My mom this morning and I don’t know what to do with myself

My mom this morning and I don’t know what to do with myself.
I’m not religious, but I have a hard time coming to terms with death and nothingness.

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bummer, dude

Have you tried looking for comfort elsewhere? Perhaps an aunt or little sister that will take your seed in her place.

guess you don't have kids. It'd be far more difficult to see an offspring go than to see a parent go. What I'm saying is, by living longer than her you actually made her happy.

Fuck you. I’m glad she’s dead you degenerate fuck. I hope she died painfully. You should slit your throat and jump into a volcano.

Did you not reply to a post, so your mom died?
Sorry for your loss user. I'll let you have my mom, she's senile and smears shit all over my house and I get to pay all of her bills in return. It may not help with your grief, but it's a great distraction.

We were here along time before birth. We exist after physical death. There is something else out there. You will have a reunion with you mom someday.

Fuuuuuck that I just came here to say that I do t give a shit about your emotions or your dead and gone mother... fuck you both and the picture you shared isn’t real... she isn’t reuniting with anybody but the dirt and worms..or a fucking fire and you’ll get her leg bone faggot

Nothing else you can do my man, once someone is dead you can't see him anymore or express your feelings toward that person. That is why you should do everything you can when they are still alive. You can lie to yourself and think you're gonna see them again after you die if that can comfort you now


Sorry for your loss user, death is peaceful, it's life that's pain. Your mom is no longer in pain and although it provides little comfort, everyone dies and one day you'll rejoin her in cosmic infinity.

Until then, treasure the good memories and honor her memory by living the life she would've wanted you to live.

It doesn't get better. You just learn to cope. You're all alone now OP. You'll never hear her say I love you, feel the warmth of her hugs or eat her meals specially made for you ever again. No more holidays, no more worried phone calls/texts asking about your well-being. Now it's just empty platitudes from strangers, aquatances you pretend to care about. It's over, and you have to accept it.

I care user

Fuck all the trolls in this thread trying to scrape out some tiny bit of dopamine by mentally masturbating to themselves as a master troll dishing out harsh truths on the nature of reality.

They have no idea what the fuck they're talking about. The universe is love, everything is deeply connected and eventually the universe will die and be reborn.

Ignore the haters and know there are genuinely people out there who care about and love you and wish they could take away your pain, but unfortunately there's no life without death so this is a journey you can't avoid as a human.

this is the best thread. the actual emotion here is so heartwarming, i needed this

This user gets it

Hold up

Now imagine being autistic and completely relying on your mother for everything including emotional support.

When i lose mine i'll probably kill myself.

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Sorry for your loss mate, mom died 4 years ago. She lost to cancer. Still hurts but i kinda got my shit together. And YOU WILL as well.

If your not religious you shouldnt fear death, because you wont be concious to care that youre dead. Its an irrational fear to dwell on.

I flout you all, puny stupid humans! Your evolution stoped. Your bodies is weak. Your mindes is irrational. When you worship entarted girl, we kill all nature on our planet and will kill any other. When you degraded into cucks, incels and brainless parasitic cunts, we are better after thousand years of eugenics. When you put corpses into dirt and become pathetic herbivores, we kill and eat older generations. We are the specie of future. Hail Elarktkha Reich! Yirk hail!!!!

The universe is not "love", nor does it care about "love". The universe is absolutely, profoundly indifferent towards us, and this period of relative stability we find ourselves in will eventually come to its own endl

sorry for your loss

We all travel between the eternities. from the sweet grass to the packing house. This mortal coil is temporary. The next state is more beautiful and amazing than you can imagine.

Have you any evidence whatsoever to back your claim?

fuck gay shit mother fucker you necrophilic fucking whore she deserve it

kill yourself and fuck it film it

OP embrace the memories and know you will be together again. In a uncorrupted form. Forever

We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born. The potential people who could have been here in my place but who will in fact never see the light of day outnumber the sand grains of Arabia. Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Keats, scientists greater than Newton. We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA so massively exceeds the set of actual people. In the teeth of these stupefying odds it is you and I, in our ordinariness, that are here.We privileged few, who won the lottery of birth against all odds, how dare we whine at our inevitable return to that prior state from which the vast majority have never stirred?

Aye man nobody knows what happens and any idea is built on pure imagination/religious ideas. When u die i hope u enjoyed ur life. I dont think theres nothing in the afterlife i mean there should be something right?

fuck your memory they are all pain, just fucking end it

You will see in time. Or not your loss. I offer no comfort just the next state of being

nobody whould care because you are fucking alone, just dont fight, you dont deserve to live

fuck this newfags shit fuck Sup Forums gay shit

You are not worth an argument. I apologize for this

Share her nudes, she wont mind now.

you just make it worth you dumb fuck! haha im just fuckin, sorry for your lost dude

Well fuck man. Exsisting is no diferent than not exsisting. With exeptions. On one hand no more weight on your shoulders, no more burden of others and the other? The others. The connections. Is that not what death is? Breaking connections to be at peace?

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Only time can diminish the feelings

And that pain is the measure of how much he loved her. And it should remind him of that.

Also ignore that hardwiring to be afraid of death user. Why would a living thing need a device for self preservation?

Did you think the whole "reply to this or your mother will die in her sleep" was just a meme? Lmfao the newfag found out the hard way

Continue her legacy and have children

This guy has been dead for a long time. He knows. And the dream of death that NDE survivors, is a homeostaticly centered being with an array of functional senses, to feed a mind of reason. Godspeed.

This is an idiotic argument professor Dawkins. Only what can happen does happen. Mourning the purely theoretical unborn, ontologically broken. Stick to biology, you are not smart enough for philosophy. Only history's greatest minds are. Stay in your lane.

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This. Of course. And while we are here, in our bits of impermanence, we are sort of able to choose between being or not being douchebags. So, fuck the trolls.

Except that they are total opposites.
Peace is death, and not a story. Something > nothing.

It can take a long time to get over. My best friend died last year in May and I have been a wreck ever since. I only just in the last few weeks got to a place where I no longer hate living.