Why do the democrats want open borders?

Why do the democrats want open borders?

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why do republicans believe that democrats want open borders?

They prove it everyday. Anyone else kid?

to murder (poor) white people of course

Because they want to decriminalize illegal border crossings or have cockblocked the building of the wall as much as possible i.e. open borders

Votes. It's that simple.

>We don't want open borders!
Sufficient border security?
Deportation/prevention of visa overstays/unauthorized entrants?
Resolving fraud and weaknesses wrt our naturalization/birthright citizenship regimes?
Cautiously limiting visas?
>No! As I was saying,we don't want open borders.

They need people to do the work that white people won't.

Jeez I dunno, not like the Democrats refuse any border enforcement and set up "sanctuary" cities so illegals are protected from deportation or anything. It must be fun for you to be this stupid.

White people have been doing that work for centuries. The problem is that others are used to lower standards of living, and are willing to do the same work, in often a shoddy manner, for shit pay and no benefits. It's a race to the bottom for all involved.

your first two points are solid hits, but dems are are motivated by political retaliation more than philosophy on those (i don't remember anyone caring when obama spent money on border security or deported people who'd overstayed visas). there has no widespread issue with our current naturalization or birthright citizenship, though, and there hasn't been a problem with visas that would require them to be limited, cautiously or otherwise

riiiight, open borders and sanctuary cities are the same thing. idiot.

>They need people to do the work that white people won't
Why do people keep saying this? It is blatantly false and in the year of our lord 2019, everyone has caught on to it.

Oh yeah right they're not the fucking same thing, even though you're literally telling people "as long as you make it to your containment zone you're safe from ICE". But you know what, go ahead and break it down for me how the fuck that's not open borders. Which other country on earth has this ridiculous policy?

>there has no widespread issue with our current naturalization
Our citizenship tests are a joke.
>or birthright citizenship
Anyone whosoever born on U.S. soil is considered a citizen, has a right to basic taxpayer-provided funds and services, and in 18 years can vote more resources to themselves and their faction. How is this not a problem?
>there hasn't been a problem with visas that would require them to be limited, cautiously or otherwise
Not only is visa fraud rampant, but we have faced huge social and ethnographic turnovers from the 1965 and 1990 INAs alone. The US is more than a shopping mall. It has a culture which needs preservation.

you're not arguing in good faith, nobody has suggested that we stop policing ports of entry and managing who comes into the country

It's a parsimonious matter: securing ports of entry and preventing unauthorized crossings, deporting and punishing offenders, stopping and deporting visa overstays, ending birthright citizenship, increasing difficulty for the citizenship test, cutting back on visas. when borders and POE are not secured, unauthorized entrants and visa overstays are protected and coddled, when their children can become automatic citizens who then have political pull and agency to lobby for their parents' amnesty in 18 years, when any dope can pass the citizenship test, and when any Pajeet doing shitcoding and poor QA/QC testing for pennies on the dollar can get a visa, we have a problem: open borders.

>why do republicans believe that democrats want open borders?
maybe because thats basically what they want
with their roundabout methods

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There are several politicians who proposed just this, arguing "that money could be better spent on [X]"
>stop policing
and even those who can't outright called for a complete enforcement cut for POE and the border at large, they either proposed softening the existing regime, or keeping the existing and insufficient regime.

>you're not arguing in good faith
In other words you have no argument. Now go to bed.

why do republicans want to sell the USA to china?

Republicans too. Major Republican donors hire visa overstays and unauthorized entrants, and otherwise push for more 'legal' immigration in line with their ideology of insourcing and outsourcing labor to the detriment of the legacy population.

They wan't to buy votes.

>Our citizenship tests are a joke.
why does citizenship need a test? i didn't have to take a test to attain citizenship. what would you put on the test that isn't there now?
>Anyone whosoever born on U.S. soil is considered a citizen, has a right to basic taxpayer-provided funds and services, and in 18 years can vote more resources to themselves and their faction. How is this not a problem?
i'm not playing games, i literally don't understand why that's a problem. i was born here (kansas), what else should i need to have done to earn my citizenship?
>Not only is visa fraud rampant
citation needed
>It has a culture which needs preservation
what part of the culture is dying out?

>There are several politicians who proposed just this

Again that would be the left doing that. Any reason your friends in the NBA are suddenly silent on China?

Because fuck your small minded constructs and imaginary lines drawn in soil stained by the blood of the native inhabitants. Life blows, make it a little better for everyone. Republicans are just people who are butthurt.

AOC for one

republicans want cheap labor that being from undocumented immigrants or chinese labor force once china takes over the US

Just curious, do you feel this way about ALL countries or just the ones who enslaved your useless kin?

