Ask an Ecuatorian guy about what going on with Ecuador

Ask an Ecuatorian guy about what going on with Ecuador

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Running out of food in the city

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They are using real ammo against civilians

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Pic related

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Fuerza, Ecuador. What's going on there?

Those must be some tiny hands!

Well tell your shitty countries to stop cheating in video games and acting like faggots and we would help. Nothing we hate more than seeing South Americans in lobbies

Presidente raiced gas prices and that mean all things cost more now. So that sucks people have been protesting 7 days in a row

hard core mother fugging, is it hardest core yet?

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when are you south americans gonna learn that socialism doesn't work?

M8 it was neoliberalism that fuck us hard in the buts. That an the IMF

Those are mexicans and brasileans.

We cool. We produce the bananas you ate this morning user

u mean south texans

what's going on there

Not for too much longer unfortunately


Police and army beating the shit put of natives for protesting

If people don't produce couse operative cost grow them market dies

How many people have actually been killed?

What sides are fighting?
What do the two sides stand for?
Who is winning?

10 killed by police with in them a new born.
More than 500 injured
95 of the heavily injured
83 missing cases 50 of them minors
800 plus jailed
50 plus jusnalist attacked be police 13 of the jailed

Pretty much
Rich vs poor
Rich don't care about what's going on because they are gating profit
Poor figth for their right for democracy and demand elections.
Poor is winning so far but rich is using their power to keep poor shut.
Media sold out and won't transmit was going on to the rest of the world.

Also police and army are attacking hospitals and universities.

Media is acusing the natives of kidnapping journalists.
Police are going to kill the all.

Pic related.

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>Ask an Ecuatorian guy about what going on with Ecuador
How come if you're Ecuatorian that you can't spell "Ecuadorian"?

Looks like niggas be hungry

Rich vs Poor

Why the hell are they fighting, There are plenty of rich asf people in the USA. And Living in the bottom is still dope asf.

You be a sharp motherfucker man!

they're indigenous goblinos, lmao no shit man

ecuador is shit, stay out of mexico amerindian nigs

Imma level with you, shit hole inhabitant, nobody really cares. Sure they'll put up a sad face icon in Foolbook and PRETEND to have compassion, but the bottom line is FIX YOUR OWN DAMN COUNTRY. AND YOU POORS, KEEP YOUR DAMN LEGS SHUT. Fucking multiplying faster than you have jobs and the ability to feed yourselves. Countries like yours with shithead inhabitants that would rather beg or prey on people's good graces in the United States need to stop. What do you have to offer besides cheap labor or sex workers? Nothing? Time to go back to the drawing board.

What insane man would want to go to Mexico?


An insane man.

Bro, de qué parte eres?

SECOM just demand all media to stop transmitting what going on.

They are going to kill some people pretty soon.

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Can you just rape anyone you want there? I imagine the police wouldn't give a fuck right?

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Shit, how lame was Cynthia's parade yesterday? Also, still protesting on street?

Glad someone has the decency to unburden the already stressed global economy. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.


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>implying anyone cares about ecuador

well im from germany and i can tell for sure that i have never heard about your shithole country or your problems. But, be blessed. I wish you well and that you and your country survive. Stay strong and have faith Sup Forumsrother

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Is that in Cuenca the pic you posted?

when are you north americans gonna learn?

I eat American grown fruits and veggies only.

you mean burguers and bacon?

That's true tho

Nope. Mine come mostly from Guatamala.

You filthy animal

> From Germany
> African born Muslim

>implying i eat fruit or veggies

What the hell is that?

I eat ass.

It's that band around the middle part of the Earth where if you're standing directly on it, water goes down the drain without spiraling.

This guy knows his stuff

What outcome do the protestors want, besides magic fairytales of "make goods and services easier to get for me"?

Everybody talking about vuvuzela and hong kong.
Nobody talking about Ecuador and the genocide on Kashmir.
Straight out of Manufacturing consent.

have any bullet/buckshot pics?

>a bunch of commies fucking shit up
why is anybody surprised they are met with resistance?

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People are people, my dude. Chill.

Some people are productive. Some people are moral. Some people are fucking leeches on society, contributing nothing but bad manners and vandalism.

What do I need to study to work in Ecuador in the future? What field is lacking? Can I get in with a law degree?

It's shit to work their bruv, you get paid almost nothing even if you are civil worker.

how long would 200K last there to live?

And frozen pizzas
>tomato sauce is a vegetable

>ask a jew bot poster about the gig on ecuador
That's it. Fix it for you.

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Bananas are C tier fruit at best. Grow me some mangos and we’ll see.

About a month before you're robbed and murdered

Aha that's a great idea, I've thought about it aswell that when I have a good amount of cash collected, why stay in my first world country while I could live with it longer in a shithole

Ok the pay is shit but there are jobs?

Fuck off veneco, we're full.

Do you have niggers in Ecuador that start looting all the stores whenever a riot breaks out?

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Only the bottom of the barrel monkey niggers, and sadly we got lots of those.

Wait what why, I want to move to Latin America with my nordic genes, get all the ladiess

post arm


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based, you may come and spread your nordic genes

>not using tomorrow theme...

gracias very much, don't mind if I do
I'll give it a try

Delivered and dubs!
You @non are the one we don’t deserve

Should I go to Quito for vacation next spring?

>talking about shithole countries
Oh no no no no no no ahahahhahha

Even Mexicans don't want to be in Mexico.

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Dude your country sucks. It's all karma for ww2 tho, so enjoy it.

You, user, are a bigoted, uninformed ass. Ecuador exported about 6 billion dollars worth of goods to the US last's a beautiful, beautiful country and from personal experience i can tell you most of the people are friendly, helpful and thoughtful. The current situation sucks badly.

Ecuator need American democracy

When referring to oneself its "Ecuatoriano"

But when referring to the country its Ecuador.


user we got mangos all around in Ecuador.

That's alot of money here you can buy a mansion with that or like 6 OK houses

Yep. I'm waiting to get home to upload some videos

You can bet we got some fine britches around.
Also they know how to cook some tasty treats.

You are making me cry user.
Thanks for that.
Such love


*king kong