will become independent after as well, i'd like to see an extreme balkanisation of Europe.

LWe live in an anarchy and the state is just a mafia with a barely working democratic facade if people vote for the mafia and no facade if people don't vote for the mafia.

dumb phoneposter

>the spic hating filip*no
Yet you're ALWAYS here, Manolo.


No, Europe is already too divided, North america has 3 countries, Europe has like 30

by now you should already know what my intent is.

Yes I do.
Note that Northern Catalonia is still occupied by frenches and must be freed.

You want to be more like North America?

There's gonna 4 billions blacks soon, all I want is for Europe to unite and reject african immigration for ethnic preservation


Fuck Spain


Cataluña es España!

Of course not. The entire globe should be Castilian.

catalonians are wh*te, we must support our BLACK BULL brothers in spain

No, spain should militarize that zone right now

Literally don't care, but it's the start of a slippery slope that results in every county, region or town eventually getting buttmad about "muh underrepresented" and wanting to be recognized as a sovereign country

>a vote where you could vote 4 times and villages of 500 had 1000 votes
if anything, the people of catalonya are being repressed by the catalonyan politicians right now you stupid cunt. do you actually think more than 50% of catalonyans want to leave?