>>ethnographic turnovers

That's called racism dressed up in fancy words.

>> It has a culture which needs preservation.

I've lived here 34 years and haven't found any evidence of this.

This has been a bipartisan policy for decades, user. The short answer is that we fucked ourselves financially and geopolitically with the Cold War, Vietnam War, and Great Society, which in turn made European nations worry about the USD as the WRC, forcing us to close the gold window, use OPEC and other cartels to sell commodities in only or mainly USD, in turn forcing the PRC et al to increasingly sell shit to us competitively for USD to get more oil and other necessary commodities, which the PRC finally uses to purchase US treasuries as a safe means of parking their money- keeping the lights on for a deficit-heavy US.

bullshit, not long ago we had talking heads on CNN bitchin and moaning that no human being can be illegal, so calling someone an illegal imigrant was a human rights violation and the rest of the typical racist, bigot comments that it degenerates into. So if these talking heads have there way and nobody's illegal then there is no point policing boarders and you sure arent up on the left wing rhetoric.

I don't think that they do.

you mean the same NBA people who were told not say anything about the chinese gov by a bunch of capitalist, conservatives to protect the brand and continue to make chinese money?

Riight... thats why multiple dems in congress have called for the abolition of ICE

God you are so fucking stupid.

AOC is not representative of democrats broadly, she's fringe, but i can't find a quote from her suggesting open borders at all, let alone as a serious policy proposal

I'm assuming you have proof of this right? Or let me guess, anything who isn't a nigger like you is a republican?

Sanctuary cities? Remember when Trump suggested ICE stop deporting illegals and instead transport them to the sanctuary cities? Remember the stink that occurred then was quickly hushed up because the left's hypocrisy showed up?

I'm assuming you have evidence it didn't happened?

>>I've seen a handful of people suggest it therefore the record deportations of 2008-2016 didn't happen because I'm an idiot who doesn't understand trends or that some people don't actually represent policy

You're dumb.

abolishing ICE is a stupid knee-jerk reaction to the emotional weight of seeing "good people" deported -- democrats have not put forth any such legislation. still, there's a big difference between not deporting people who overstayed visas (which, again, i support) and just accepting everybody who wants to come in

>> left's hypocrisy

You mean Trump's stupidity, which was immediately replaced by more stupidity like windmill cancer and other bullshit?

>That's called racism dressed up in fancy words.
When Lithuanians and Latvians voice concern about the Rusificiation of their countries (much of which comes from free migration, overcoming even the USSR's prior imperialistic mechanisms for control), are they being 'racist'?
When Tibetans and Hong Kongers voice concern about Hanification of their territories from the Mainland (much of which comes from free migration, overcoming even the PRC's imperialistic mechanisms for control), are they being 'racist?
When ethnic Malays in Malaysia voice concern about Desification and Sinnofication of their country (much of which, once again, comes from free migration), are they being 'racist'?
Certainly not. They have economic, social, and cultural interests which they have valid claims for preserving.
>I've lived here 34 years and haven't found any evidence of this.
Go to a rich neighborhood in Lagos and a poor neighborhood in West Virginia and leave your smartphone on the table. See which one gets stolen.
Go to a residential construction site in Oklahoma and in Shanghai, and see which one has greater violations of safety and quality. American culture is based on balancing voluntary selflessness with individualism, ultimately sourced from the mix of Anglo-Saxon/Scots-Irish modes of being upon which the U.S. was founded.

Record deportaions during Obama's term but as soon as Trump wants to double down its a terrible idea and Republicans are racist. Found the hypocrite.

So you're saying that the people who run the NBA are now conservative? Man, that sure is weird. Considering how much they bash the us flag, Trump, and how they had an issue with trannies using girls bathrooms. Are you talking about those conservatives?

your analogies are backwards though -- the russians and the han chinese are more analogous to the US, being the dominant/majority culture in each of those scenarios


i think it's more like "only nixon can go to china" -- obama's administration, like those before him, didn't campaign on racist themes, so nobody saw deportations as racially motivated. trump explicitly made the connection. unfortunately, there's no going back to status quo now because the association will linger

Why to Republicans insist on having foreigner involved in US elections?
Why to Republicans use taxpayer government resources and agencies for person gain?
Why do Republicans think it is OK to abandon allies and their families to be bombed or shot?

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Russians are not the majority in other former USSR countries, but are set to be. Han Chinese, tmk, are not the majority in Tibet, but are set to be. The analogy works perfectly for the US: Mestizos and Africans each have a good shot to being the dominant faction in the US.


Dems couldn't fathom loosing the election and are doing their damnedest to find anything and everything wrong with Trump. Its not hard to do. Wanting to curtail illegal imigration was not wrong, and people only saw racism because they were looking for something to hate him for.

