Life movie

How many people have seen life, I saw it and I think it was pretty good, the only real question I had was why didn't the black guy tell anyone the thing was on him the whole time?

I saw it and I swear to god I can't remember a single thing about it.

What about the twist ending?

I'm starting to think I entered the wrong room at the kino and I watched some other movie, can't remember shit.

>Trailer: The Movie
>Starring: Famous Actorman

It was average as fuck and all of the super smart characters made dumb decisions at every turn. Shit happened just "because", like the air vents that had to be closed one by one. There was clearly a lot cut from the final product. Black science man clearly had an obsessive relationship with Calvin that ended up on the cutting room floor. That's why he didn't notify anyone that it was wrapped around his leg - half of his characterisation was missing. It's the same reason why Gyllenhaal's reading of the kids book and implied intimacy with the woman scientist seemed to come out of nowhere. The ending was predictable as fuck also.

That being said, there were some good scenes. Calvin's handshake, Reynolds' death and the drowning in space scenes were all memorable for me.

>why didn't the black guy tell anyone the thing was on him
I was under the impression that he didn't know it was on him.

Black guy is paralyzed and couldn't feel it.

It took me longer to figure that out than I care to admit.

Ohhhhhh, now I understand

>based Jake survived until the end

this. took me a second.

how coudl you not see it coming when he mentioned le 2 lifeboats meme.

I would have been surprised if it worked out as intended isntead of the setup for the Venom movie it ended on.

>surprise that the top billed actor survives until the end

Were you shocked that it was Schwarzenegger and not Shane Black that faced off against the Predator?

Life is part of a recent series of movies I'd describe as Dunning-Kruger Sci-Fi. Along with Interstellar and to a somewhat lesser extent The Martian, they perfectly play to the crowd that fancies themselves as (and, to be fair, may truly be) smarter than average audiences but are not as smart as genuinely "smart people." They are movies designed to make the audience feel smart by introducing complicated and heady concepts, and then holding the viewer's hand the entire way through until there is next to nothing to be left up to interpretation.

If you didn't already know the twist in Life by the time they decided to split up AT LEAST, you perfectly fit the audience I am talking about.

There is no reward for being smart while viewing these movies because everything is eventually spelled out in big fridge magnet letters. Any clever idea is made so transparent that even the most simple in the audience will get it. It also removes any reward for rewatching or trying to figure out what you just saw.

Granted, there is a difference between Life and Interstellar. I think where Interstellar was pretending to have a brain it actually didn't have, Life has a brain that it is refusing to let the audience use.

Completely disappointing movie.

>so that just happened

xD kys

its Alien but everything done worse, by no means bad but the flaws are obvious

>surprise that the top billed actor survives until the end
>Implying Ryan Reynolds didn't die 20 minutes in

It was ok. I'm not sure why they went with a cliffhanger ending when it's not getting a sequel.

He was a cripple. No feeling in his legs.

Why did the chinks open the pod when they clearly could see some unidentified organism eating away at a guy that's screaming not to open the pod?

yea im aware it's a sci fi movie and all but it still really bothered me that in this day and age they can't still get the space concept right. something as basic as there is no fucking sound in space. when that other shuttle crashed into the station there were explosions and hisses and all kinds of sounds in space. fucking why? at least fix that very basic fact

Why does an alien whose every single cell functions as nerve, muscle or photoreceptor need a face?


>every slasher movie where people are trapped with an alien in space is an Alien rip-off

I'm curious, did no film really do this before Alien? Or do people think Alien invented the concept because it's a popular movie?

Why can you only shut off the fire extinguisher in the quarantine section on the ISS one by one? That seems like a pretty stupid design flaw.

O'Bannon did lift a lot of elements from an obscure Spanish 50's sci-fi called Planet of the Vampires and his earlier script for Dark Star, but Alien was the first one to do it with A-list actors, a real budget and high production values and a straight up focus on horror (even "regular" slashers were kind of a new thing back then).

It's different from Alien enough. It reminds me more of The Thing.

I actually think that the way Calvin enters Rory's body was pretty cool. Ridley should take notes for any Proto-Xenomorphs he's planning to include in the cinematic xenokinoverse.

Add gravity to that

Film your suicide and add it to that list

So that sony could make the Venom 2018 movie