Hey guys, check out my cool new tattoo xD

Hey guys, check out my cool new tattoo xD


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can't get more reddit than that

Not Sup Forums relevant. Antifa should be put in camps and purged.

It's clear now what kind of people watch this shit

>using the evil morty

What did he mean by this

See, I didn't even get that at first. I thought the implication was that Rick had transferred his consciousness to Morty and left a Rick robot behind.

Well shit, now you've got me doubting

Jesus christ the antifa meme is real

Does this tattoo have something to do with Trumfp?

I mean nobody else on the internet seems to agree with me, so I am guessing it just went over my head because I am stupid. It also is funnier and makes more narrative sense to have an evil morty be worse than all the Ricks combined than it does to just have a boring transfer of consciousness bit.

Even if I'm in love right now, somehow you managed to darken my day user. What the fuck is wrong with these people.

I know we all put up this Irony act to deal with undesirable emotions, the same goes with sharing pictures like this to soften the impact of utter disdain and disgust towards people like the one in the OP's picture.

Much like fascists should.

antifa is fascist, though, but from the degenerate site

Think of how much better the world would be if everyone with a tattoo was purged.

hello r/milliondollarextreme!

nah i like fascists :)

what is your username, are you a poster on there?

What an asshole idiot

How is antifa fascist

Isn't "Anger is a Gift" a RATM lyric? I'm down with that

rewatching snatch over and over just makes me want to make some tattoos on my arms and back
inb4 t. millenial

>ywn have backtits you can grope while hugging you'r'selv
Hold me.

>fat white lolberal
>Rick and Morty
hello plebbit

hello /r/my600poundlife

if you didn't understand that oppost was mocking reddit you're the one who has to go back
I swear you faggots waltz into these kind of ironic threads and start screaming HI REBBIT, YOU HAVE TO BACK DO I FIT IN YET LMAO UPBOATED every single fucking day, Sup Forums needs to be fucking purged

It's literally "might is right" but under the guise of equality and humanitarianism.

As long as they aren't shit looking like in the OP

assaulting nonviolent people, labeling the masses and and attacking them when they dont agree with you

Could you elaborate on the might is right part?


You write like Eric Harris. Try not to shoot up a school, weirdo.

They're commies and hypocritical ones at that.

So the antifa?

The people that harass, assault, bully, murder and generally ruin the lives of anyone they don't like with illegal and legal means. While at the same time donning a uniform and not taking any personal responsibility for the lives ruined.

Gee who else did this to pressure people into their political views?

They beat the shit out people they don't agree with, using mob tactics and anonymous harassment. They're literally using the might of the group to make right, to the point where people are afraid to voice their opinion.

Antifa doesn't allow for political diversity. It's a bullygroup formed on the basis of one political ideology.

Fascism is the belief that society should be totalitarian, without a liberal democracy that allows for multiple points of view.
Fascism also believes that political violence is a means in which to controll the state, and that it should be allowed to kill or bully your opposition into submission.

Antifa is anti-nationalistic fascism, and it's honestly beyond me why it isn't treated as a terrorist group.


It's too convenient for general lefty leaning politicians to have them around. Just wait for the antifa to silence opposition.

t. radical centrist

pick a side, faggot

>people talking about antifa
>no idea what it is
>google it
>"Antifa only dislike racism when its carried out by whites"
So it's just a name SJWs can put themselves under i guess?


It's a group for violent mentally ill leftists that gets away with terrorizing anyone they do not agree with.

The autistic screeching of antifa is literally all the left has left. They've been gerrymandered into oblivion, lost all 3 branches of govt and quite frankly they've lost thier damn minds. After half of Obama's staff ends up in jail for illegally leaking classified info for political reasons, it will be the final nail in the American left's coffin. All they have after the Dems collapse is a bunch of fractured, indentity-politic-centered socialists like Bernie sanders, a guy who has no chance of ever winning a national election. Honestly, the left is completely irrelevant in America, and I don't see them even trying to recover.

I wouldn't expect a brainlet to understand, you'd have to be intelligent enough to realize the underlying principles behind things instead of putting arbitrary labels on everything based on your feels.

>The communists r da real fascists

t. dipshit liberal

>Communism isn't a form of fascism. Gernie 2024!
t. Mental midget

>The leftists are the real right wingers

t. dipshit liberal

you mad, brainlet?

>So it's just a name SJWs can put themselves under i guess?
Kinda, your usual SJW doesn't leave his twitter safe space. Antifas hit people and break public property, and it's ok when they do it because they're doing it in the name of social justice.


>getting a tattoo of some meme show

imagine if you got like a family guy tattoo in the early 2000s and how lame that would be today

In 10 years this faggot will be burning his skin to avoid looking like the dumb manchild he is.

Extremists are just dysfunctional assholes who hate their lives and consequently hate people, so they adopt an ideology that promises them a better life through fucking shit up for everyone else.

Actually you can, if you throw GoTG and Deadpool in there as well

would a Sopranos tattoo look bad?

I've often thought about getting a Sopranos tattoo

>would a (...) tattoo look bad?


These people are so bad at making catchy slogans, it's painful.

Depends on the people you surround yourself with and how you currently feel about the show. To us it seems lame but to them it's something they would fist-bump over.

Ironic since Rick and morty's creators fucking HATE the likes of antifa and commies in general

this more than anything else

my gott, this is the worst thing I've ever seen

you just know this fat turd would be purged first

Do they, now? I'd like to see some evidence of that, 'cos their actions and their show would lead one to think otherwise.

Using violence against people they don't agree with, armed marches through the street to intimidate, suppressing views they don't agree with with censorship to name a few things

They're the far, radical left

daily reminder to bash the fash

i saw a guy with a 'drinky crow' tattoo which is
an adult swim show that came out like 10 years
ago, on top of that it was very short lived, like
1 or 2 seasons. i thought the tattoo was really
cool and i think this tattoo is really cool too and
will be so forever, unless tattoos go extremely
out of style or something.

How do I join them?

you gotta stick a huge buttplug up your ass to prove your mettle

they literally except anyone except fit people apparently

drinky crow was a comic strip before AS produced a 15 min cartoon though

hella fuckin epic tats

Because antifa only go after fringe political groups like neo-nazis in particular?

theyll be relevant again ina few years when stupid normalfags start voting for dems because the republicans they voted in fail to do anything constructive

Fuck no.

Antifa go after any political movement that isn't extreme left wing.

Don't pull that bullshit on me, I've seen so many fucking antifa protests both in my country and USA for anything remotely conservative. How they always end up beating up people, and vandalizing peoples property. AND IT'S EVERY TIME THEY GET TOGETHER.

Don't pull that bullshit, you aren't nazi hunters. You are bullies and thugs, and shouldn't be allowed to exist in a society where freedom to chose and think is so fundamental.

You guys are the fucking totalitarians, and I hate your guts.

I'm fairly sure the majority of antifa are bored college-aged young adults who are drawn to controversial events.
>I've seen so many fucking antifa protests both in my country and USA for anything remotely conservative
Like, name 5 examples.

What the fuck would you get it of? Tonys face? An R shaped like a pistol?


>milo yiannopoulos at UC Berkeley
>trump rallies last week
>trump inauguration
>gavin mcinnes in NYC