>Why to Republicans insist on having foreigner involved in US elections?
Any supposed Russian interference was not only eclipsed by Israeli influence, but about the same as the baseline Russia and China have always been present in their rivals' electoral processes, just as we have been in our rivals'.
>Why to Republicans use taxpayer government resources and agencies for person gain?
This has been a bipartisan manner since before political parties existed. For one, refer to Obama's DOJ slush fund program, which vetted leftist agitator groups to be legitimate payees in civil rights cases.
>Why do Republicans think it is OK to abandon allies and their families to be bombed or shot?
Even when I was an AnarchoCommunist I recognized the SDF as a CIA-backed front putting innocent Kurds at risk for potential Atlanticist geopolitical and financial gains. (Fuck the Kurds in general, too).

I am anti immigration and anti wall. Once there is a giant fence around you it only takes one tyrannical leader taking control and shutting down international plane travel.
Next thing you know taxes could be 3 guys beating you up once a month.

>over the last 10 years, as we have walled off their opportunity to legally petition for asylum to cross in urban centers, like El Paso
(orourke quote from the article)
i think he's advocating for undoing the new sections of walls, not opening the border completely. i could be wrong, and if i am, then orourke is a nutty like AOC. at the very least, he's not careful with his rhetoric. thanks for posting the link

Wrong. They don't care about Trump qua Trump (who is a rather establishment figure). They see Trump as a mascot and beacon for Amerikaner (legacy white American) identity and solidarity, and are working on every front to quash it. People like Jonathan Weisman even admit this openly.

Or maybe it's just the racist shit he says.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

“We have people coming into the country or trying to come in, we're stopping a lot of them, but we're taking people out of the country. You wouldn't believe how bad these people are," Trump said.

"These aren't people. These are animals."

>people only saw racism because they were looking for something to hate him for
i didn't just crawl out from under a rock, that's a massive whitewashing of his campaign

Democrats do not want open borders, because they're enslaved to preserving the same corrupt system of capital. What they want is loose borders where limitless numbers of people can come in, but not become full participants, and thus disproportionately benefit the wealthy elite with cheap labor. That's not what fucking open borders means.

Of course, Republicans want this too but they ALSO want to scare you about brown people so you'll vote for them. They're coming to rape our guns and take away our fetuses or whatever. So the hm and haw and make noise, and they occasionally rough up some brown people for Fox News, but it's never going to go anywhere.

Only true, glistening, muscular chad leftists actually want open borders, and only after or as part of an international proletarian revolution. Open borders means anyone can come and go as they please without restrictions. If the border controls are so lax that you can just walk on over, but you can't work or support yourself, that's not open borders.

“So Beto I just want to be clear. Have you said you want to tear down the wall?” asked Latino USA’s Maria Hinojosa.

“If I’m elected, I will tear down that wall,” Beto replied.


Probably because they chant "no borders" and "no walls" when they protest.



The lack of a wall doesn't make the border open.

he continues,
>In El Paso, we saw crime actually go up after the wall was constructed instead of coming down. It made us less – not more – safe. As an El Pasoan, I, for one, would want to take much of that wall down...If there are other places where a physical barrier – from the community’s perspective – is necessary or helpful and it already exists, I would to defer to them
like i said, he's clearly a nut, but i don't believe he wants open borders, and i don't believe the majority of dems are as far left as he is on this subject -- i'm certainly not

It does in the republicunt hive mind. They've made it quite clear that they think "open" means "unguarded". You can't expect mouth breathers like this to actually understand the terms they're using.

I actually wish Trump was as racially-minded as, say, Jared Taylor. Sadly he's just a "there's so many good ones" boomer.
>When Mexico sends its people
pic related
>You wouldn't believe how bad these people are
>"These aren't people. These are animals."
He's talking about MS-13 murderers. If you find issue with this, your ethical framework was built by Somali carpenters.
It should be noted that I don't want whites coming en masse from Stockholm or Tirana either. Race is a secondary matter. Compatibility is a primary matter: Tasmania, Alberta, Southhampton, Bavaria, Boers from Free State, etc. are more in line with classical American culture.

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Yes it does. That's why there are over 70 border walls around the world. Because they work. Not having a wall doesn't work.

Because we hate you, and we want whatever you don’t want. Just like you.

those protesters don't represent the left any better than the KKK represents the right

Don't be obtuse, see:

>Not having a wall doesn't work

Yes, that definitely explains the 70 walls for the 195 countries in the world. Can't have a country without a wall, just doesn't work.

The left fully supports those protesters, so yes it does.

