Just saw Joker. Excellent movie. Heres some OC. Thats all

Just saw Joker. Excellent movie. Heres some OC. Thats all.

Attached: incel joker.jpg (948x435, 467K)

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What did you think of the "my life is a comedy" line personally if they hadn't put in the "fucking" in there i felt like it would've been less cringy

I thought it was awful. I can't imagine this guy taking on batman now. Also he wasn't funny. At all.

trailer was better than the actual movie

i really liked the movie

fuckin mcu normie

He'd be perfect to take on Batts.
As he always does, he comes up with the plan, and the henchmen carry it out.
He in no way is a "physical" villain, other than a bullet every now and then.

Attached: 1540679659369.jpg (775x900, 719K)

watch this now. i bet it's better, more intelligently plotted to keep the viewer and protagonist in suspense and even though the ending is insane, better than the dick suck "anti-hero" ending of "joker".

ololo.to/video/YT50SVttmpNr1wUmHL1fweOS 5s7vrdeZjVZyGNupqmNJ2t/YPe1 ZWnIVmlvzILcBdZncqPEVZVJUo9/lMXpq6k2NOzgtNw8 u6SHEEPwhqwOeUfKdxcjhNkT6g Zkm

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this movie is stand alone nerd

We live in a society

A guy who suck at his job, loses the job.
Liberals: Yeah, fuck the system! We have the right to suck at work!
'Great' movie.....

Attached: herewego.gif (480x196, 1.06M)

the ending was wild when its shown he imagined most of the whole movie, and then shot the Waynes, making him some sorta chaotic /insane antihero/ villian

Hmmm...So he was behind that...

Attached: 4381570616189171.jpg (1490x1105, 104K)

False advertising shit tier movie, didn't laugh once and this movie is meant to be about a "joker"

>and then shot the Waynes
You sure you saw the right movie, kiddo?

if you want to call him an incel, what made him prove that he even wanted a woman or at least, a sex partner? did he really want human contact?

"taxi driver" was truly a gimp but you can't blame a PTSD vet for having a hard time reaching out to women. he worshiped one, tried to prove himself to her by being more alpha than the dork that spent his days trying to make her laugh and called him "silly" but then shifted to wanting to kill and finally being a pathetic white knight. THAT was truly legendary.

what DC/warner bros (germanic dick sucks) did was create a pseudo savior who was abused and laughed through it all like jesus. warner bros ALWAYS plays this angle. it's one of their secret rules.

did "joker" even seem to WANT love? i haven't seen it but he just seems broken and lame. that doesn't deserve love. that's a new "r-word": "reject". there isn't someone in the world who is waiting for you, and you don't necessarily have a place in this world.

>did "joker" even seem to WANT love?
He truly just wanted to be better.
But in the end, he embarrassed his madness, and looked at it like a gift.
If capeshits could put half of this effort into their circle jerks, they'd be gods among films.

Fucking phonefag

Anyone reckon it's le dangerous movie?

I can certainly understand Joker's motivations, and don't even mind how he acts at times

Objectively speaking, it's a good movie, but not a great one. Joaquin does a fantastic job portraying a man who is broken from the inside out by a world that starkly indifferent to his and everyone else's suffering. Inevitably this movie will get compared to the Dark Knight, but I don't think it's particularly useful to do so: He's not a hyper-competent sociopath with a grand plan like Ledger's Joker was, he's just some poor schmuck who got kicked one too many times and started kicking back. I think the film does a good job of making him sympathetic while at the same time not indulging in his violent retributions; he's very clearly not the hero in this story, if you can even find one.

I think the biggest problem with this movie is that it gives backstory to a character that doesn't really need one. In every iteration of the Joker that's appeared before, the creation of the Joker is merely teased, hinted at, seemingly revealed, only to yank it back at the last minute. This is personal opinion, but I think what makes the Joker a good character is the fact that we don't have to care about the backstory because he's an unapologetic monster who exists to hurt people because he finds it funny.

As for the rest of the film, well, the "society" message is par for the course, not that it particularly matters, because it doesn't really break any new ground or come across as particularly transformative of the current discussion, and just about every other character is massively overshadowed by Joaquin's superb performance.

One point I do find particularly interesting is the way the movie handles the idea of "blame," or perceived cause and effect. Arthur is initially on thin ice with the agency through no fault of his own, but is eventually fired because he's caught with the gun. It plays around with where the blame is placed. On Arthur? On the kids? On the agency? This is mirrored again and again throughout the film. Who's to blame for the three rich kids getting shot and killed? Clearly Arthur is attacked by the first two, but he makes a point of chasing down the third and murdering him in cold blood. Who's to blame for his mother's stroke? The detectives? Arthur himself? And arguably one of the most thematic moments in the film, near the end, when Joker is in the police car, the officer says "This is because of what you did." Ignoring the fact that the city had been teetering on the brink of riots far before Arthur set any events in motion.

All in all, I don't think this is a movie that deserves the impressive accolades it's received, apart from those directed at the lead actor, but it's a good film to be sure.

I mean, that's literally half the reason he becomes the Joker.