Post white pride

post white pride

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>they weren't loaded
I am ashamed of you faggot op, I am revoking your white identity

invented " expeditions " (NPR cuck article)

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ya'll are retarded

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youre pretty good

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invented miniaturized complex machines

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"You're pretty good..."

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cool shoe

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Anyone watched/read Vinland Saga?

Yeah, I watch it

I don't know how historically accurate it is, if at all. Still a cool show
>tfw Japan portrays a better epic of historic European wars than our own countries movie medias have done in recent times.

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had this 19yo ex that looked exactly like the kim possible cartoon

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It's kind of pathetic being proud of something you yourself didn't even do, user.

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Funny, I say the same thing about negroes and Egypt

>white pride
OK user. I'll be down for some white pride if you post nazi nudes.
Only hot nazis tho

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This is revolver ocelot

Hmmm, I wonder (((who's))) to blame for that?

Big difference between meth heads at NASCAR and nazis

>white pride
>video game made by japs

OP if you care about the white race so much you should probably castrate yourself.


whites will march as a courtesy , some want you to know they are there.

virtually everyone else marches as a last available option . marching and demonstrating out of desporation - thats your right .

pretty much think of whites as benevolent gods , mastered the atom bomb and insisted on sovereignty- yet most of the unwashed still dont get it

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Not really

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Croat pride

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