The Republican Party has cucked for decades purging anyone remotely connoted as 'racist'. The Democratic Party has for decades remained silent, supportive, or only slightly critical of the radical left. Your analysis fails on its face.

Shithole countries don't need walls because no one want's to be there.

He's also wrong. Crime dropped significantly in areas where border walls were constructed.

>>The Republican Party has cucked for decades purging anyone remotely connoted as 'racist

Hahahaha. Not a chance; Lee Atwater explained it better than I could:

"You start out in 1954 by saying, 'Nigger, nigger, nigger.' By 1968 you can't say 'nigger' -- that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites.

"And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me -- because obviously sitting around saying, 'We want to cut this,' is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than 'Nigger, nigger."'

Such that there is lack of border security between Botswana and Zimbabwe, Botswanans have a need to increase commercial and residential security. Such that there is a lack of border security between Honduras and El Salvador, Salvadorans have a need to increase commercial and residential security.

Citation needed.

Leftists are mobbing innocent people in the streets on a weekly basis, the KKK hasn't been relevant in decades.

If Republicans were secret racists all along since Nixon, why is it that whenever they had power- power up to and including three branches of government and a majority of state houses- they have not used it toward making the US a white ethnostate, and instead focused on insourcing and outsourcing labor to white Americans' detriment? Why is it that when they were out of power, their strategies did not focus on cutting into the Democratic white working class base with economic incentives, to maintain white political control over the continent for eternity? Your interpretation of Atwater's words do not match the GOP's anti-white actions.

Bullshit. Fascists and white supremacists have been shotgunning rallies with different narratives through the most liberal areas in the country starting shit and pretending they're being oppressed when people oppose them.

Case in point: Republicans threw James Fields under the bus, and everyone in UTR who was never implicated in any crime whatsoever, though they had a legal permit to be there. Portland's mayor supported Commie scum when they blocked emergency services and assaulted innocents.

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Immigrants and Mexicans especially vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. If you flood the nation with them you essentially ensure unending Democratic victories.

Ok, if it's wrong
>what happened to Andy Ngo?
>when was the KKK last relevant?

Yeah, it sucks that democrats resort to that. It'd be nice if they'd win elections by abolishing the retarded electoral college and stamping out voter suppression instead. It'd work better anyway.

It's called opposition. Just because they failed to do something doesn't mean they didn't try.


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Hell, William of Ockham himself would look at this situation and think:
>what is more likely?
>a: Republicans are secret racists
>b: Republicans wanted to dog-whistle to secret racists, but only for their votes to fuck them over both in terms of their racial and economic interests
>I'm leaning toward b, here
The Atwater/dogwhistling strategy doesn't mean the GOP is structurally racist in favor of whites: it just means that the GOP thinks its base is racist, but has no intention of fulfilling its base's demands (i.e. being structurally racist in favor of whites).


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Abolishing the EC and allowing two states (both blue) to decide who wins every election is probably their best bet.

People vote, not borders. Doesn't matter where you live, your vote should not be given more weight than another.

>what happened to Andy Ngo?

He got hit with milkshakes that contained no concrete, as sugar prevents concrete from hardening and thus cannot be used in a milkshake. He then suffered a hemorrhage of the kind that clears up in less than 24 hours (the obviously fake kind) and spun the incident to gain more social capital.

Also one assault does not constitute a weekly basis. Nor does a right wing personality known for doxing people constitute innocent.

>when was the KKK last relevant

Fair enough. I guess they're calling themselves the proud boys now.


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>Be Nixon
>Do not push any meaningful repeals of Hart-Celler or the CRAs, focus on foreign policy instead
>Be Ford
>Do basically nothing
>Be Reagan
>Agree with GHBW in the presidential primary debates to a form of proto-DACA
>Push and sign the failed Simpson-Mazzoli amnesty, without ensuring enforcement mechanisms/ 'teeth' are sufficiently utilized
>Lose ground on social and demographic conservation in favor of posturing against the USSR
>Sign the INA 1990, increasing the visa cap and specifically including the diversity lottery
>Hand over NAFTA architecture for his successor Clinton to finalize
>Be Gingrich
>Make limpdick effort at a border security/overstay enforcement bill, which Clinton signs
>Makes no serious effort toward demographic Europeanization of the US, white working class economic interests, or repealing the CRAs
>Be Bush
>Have three branches and a majority of statehouses
>Do I enact my secret racist plan?
>Europeanization of the US, white working class economic interests, or repealing the CRAs?
>Lol nope, let's send rural whites off to die in the Mideast






>they're calling themselves the proud boys now
90s liberals in mixed-race marriages are the new Klan? How the mighty have fallen.

>no true democrat

Cheap labor keeps wages down.