Why are there no movies based on Lovecraft?

Why are there no movies based on Lovecraft?


Because Jews

Because most of its based on suggestion m8

OP is a dumb shit

because the only thing that scares people now is jumpscares and lovecraft is more of a slow creeping scare that works much better in print

>defeat by a fucking motorboat

fear le ancient ones

I defeated your mom with a motorboat

The Mist

the books? nothing
the deviant art shit? try the mist

because you can't do justice to eldritch horrors visually unless you only barely show them in quick cuts and never reveal them. And the popcorn inhaling 300 pound middle american masses and endless zerg swarm of black teenagers would think thats BOOOORING and LAAAME

Too depressing and no love interests. Basically Hollywood execs don't think they would do well.

Closest you're genna get is campy horror films like

Jaws was bretty great on that end before Robert Shaw got got.

I don't think you fuckers truly appreciate on how great a movie Jaws is.

There's nothing cosmically horrifying about Jaws. Calm down.

The Dunwich Horror or something. Yogg-Sathoth is the main cosmic.

theres a shit ton actually but they're all terribad

I'm going to make a short film adaptation of On the Creation of Niggers

inspired by lovecraft >>> based on lovecraft

he had some neat concepts and ideas but his stories are all olde-timey language and boredom. there's also the fact that the guy basically defined himself by being #problematic.

Is it kino?

Most of Del Toros films have eldritch type monsters

I watched this when I was 16-17 and thought it was mediocre. Am I a cosmic pleb?

Do you mean movies about Lovecraft himself? Because pretty much every important (and no so much) work has been adapted into a movie.
I'm still waiting for that At the Mountains of Madness flick

no, its literally babbys first lovecraft mashup. you can tell it was written by a new line executive and not an actual writer.

>I'm still waiting for that At the Mountains of Madness flick
why? the screenplay is online and its terrible

People think Lovecraft means "giant slimy tentacles", but that's not really what most of it is like. It's easier to write "unimaginable horror" than it is to show it.


Same question for mtg

I'm not saying I'm waiting for the Del Toro flick (actually I'm glad that shit is cancelled). I just want a decent adaptation of my favorite Lovecraft story.

I'll contribute to the kickstarter

altered states
from beyond
re animator

are you giuse evan tryeng?

You try being me as an 11 year old in a pool after first watch.