Anybody got experience or insight on using capsaicin or similar substances in the sinuses...

Anybody got experience or insight on using capsaicin or similar substances in the sinuses? Check out this article for background/one person's experience.

Here's why I'm asking, if it helps. I spent 3 years in my teens doing enough cocaine to give a black bear a heart attack practically daily, and now, almost 15 years later, my sinuses are still all fucked up. I get sinus infections pretty much weekly, and even with antihistamines, I live in allergy hell.

Any fellow ex-cokeheads know some tricks?
Anybody used peppers before?
Any doctors in the house?

Attached: sinuses.jpg (493x335, 30K)

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I was messing around with drugs when I was younger and messed up my stomach. I'll probably have these issues the rest of my life. That's why it's irresponsible for celebrities and people in the media to encourage drug use.

My sinuses are fucked aswell, since i was a little kid.

This is the medication i took and worked wonders.

degenerates live with your mistakes

listen up, I've had serious issues with my sinuses. you need to see a specialist. there could be many reasons why you're going through what you are. not the least would be squamous cell sinus cancer - super fatal because it is always caught too late. could be nasal polyps - which are actually quite frequent - requires surgery to remove those but if you have them, you'd be amazed at the difference when they're gone. not a General Practitioner but a Otolaryngologist sometimes referred to as an ENT or Ear, Nose and Throat specialist. Good luck OP.

>allergy hell
I wish I had discovered that shit when I was a kid. My nose was swollen shut for 20 years. It was so bad my septum deviated. Imagine your sinuses so swollen it literally breaks your nose. That was me.

You probably damaged tissue in your sinuses from the coke leading to sinus issues. Listen to and go see a specialist. It could anything really and probably something that an OTC meds won't fix. I wouldn't use anything else up their, especially something very irritating like capsaicin, as it will probably just cause more inflammation. Seriously though, go get checked out, and even some diagnostic imaging will show what will work best for you.

Don't use Afrin. If you use it more than a couple of days and you get terrible rebound congestion.

>If you use it more than a couple of days and you get terrible rebound congestion.
Or you could just never stop using it.

Oh yeah man I snort peppers in my off time, good stuff

At least once in your lives you should all be told the truth that vaccines gave you all of your allergy and autoimmune problems. It's not adverse reaction either, but by design.

Jokes on you. I'm unvaccinated and have horrible allergies.

You are also gonna die of measles.

Bad news. You were absolutely vaccinated.

there is no measles outbreak. it's a propaganda campaign to scare people into vaccination.

U gonna die nigga the first time a child or office worker sneezes near you.

ikr how do people actually believe the kind of shit you just typed lol

jesus, just get a neti pot

How do people believe that not getting vaccinations for easily spread diseases is a good idea?

Good luck with your brain eating amoeba

use distilled water if you're worried. Where I live, the water is UV treated. There are no brain-eating amoebas here.

I had the kind of sinus problems you're describing. I used it several times a day for quite a while, because I really got to enjoy the relief it gave me. Then I just kind of quit using it because i didn't need it any more. But I was *astounded* at what came out with that rinse at some points.. ugh

Look aroun
The idea is a scam. For 150 years vaccines have been spreading disease and making people sick. There are no accidents. There are no coincidences. Also, worth mentioning again that vaccines caused ALL of your weird auto-immune problems. From ADHD to Rett syndrome and everything in-between. The microcephaly blamed on "zika" virus from Brazil? vaccines. They added a dTAP *every month* for expectant mothers, and 9 months later... it only takes one to program a nice allergy to benign environmental thing FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. And, that's just the immunological component of the vaccine. There is a chemotoxic portion, like the aluminum and mercury. The mercury destroys myelin formation and causes neurofibrils to entagle. Result=mental issues. Aluminum causes detrimental agglomeration "flocculation" in the blood vessels which cause blockage of bloodflow in the extremities of the brain- causing various levels of hypoxic brian damage. If this happens as in infant it's detrimental to fatal.

Vaccines make all of your dogs and cats sick too, with diseases just like us humans. It's such a scam. Manufacturing of vaccines is the number one virus producing mechanism. Viruses require very specialized conditions, expensive processes, and they're not just

tldr; it's the vaccines

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