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I take the flute and put it in my butt and play buttflute

Also actually fucking neck yourself


Snap the flute and stab all 3 of the little fucks with the sharpest bit


Sup Forums

Who the fuck are you to assume authority over those children and decide who gets what? Fascist pig.

iT’s FiLtHy FrAnK pOoPaHfUcKa

It's not mine. I cannot give it to anyone.


B is the only right choice

This is a false equivalency to the argument I think youre trying to make because the flute would not improve the poor kids life immeasurably. Swap flute with food and have the first bitch say she deserves the food cause her dad owns the land and the second say she deserves it because her dad worked the land and grew it and the poor kid say he deserves it because hes starving and going to die and its a whole different ball game.

A of course. Children don't now how to make flutes, and fuck poor faggots.

Give it to Child B and tell C to fuck off being a guilt mongering little cuntbag.

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A she's the only that would actually get a use out of it. B can fuck off with her entitlement just because she made doesn't mean she can have it. Shes getting paid to make it and C probably will probably throw it away in a day if he can play it or maybe even sell it

I would give them all my skin flute

I would give them my D.

Definitely a different choice, but the answer is still the same. B is the only correct answer because if you produce something you can do what you want with it. If kid b sells it to the rich girl fine. If kid b gives it freely to the starving child, great. But nobody gets to make the decision for child b (or in reality child b's father or mother)

Of you pick anything but B, you’re an authoritarian, commie piece of shit and need to an hero immediately.

It belongs to B, A can ask for/ pay for it. C is not relevant, it's a flute not tomorrow's meal. I lived poor with very few possessions and I got out by not thinking I deserved everything I didn't need.

B has no guarantee that she's getting paid. The exercise puts you in the position of government taking what is made and distributing it for free. In that case, not taking it and letting person b do what they want with it is the only correct answer

A. You probably trying to make anticommunist argument or something, but for a marxist or an anarchist the answer is A. This is because only the A child needs the flute and modern modes of production can guarantee everyone having decent standard of living, and everyone who needs a flute, which isn't many people, can get one. From a Marxist perspective you don't "give" the flute to B, because B already is the one who's in disposition of the flute. You are B.

The situation you describe in here is a contemporary welfare capitalism situation, hence the child C exist. You probably can give the flute to this child because in commodity economy the child can sell the flute and buy something he needs. The child A if already knows how to play the flute most probably is at least ok materially and can afford to buy it and most probably has one already.

I hope I helped OP. Kissus.

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B made it so it's hers.

A should get a job and buy a flute or learn to make one herself, that will improve her circumstances by learning about the value of craft and money.

C is the same as A. Being Poor is not an excuse and asking for handouts will not improve his position in any way. Today he wants the flute, tomorrow he wants the world but he wants nothing to do with becoming able to sustain himself and others.

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Found the commie!

No it's not. A's dad was paid to farm the land so he was paid for his labor. B's dad owns the land and paid A for his labor so it's still his. C 's dad is just a lazy drunk.

>C 's dad is just a lazy drunk.

or black.

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It is because C doesn't matter in OP's example.

>how could you possibly take this flute from me and give it to someone else
It literally says that. It's the kids flute.

If A knows how to play the flute then she should already have one. If C wants one, stop being a fag and make one himself

the correct answer is "who gives a shit?"


No one in this thread values anyone else's property in reality.

>It literally says that. It's the kids flute.

It's just the B's point of view, in modern economy if you make something it doesn't make it yours. This is what socialism is - the means, process and fruit of labour belongs to the workers.

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Nailed it

The answer is clearly B, and the equivalency is fucking stupid. There are so many more factors that go into taxation and wealth distribution.

It assumes that B has to give all of her wealth (the flute) to A or C. This is clearly wrong, and there is no democratic government system in the world that takes ALL you produce and leaves you with nothing.

>doesn't read the entire thread
>makes conclusions about the entire thread
I wonder who's valuation is actually a bit quirky here.

A, since she is the most capable of the two in playing the instrument. You should always consider giving tools to those that best use them. Though this would be disregarding everything being stated in the picture, since it is merely 'children' fighting over a flute

I did read the thread.

>No one in this thread
>everyone but one or two
lurk moar

Where did B get the tools to make a flute?

A is the only logical answer

I think child C should get a fucking job

Child b like why are they even fighting its her flute

Then you're projecting.


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>black dad

Not really.

It never said B was paid to make the flute

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The flute goes to the state because the manufacture of goods clearly causes global warming. Child B will be imprisoned. Child A needs to mind her own business and get back to work. Child C has to go back to his own country.

No, that flute is mine

b, obviously. it's her property and she is entitled to it.

if you picked a or c you're either a bleeding heart liberal or just fucking retarded

>underrated post

>Found the Commie!
Yes, because the whole dealio isn't about the fruit of your labour or whatever
real big brain

Capitalist pig gonna wallow. A only lives to pay b a fraction of the profit and sell the rest to c for exorbitant prices. It's a system that only benifits a and leaves b is perpetual serfdom and c in perpetual poverty.

Break it and maybe they'll learn not to fight over such stupid things.

That's not what socialism means
Socialism gives the flute to c
Fruit of the labor belongs to the worker is anarchism

>That's not what socialism means
I'm pretty sure it is user

C can't buy it. He "has nothing in this world".

If nobody actually paid for the flute then B is literally the owner so it's hers.

even though it's impossible to single handedly build a flute without knowing how to play it.
Even if it was her first flute she built she'd learn how the flute works just by building it.
and assuming even though they dont know how to play it yet they will practice?
Child C, is a thief
Child A, is a thief and an elitist cunt
Child B, is a hardworking individual that wants to learn how to play the flute so she built one

Anyone who says otherwise deserves to be flung from a helicopter

>technocracy / communism
>capitalism / anarchism

Gay cunt

No socialism as defined by Marx is each according to his needs. What most socialist argue for now is the democratization of the economy so that we as a society decide what is fair or not. It's no longer some rigid model with a gate keeper, which is why I dont understand why conservatives foam at the mouth and make broad generalized attacks.


>Doesn't know what socialism is

If you replant the tree and carve the flute by hand on the contrary, you get carbon bound in the flute

C doesn't have the money to buy it and B doesn't like A's low-ball offer. C decides to do some yardwork for B in trade for the flute. A is corporatist scum and gets bailed out by the government.

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Imagine falling for low quality bait this hard

Socialism takes from the middle class and gives to the poor while not taxing investors, as that would make them to leave the country

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>implying B has use for yardwork and not food
B is forced to sell to A because it is the only option which guarantees his security. If C was able to offer a better option, then B would have taken it by now, but B can only get by.
A just has to make sure the other two stay in line through political leveraging and pitting the flute maker (r) vs the poor (d).

Obviously child B.

I keep the flute because they're all acting like assholes.

Make the left my loli sex slave. Kill the middle loli. Force the kid on the right to make flutes in a sweatshop until he dies of fatigue.

b, if c or a wants it they have to work for it. this isn't communism this is the glory of capitalism and all its freedom

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Everyone here says B. Well, guess what? That means that the people in the sweatshops would have your clothes and your electronics, morons.
It says that child B made the flute.
Child B could have made the flute in a sweatshop.
Fucking morons.

A. Plays / Teaches the Flute while B. Makes another for C. To learn. B. Makes another for themself to Learn.

>B is forced to sell to A
B realized she's being taken advantage of. Since she has no choice but to create and sell to A, morale drops and flute quality suffers greatly. A goes out of business. B decides to make flutes for herself again. C lays next the the dumpster with a needle in his arm behind A's business the entire time.

B sells flute to A and then A plays the flute for money and then gives 5-10% of her profits to charity so that C can eat a piece of bread or soup. There.

It says they provided the materials for it dummy. Your little rant is irrelevant.

>a piece of bread or soup
>a bag of heroin

Not the ginger boy. Disgusting Weasley.

child A: how is anyone else supposed to learn the flute, if you take them all, saying "I'm the only one who can already play it"? How don't you already have one?
Also, ew, another ginger

child B: the only thing worse than gingers is people who dye their hair blue.

I take the flute.

>aquire materials and perform labour without being contracted by a third party
>government takes your shit and gives it to some whiny little cuck faggot who wants your flute

sounds like communism to me

This is the closest to reality in the US, except for the bread/soup part.

have B lease the flute to A so A makes money with music and B gets some of that. eliminate C for not contributing to society.

Implying a actually gives charity

That's why you don't give C any money and instead its given to charity so they can manage it. Retard.

What do they want with thousands of clothes or iphone components? If they're not going to sell any of them, it's just lying around, and you can't eat clothes and electronics.

That would be A's choice to make in the end.

>replant the tree
>carve the flute
I'm thinking one of these. Are you thinking of one of those bamboo shits That transports Mario to world 5?

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Or you stop pretending that a actually gives to charity and just tax them an extra 7.5% to pay for social services that will help C.

Clearly that's working out well.

Except in a true communist society, either they all get a piece of the flute or all flutes are banned.

Give it to the boy.

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So C dies and B shifts down to Cs level as a loss of capital is experienced in this closed system. Great fucking job.

>social services
>that will help C

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You all are horrible parents. They all get to play with the flute. B keeps it in the end.